个人认为,类比在上述提到的五种论据方法中是最有逻辑性的,使用得当可以省力又出彩地证明观点。它有点像中学时代所学的几何题,解题的关键不在论证的过程,而是添加一条辅助线。只要找到合适的辅助线,论证就是水到渠成的事了。当我们想论证一个抽象复杂的命题AB 时,我们可以选择一个具体形象并且不需要证明的D来作为辅助线,然后就把原本复杂的AB的论证过程替代为论述AB和CD之间的相似性就可以了。这里需要指出的是,所谓具体形象且不需要证明的CD其实指的就是事实或常识。所以类比关系建立的难点就在与选择合适的CD。我们来看个例子。
The Negro has callus growing on his soul and its getting harder and harder to hurt him there. Thats simple law of nature. Like a callus on the foot in a shoe thats too tight. The foot is natures and that shoe was put on by man. The tight shoe will pinch your foot and make you holler and scream. But sooner or later, if you dont take the shoe off, a callus will form on the foot and begin to wear out the shoe。
Its the same with the Negro in America. That shoethe white mans systemhas pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it almost destroyed him. But it didnt. And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear out that system。
很显然在这段GMAT考试文字中,作者想证明的是全文第二段的最后一句话:And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear out that system。简而言之,就是黑人终将冲破白人统治,这就是通用的GMAT考试技巧。
个人认为,类比在上述提到的五种论据方法中是最有逻辑性的,使用得当可以省力又出彩地证明观点。它有点像中学时代所学的几何题,解题的关键不在论证的过程,而是添加一条辅助线。只要找到合适的辅助线,论证就是水到渠成的事了。当我们想论证一个抽象复杂的命题AB 时,我们可以选择一个具体形象并且不需要证明的D来作为辅助线,然后就把原本复杂的AB的论证过程替代为论述AB和CD之间的相似性就可以了。这里需要指出的是,所谓具体形象且不需要证明的CD其实指的就是事实或常识。所以类比关系建立的难点就在与选择合适的CD。我们来看个例子。
The Negro has callus growing on his soul and its getting harder and harder to hurt him there. Thats simple law of nature. Like a callus on the foot in a shoe thats too tight. The foot is natures and that shoe was put on by man. The tight shoe will pinch your foot and make you holler and scream. But sooner or later, if you dont take the shoe off, a callus will form on the foot and begin to wear out the shoe。
Its the same with the Negro in America. That shoethe white mans systemhas pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it almost destroyed him. But it didnt. And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear out that system。
很显然在这段GMAT考试文字中,作者想证明的是全文第二段的最后一句话:And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear out that system。简而言之,就是黑人终将冲破白人统治,这就是通用的GMAT考试技巧。