编辑点评: 新版GRE考试的考生都觉得语文部分的题难了,这主要是由于新GRE逻辑阅读部分的内容考生还是有点不习惯,或是没有准备充足。本文为大家整理一些新GRE逻辑阅读的练习题,希望考生能从平日的练习中总结规律,找到解题技巧。
Some would have you believe that the economic problems of Western Europe have been caused by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries oil cartel. This is nonsense. After all, Great Britain is not dependent on OPEC oil and yet Great Britain suffers from the same economic problems that afflict France and West Germany.
The author s point is made primarily by
offering Great Britain as a counterexample
analyzing the economic difficulties of France and West Germany
pointing out a misconception in reasoning
proposing an alternative explanation
drawing an analogy between France and West Germany