How do I handle questions about potential salary?
Salary questions should always be deterred until an offer is on the table. So if a potential employer asks you how much money are you looking to make, what kind of salary are you looking for, the worst question and always a red flag for an applicant is, "What is your bottom line?" or ,"What is the lowest salary you are willing to accept?" If you ever hear that question, that is the major clue to turn down this company and just leave because they are strictly bottom line oriented. And if you're not going to meet their minimum salary requirements, then they are going to hire somebody who will. So you want to make sure that any discussion of salary is talked about when there's an offer on the table because that's the only time you have to really leverage that situation. If you're asked, "How much money are you looking for?" your response should be, "I am very very interested in this position. I'm sure we can come to a meeting of minds. I'm negotiable and flexible on salary. Let's table that discussion until you determine that I am one of the top two candidates."
薪水问题总是阻碍你接到offer的一个关键。如果面试官问你期望薪资或者是哪种你正在寻求哪种薪水,最糟糕的问题 “你的底线是什么?”或是“最低工资是多少你愿意接受?如果你听到这样的问题,也是你拒绝这家公司的主要线索或者只是离开,因为他们有严格的底线为导向。如果你不打算满足他们的最低工资要求,那么他们将雇用其他人。因此你想要确保任何关于薪水的讨论是在确保已经得到offer时,因为这也是你权衡此职位的时刻。如果你被问到你期望薪资是多少?你可以回答的是“我对此职位很感兴趣。我确信我能达成一致。薪水是灵活的课商量的。让我们讨论这个问题直到我是候选人之一。