Private equity in China is unlikely to take a hiatus despite imminent political change as the country's Communist Party readies itself for a leadership handover in around two weeks.
This will mark a once-in-a-decade move, seeing current President Hu Jintao handing over his mantle to Vice President Xi Jinping on Nov. 8. Chinese PE industry experts believe the shift in power will have only a slight effect on business, with one insider noting that investors should actually be more concerned about a growing exodus of people from the mainland, which could damage the country's entrepreneurial landscape.
'It's a brain drain,' said Mandarin Capital Partners Founding Partner Alberto Forchielli, who explained that many of those people leaving China are the ones who would establish businesses ─ ideal targets for private equity and venture capital investors alike. On top of this, it's a real sign that some people no longer have faith in China's growth story, he said, with the country recently reporting a third quarter gross domestic product increase of 7.4%, a drop from last year's growth seen at around 9.2%.
曼达林(Mandarin Capital Partners)创始合伙人福尔基耶利(Alberto Forchielli)说,这是一种人才流失。他解释说,很多离开中国的人都是会创办企业的人--这些人是私募股权和风险投资家们的理想目标。他说,除此之外,随着中国最近公布第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)增速为7.4%,较去年约9.2%的增速有所下滑,这实际上显示出一些人对中国的增长故事不再抱有信心。
From last year alone, immigration lawyers also saw an uptick in the number of visas from Chinese looking to emigrate, with the U.S. alone seeing 75% of investor-immigrant applicants from China in fiscal 2011, The Wall Street Journal previously reported.
However, for those in the PE world who consider themselves long-term China investors, it's 'not a bad time in terms of cost base' to do deals in the mainland, said one Hong Kong-based limited partner, who noted that if industry insiders adopt a wait-and-see stance to determine how Mr. Xi settles into his new role, the market could have revalued by then.
As the political shift nears, general partners may find their decision-making process about a possible investment or portfolio company ─ say, if it's considering an exit ─ more drawn-out due to uncertainty around the transition, said Chris Lerner, managing director at Eaton Partners. Indeed, GPs could even start 'reviewing their strategy from the top down and how best to position themselves, particularly from a fundraising perspective, once new tones and directives become clear,' said Shanghai-based Mr. Lerner.
Eaton Partners驻上海的董事总经理勒纳(Chris Lerner)说,随着领导人换届的临近,普通合伙人可能会发现,他们针对一项可能的投资或针对投资组合中的一家公司作出相应决策(如是否考虑退出)的过程,会因围绕换届的不确定性而拉长。勒纳说,实际上,一旦新的基调和方针变得明朗,普通合伙人甚至可能开始从上至下全面评估自己的战略,评估如何最好地为自己定位,特别是从筹资的角度来看。
If anything, the air of change could help Chinese private equity evolve, with GPs moving away from minority shareholding, pre-initial public offering deals to full buyouts, said Mr. Forchielli, whose firm manages a cross-border fund targeting Chinese and European deals.
'Before a change, no one wants to rock the boat,' Mr. Forchielli said, explaining that the Chinese government is seeking to consolidate industries, including the automotive sector, which may encourage PEs to play a more active role in aggregating companies and then exit via a trade sale. He added that there's an excess of capital in the Chinese PE market, amid a challenging exit market due to a lack of IPOs, so the 'nature of PE [in China] will have to change.'
Private equity in China is unlikely to take a hiatus despite imminent political change as the country's Communist Party readies itself for a leadership handover in around two weeks.
This will mark a once-in-a-decade move, seeing current President Hu Jintao handing over his mantle to Vice President Xi Jinping on Nov. 8. Chinese PE industry experts believe the shift in power will have only a slight effect on business, with one insider noting that investors should actually be more concerned about a growing exodus of people from the mainland, which could damage the country's entrepreneurial landscape.
'It's a brain drain,' said Mandarin Capital Partners Founding Partner Alberto Forchielli, who explained that many of those people leaving China are the ones who would establish businesses ─ ideal targets for private equity and venture capital investors alike. On top of this, it's a real sign that some people no longer have faith in China's growth story, he said, with the country recently reporting a third quarter gross domestic product increase of 7.4%, a drop from last year's growth seen at around 9.2%.
曼达林(Mandarin Capital Partners)创始合伙人福尔基耶利(Alberto Forchielli)说,这是一种人才流失。他解释说,很多离开中国的人都是会创办企业的人--这些人是私募股权和风险投资家们的理想目标。他说,除此之外,随着中国最近公布第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)增速为7.4%,较去年约9.2%的增速有所下滑,这实际上显示出一些人对中国的增长故事不再抱有信心。
From last year alone, immigration lawyers also saw an uptick in the number of visas from Chinese looking to emigrate, with the U.S. alone seeing 75% of investor-immigrant applicants from China in fiscal 2011, The Wall Street Journal previously reported.
However, for those in the PE world who consider themselves long-term China investors, it's 'not a bad time in terms of cost base' to do deals in the mainland, said one Hong Kong-based limited partner, who noted that if industry insiders adopt a wait-and-see stance to determine how Mr. Xi settles into his new role, the market could have revalued by then.
As the political shift nears, general partners may find their decision-making process about a possible investment or portfolio company ─ say, if it's considering an exit ─ more drawn-out due to uncertainty around the transition, said Chris Lerner, managing director at Eaton Partners. Indeed, GPs could even start 'reviewing their strategy from the top down and how best to position themselves, particularly from a fundraising perspective, once new tones and directives become clear,' said Shanghai-based Mr. Lerner.
Eaton Partners驻上海的董事总经理勒纳(Chris Lerner)说,随着领导人换届的临近,普通合伙人可能会发现,他们针对一项可能的投资或针对投资组合中的一家公司作出相应决策(如是否考虑退出)的过程,会因围绕换届的不确定性而拉长。勒纳说,实际上,一旦新的基调和方针变得明朗,普通合伙人甚至可能开始从上至下全面评估自己的战略,评估如何最好地为自己定位,特别是从筹资的角度来看。
If anything, the air of change could help Chinese private equity evolve, with GPs moving away from minority shareholding, pre-initial public offering deals to full buyouts, said Mr. Forchielli, whose firm manages a cross-border fund targeting Chinese and European deals.
'Before a change, no one wants to rock the boat,' Mr. Forchielli said, explaining that the Chinese government is seeking to consolidate industries, including the automotive sector, which may encourage PEs to play a more active role in aggregating companies and then exit via a trade sale. He added that there's an excess of capital in the Chinese PE market, amid a challenging exit market due to a lack of IPOs, so the 'nature of PE [in China] will have to change.'