ubiquitous :: being everywhere; omnipresent
ulterior :: situated beyond; unstated
ultimate :: final; not susceptible to further analysis
unassuaged :: unsatisfied; not soothed
unassuming :: modest
unbridled :: violent
uncanny :: strange; mysterious
unconscionable :: unscrupulous; excessive
uncouth :: outlandish; clumsy; boorish
unctuous :: oily; bland; insincerely suave
unearthly :: not earthly; weird
unequivocal :: plain; obvious
unfaltering :: steadfast
unfeigned :: genuine; real
ungainly :: awkward
unimpeachable :: blameless and exemplary
unique :: without an equal; single in kind
unkempt :: disheveled; with uncared for appearance
unmitigated :: harsh; severe; not lightened
unruly :: disobedient; lawless
unseemly :: unbecoming; indecent
unsullied :: untarnished
untenable :: unsupportable
unwitting :: unintentional; not knowing
unwonted :: unaccustomed
urbane :: suave; refined; elegant
uxorious :: excessively devoted to ones wife
ubiquitous :: being everywhere; omnipresent
ulterior :: situated beyond; unstated
ultimate :: final; not susceptible to further analysis
unassuaged :: unsatisfied; not soothed
unassuming :: modest
unbridled :: violent
uncanny :: strange; mysterious
unconscionable :: unscrupulous; excessive
uncouth :: outlandish; clumsy; boorish
unctuous :: oily; bland; insincerely suave
unearthly :: not earthly; weird
unequivocal :: plain; obvious
unfaltering :: steadfast
unfeigned :: genuine; real
ungainly :: awkward
unimpeachable :: blameless and exemplary
unique :: without an equal; single in kind
unkempt :: disheveled; with uncared for appearance
unmitigated :: harsh; severe; not lightened
unruly :: disobedient; lawless
unseemly :: unbecoming; indecent
unsullied :: untarnished
untenable :: unsupportable
unwitting :: unintentional; not knowing
unwonted :: unaccustomed
urbane :: suave; refined; elegant
uxorious :: excessively devoted to ones wife