In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacs to Raisin in the Sun?
此题之所以难解,是因为题干中藏有圈套。请仔细观察题干,它问的是作者对谁的批评?是对I一伙的所有批评家的responses还是对I个人的responses做出的批评呢?当然是对所有的responses。出题者在此设下陷阱,让读者怎么看都像是对I的responses的批评,可是文章中对于I的描述并没有能和选项匹配的说法,因此用I到文中去定位,这道题当然无法做出:而文中对与I抱有相同观点的全体评论家们对太阳下的葡萄干一书的反应的描述十分清楚:Indeed, a curiously persistent refusal to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the plays thematic conflicts as mere confusion,contradiction, or eclecticism.Isaac, for exmaple,
评论家们从一个错误的前提推出一个错误结论,那么我们的作者应该怎么批评他们呢?当然要驳倒其assumption,说H是能作intentinal irony的。我们于是看到了D选项,intentianal 的完美的同义词:well-considered.从本题中可以体会到,对于句子的阅读能力是多么重要。
意群训练:In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacsto Raisin in the Sun.
In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacs to Raisin in the Sun?
此题之所以难解,是因为题干中藏有圈套。请仔细观察题干,它问的是作者对谁的批评?是对I一伙的所有批评家的responses还是对I个人的responses做出的批评呢?当然是对所有的responses。出题者在此设下陷阱,让读者怎么看都像是对I的responses的批评,可是文章中对于I的描述并没有能和选项匹配的说法,因此用I到文中去定位,这道题当然无法做出:而文中对与I抱有相同观点的全体评论家们对太阳下的葡萄干一书的反应的描述十分清楚:Indeed, a curiously persistent refusal to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the plays thematic conflicts as mere confusion,contradiction, or eclecticism.Isaac, for exmaple,
评论家们从一个错误的前提推出一个错误结论,那么我们的作者应该怎么批评他们呢?当然要驳倒其assumption,说H是能作intentinal irony的。我们于是看到了D选项,intentianal 的完美的同义词:well-considered.从本题中可以体会到,对于句子的阅读能力是多么重要。
意群训练:In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacsto Raisin in the Sun.