编辑点评: GRE阅读材料中最难以理解的就是材料中的长难句,GRE阅读中长难句的难点并不是一天两天就能解决的,需要考生的坚持和日常的积累。本文就如何理解长难句为大家举实例作分析,希望对大家的备考有用。
1. Even the radical critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.
即使是对这一主流研究模型的 激进 批评,诸如《分裂的社会》一书中所提出的那种批判,亦将少数民族同化问题过分机构地与经济和社会移动性的因素联系起来,因此无从阐明波多黎各人作为一个殖民地少数民族的文化从属关系。
解释:本句实际上是由and连接的两个句子,阅读的一个难度在于,and之后省略了they而are thus able to 又与前面离得太远,使读者难以找到主语。
另外,句中的固定搭配attach A to B和illuminate C as D当中的A、B、C,全部既长又抽象,理解起来较为困难。
意群训练:Even the radical critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.
编辑点评: GRE阅读材料中最难以理解的就是材料中的长难句,GRE阅读中长难句的难点并不是一天两天就能解决的,需要考生的坚持和日常的积累。本文就如何理解长难句为大家举实例作分析,希望对大家的备考有用。
1. Even the radical critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.
即使是对这一主流研究模型的 激进 批评,诸如《分裂的社会》一书中所提出的那种批判,亦将少数民族同化问题过分机构地与经济和社会移动性的因素联系起来,因此无从阐明波多黎各人作为一个殖民地少数民族的文化从属关系。
解释:本句实际上是由and连接的两个句子,阅读的一个难度在于,and之后省略了they而are thus able to 又与前面离得太远,使读者难以找到主语。
另外,句中的固定搭配attach A to B和illuminate C as D当中的A、B、C,全部既长又抽象,理解起来较为困难。
意群训练:Even the radical critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.