53.Thus,what in contrast to the Puritan colonies appears to Davis to be peculiarly Southern- acquisitiveness,a strong interest in politics and the law,and a tendency to cultivate metropolitan cultural models-was not only more typically English than the cultural patterns exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut,but also almost certainly characteristic of most other early modern British colonies from Barbados north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
54.A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.
55.These historians,however,have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period.
56.When the core of a giant star whose mass surpasses 1.4 times the present mass of our Sun exhausts its nuclear fuel,it is unable to support its own weight and collapses into a tiny neutron star.
57.This is so even though the armed forces operate in an ethos of institutional change oriented toward occupational equality and under the federal sanction of equal pay for equal equal work.
58.Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently.
53.Thus,what in contrast to the Puritan colonies appears to Davis to be peculiarly Southern- acquisitiveness,a strong interest in politics and the law,and a tendency to cultivate metropolitan cultural models-was not only more typically English than the cultural patterns exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut,but also almost certainly characteristic of most other early modern British colonies from Barbados north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
54.A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.
55.These historians,however,have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period.
56.When the core of a giant star whose mass surpasses 1.4 times the present mass of our Sun exhausts its nuclear fuel,it is unable to support its own weight and collapses into a tiny neutron star.
57.This is so even though the armed forces operate in an ethos of institutional change oriented toward occupational equality and under the federal sanction of equal pay for equal equal work.
58.Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently.