7.Is it not tyrannical,in Pascals sense,to insist that those whoexcel in sensitivity or the ability to express compassion meritequal wealth with those who excel in qualities essential in producing wealth?
8.Yet Waizers argument,however deficient,does point to one ofthe most serious weak-nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings topredominant positions in a society people who,no matter howlegitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lackthose other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
9. The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature hasbeen limited,hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,evenin the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfyingtranslation,of completely conveying the originals versestructure,tone,andsyntax.对美国印第安人传统口头文学的欣赏,一直被质量低劣的翻译所限制和妨碍,并且即使是那种不可多得的既体现着文化敏感性,又在美学上令人满意的译作,也难以完全传递出原作的诗体结构、语调和句法。
10.Mores,which embodied each cultures ideal principles forgoverning every citizen, were developed in the belief that thefoundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powersto be placed in service to the community.
11.Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a usefuldescription of participants that might characterize it in the light ofwhat social history has taught us about the process of revolutionarymobilization.
12.Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when theyattempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribeor village than when they undertake the formidable task of discoveringthe norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of manydisparate groups.
7.Is it not tyrannical,in Pascals sense,to insist that those whoexcel in sensitivity or the ability to express compassion meritequal wealth with those who excel in qualities essential in producing wealth?
8.Yet Waizers argument,however deficient,does point to one ofthe most serious weak-nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings topredominant positions in a society people who,no matter howlegitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lackthose other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
9. The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature hasbeen limited,hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,evenin the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfyingtranslation,of completely conveying the originals versestructure,tone,andsyntax.对美国印第安人传统口头文学的欣赏,一直被质量低劣的翻译所限制和妨碍,并且即使是那种不可多得的既体现着文化敏感性,又在美学上令人满意的译作,也难以完全传递出原作的诗体结构、语调和句法。
10.Mores,which embodied each cultures ideal principles forgoverning every citizen, were developed in the belief that thefoundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powersto be placed in service to the community.
11.Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a usefuldescription of participants that might characterize it in the light ofwhat social history has taught us about the process of revolutionarymobilization.
12.Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when theyattempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribeor village than when they undertake the formidable task of discoveringthe norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of manydisparate groups.