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外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复




外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇一

dear mr. jones,

we acknowledge receipt of both your offer of may 6 and the samples of mens shirts, and thank you for these.

while appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.

we have also to point out that the mens shirts are available in our market from several european manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 10% to 15% below the price you being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%.as our order would be worth around us$50,000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession.

we are looking forward to your reply,



dear mr. jones:

with reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our sales confirmation , we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering l/c.

please do you utmost to expedite its establishment so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time. in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the l/c stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.

we look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.



dear mr. jones:

with reference to our sales confirmation dated august 10, 20xx, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing. this has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said sales confirmation.

you must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. if you refer to our sales

confirmation, you will see the clause reading: xxxthe buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th august, 20xx, failing which the seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further the goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. however, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your l/c, which must reach us not later than october 5, 20xx. if we again fail to receive your l/c in time, we shall cancel our sales

confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.

your cooperation in this respect will be appreciated.


外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇二

dear john,

thanks for your fast reply.

we do appreciate your efforts on this tender, we hope you can win it and we will spare no efforts to assist you to win this tender.

you know, except for giving you our lowest possible price to win this order, we need to use the best material to guarantee the quality of the product. we are a company focusing on long term cooperation instead of doing one time business, we need to give you and your client the best quality product with the best material. therefore, we can’t compromise on the material, and it will be very difficult for us to reduce the price.

but considering this is a tender and in order to start our cooperation from now on, we’d like to give you our “cost price” and leave no profit margin in our side to assist you win this tender. attached please find our rock bottom quotation with “cost price”:

we hope our efforts could help you win this tender, and hope to hear from you soon!



外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇三

dear john smith,

we are the main manufacturer of a product, b product and some other related product here in china, our product have been exported to [country name] market for many years. for more details about our company and our products, please kindly take a visit to our website at: ......

for your reference, i have attached our product catalogue here in this mail, please kindly take a view of it.

in case you have any interest or inquiry, please feel free to let us know.


lily lee

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇四

dear john,

how are you?

the shipment are expected to arrive hamburg port on 28th november(next monday), please kindly pay attention to its arrival and arrange the custom clearance.

in case you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.



dear john,

have you received the goods?

if you have any questions or problem with this shipment, please feel free to let us know.




外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇五

dear john smith,

my name is [your name] and i head up business development efforts with [your company name].

i am taking an educated stab in the dark here, however based on your online profile, you appear to be an appropriate person to connect with ... or might at least point me in the right direction.

i’d like to speak with someone in your company who is responsible for handling something thats relevant to my product.

if that’s you, are you open to a 15 minute call on [time and date] to discuss ways that our product can specifically help your business? if not you, can you please put me in touch with the right person?

i appreciate the help!

best regards,

lily lee

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇六

hi ,sara

nice to hear from u .

we are in beijing now , and will back to yemen the day after

tomorrow casue of temporary problems in yemen , but my friends will stay here for a few more days .

we have filed your company infomation and quotation, will give u the final answers in the near future. by the way , do u have ppt document including ur company inroduction and products catalogue ? we need them to show to our yemen govnt or other security dealers.


steve basnett

ppt模板下载 粤icp备13028522号

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇七

dear john smith,

first of all, we would like to express our thanks for your interest in our [product name].

regarding your inquiry, we are happy to provide you our brochure and our wholesale pricelist. please note that the brochure included all the information you asked items areattached at the end of this email.

in addition to the items above, we have also enclosed a catalog (presenting different types of[product] available) and our logistics guideline of this product. we believe that this will be ofhelp to you.

we hope our response has satisfied your request. should there be any question, please feelfree to contact us.

we look forward to hearing from you.

best regards,


外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇八




从零九年______小公司算起,到一四年的_ _分公司。诚诚信信,一路拼搏,也曾感慨良多,眼因多流泪而愈益清明;心因饱经忧患而愈益温厚。一路走来,岁月越是残酷,就越使我切肤的明了,什么是“朋友易交,故人难寻”。所谓故人,便是如他这般,如你这般,陪伴我,支持贰玖捌平价装饰一路走来的人。


每个人都会如我一般遇到爱,遇到苦难,遇到山重水复,遇到柳暗花明……. 真实这些都不稀罕,稀罕的是遇到“了解”。我孜孜以求,是我倾注在工地上的心血能为你所接受,能带给你舒适的居住感受。所以贰玖捌平价装饰不会刻意做作,也不会装腔作势,也不会故作高深。我相信,把这封信读到这里的人都是有梦想的人。我的梦想就是做一个平易近人的品牌,用心和你交朋友。也许我们没有一见如故,但我期待着在每一个灿烂的,明媚的日子里,每一个安静的夜晚,贰玖捌平价装饰公司的装修都能让您感到温馨舒适,为你所为。更盼着你我有机会深交,愿你我成为故人,每每想起更如沐春风的故人。


