It is a thought- provoking statement that is being discussed here. 发人深思
As time goes by
The international situation is rather intricate 错综复杂
Freedom can not be absolutely free. But this equality is not really equality.
It is not a one-step way to go.
what is beneficial of harmful to the environment
will benefit the society and not harm the basic freedom
pursues its profits , it should look to the goals beyond this
The effective way, as far as I know, may be to limit
It is unwise to rely only on
an effectual method to preserve our nature
Traditional teaching method is no longer an efficient way. An effective way of teaching
To call a spade a spade. 实话实说
A, coupled with B .
Not by choice but by necessity
A and B are one and the same
One takes precedence over the other
all the activities will serve this pivotal goal even at the expense of the social benefit