vacuous :: empty; inane
vainglorious :: boastful; excessively conceited
vapid :: insipid; inane
variegated :: many-colored
vaunted :: boasted; bragged; highly publicized
vehement :: impetuous; with marked vigor
venal :: capable of being bribed
venerable :: deserving high respect
venial :: forgivable; trivial
ventral :: abdominal
venturous :: daring
veracious :: truthful
verbose :: wordy
verdant :: green; fresh
vernal :: pertaining to spring
versatile :: having many talents; capable of working in many fields
vicarious :: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy
vindictive :: revengeful
virile :: manly
virulent :: extremely poisonous
viscid :: sticky; adhesive
viscous :: sticky; gluey
visionary :: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical
vitriolic :: corrosive; sarcastic
vituperative :: abusive; scolding
vivacious :: animated; gay
vociferous :: clamorous; noisy
volatile :: evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial
voluble :: fluent; glib
voluptuous :: gratifying the senses
voracious :: ravenous
vying :: contending
vacuous :: empty; inane
vainglorious :: boastful; excessively conceited
vapid :: insipid; inane
variegated :: many-colored
vaunted :: boasted; bragged; highly publicized
vehement :: impetuous; with marked vigor
venal :: capable of being bribed
venerable :: deserving high respect
venial :: forgivable; trivial
ventral :: abdominal
venturous :: daring
veracious :: truthful
verbose :: wordy
verdant :: green; fresh
vernal :: pertaining to spring
versatile :: having many talents; capable of working in many fields
vicarious :: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy
vindictive :: revengeful
virile :: manly
virulent :: extremely poisonous
viscid :: sticky; adhesive
viscous :: sticky; gluey
visionary :: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical
vitriolic :: corrosive; sarcastic
vituperative :: abusive; scolding
vivacious :: animated; gay
vociferous :: clamorous; noisy
volatile :: evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial
voluble :: fluent; glib
voluptuous :: gratifying the senses
voracious :: ravenous
vying :: contending