_____装饰公司是个新团队。图纸的设计,材料的选择,做工的精细,售后的服务水平…….. 我们能够想到的环节,都在尽力完善,如果有些方面或细节没有让你满意,还万望海涵。也请相信我们比任何一位客户都渴望在一夕之间解决所有的问题。若您愿意给我们时间和平价装饰公司一起成长。我们无以为报,只能在每一天,都怀着感激的心情用心服务。执着于对完美的追求,只为您的肯定。



_ _ _

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇九

subject:re: gloves manufacturer xxxxx.

dear xxx

long time no news from you,hows everything going these day?

i am writing to ask if the glvoes project still open? kindly pls keep us posted about that .thanks.

by the way xxx, any new enquiry,pls do not hesitate and feel free to contact for your feedback and thank you in advance.


外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十

dear john smith,

i hope this email finds you well!

i wanted to reach out because [explain how you got their contact information and how you relate to them: talked to a colleague on linkedin, saw your company online, etc.].

our company has a new [product or service] that will help your company [one sentence pitch of benefits]. we do this by:

benefit/feature 1

benefit/feature 2

benefit/feature 3

lets explore how our [name of your product] can specifically help your business. are you available for a quick call [time and date]?

best regards,

lily lee

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十一

dear john,

thanks a lot for your efficient work.

if possible, please kindly send us the bank slip once the deposit is made, so that we will be able to track the payment with our bank.

as for the freight cost from china port to hamburg, i will check it for you tomorrow morning immediately when we get back to office, because it is evening now here in china.

have a good day!



外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十二

dear madam,

we knew your name and address from the website of and note with pleasure the items of your demand just fall within the scope of our business line. first of all, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce our company in order to be acquainted with you.

our firm is an exporter of various womens cardigan. we highly hope to establish business relations with your esteemed company on the basis of mutual benefit in an earlier date. we are sending a catalogue and a pricelist under separate cover for your reference. we will submit our best price to you upon receipt of your concrete inquiry.

we are looking forward to receiving your earlier reply.

yours faithfully,

xiaomin ma, manager

yunzhou western trading corp

外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十三




a. 站内优化,主要分为以下几点:

2. 标题,可按照seo站内优化的原理,把更多关键词融入标题中

4. 产品详细图的处理,在现有资源的前提下,把重点推广的产品的详细图做一下,参照速卖通搜索在第一页显示的商城的,详细图应该展示dvd使用时的各个界面。

b. 站内营销,主要有以下几种方式:

1. 挑选一部分产品做打折促销,这样可以提高商铺的排名,增加曝光率,也会推进商铺其他产品的销售。

2. 挑选热卖产品做免邮,这也是促销方式的一种

3. 运用上速卖通本身的营销方式,后台有介绍。这个很重要。

4. 速卖通后台可以开一些收费才能看得到的功能,比如该平台的热卖产品,便于我们做产品调研和营销。

5. 多上一些金额小,热卖的产品,产生更多订单,同时可以通过给顾客赠送礼品或打折的方式,让顾客多留正评,提高商铺星级,这个



2.通过vk,facebook, twitter, google+等社交媒体等引流和营销。


外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十四

dear john smith,

hope this email meets you well?

l will like to draw your attention to an error made in the quotation list l sent earlier. pleasekindly note that the price for the [product name] listed on the quotation was noticed itafter l recalculated the cost.

on behalf of [xxx company], l sincerely apologize for this mistake. we are deeply sorry forthe inconvenience we have caused have attached the corrected quotation list to thisemail.

please let me know when l can call you to further clarify this accept ourapologies once again.

thank you.

best regards,


外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十五

dear john,

in order to enable you have a better understanding about our product, i have attached some pictures of our product here in this mail, please kindly take a view of it.

please note that the pictures attached here are for your reference only, we will make the production strictly according to your specific requirement.

looking forward to hearing from you.



外贸告知客户发货的邮件 外贸收到客人的邮件怎么回复篇十六


1 . 处理公司内部各种事宜,请以邮件形式发送(重要);

2. 处理公司外部事宜,请以使用邮件为基本,若需发送较邮件,可以通过qq传送推荐通过qq较附件上传到qq邮箱,可一次发送多人邮件,省时省力。

3. 如有需要其他部门或其他同事协同完成的工作,发送邮件时需抄送直接领导和相关负责同事。为方便邮件联系,请各办公室负责人收集当地办公室的邮箱。(北京联络处请张妍负责收集,武汉联络处请陆云负责收集,广州办事处请张凤敏负责收集);

具体邮件沟通方式实施规范如下: 一、关于称呼(特别注意)




4、对海外公司的客户和同事,可称呼“dear mr./ms.”或“dear sr.”;

5、多个收件人的情况下,可称呼“各位领导、同事”或“dear all”;















2、email结尾可使用“祝顺利”、“best regards”等问候语;









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