本文是谷歌产品管理和营销高级副总裁Jonathan Rosenberg在其母校克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院向毕业生分享的他自己多年的职场经验,包括沟通、文化、团队建设、决策、创新和谦卑等六方面内容,一共42条“职场生存军规”。
Jonathan Rosenberg简介:作为谷歌产品高级副总裁的他,坚信“更开放,意味着更好的 谷歌 和更好的世界”。他围绕 Chrome 和 Android 建立团队。事实证明,他是颇有预见性的。今天,Chrome 和 Android 成了谷歌最具战略意义的两大收获。
#1 Be a broken record.
#1 别担心沟通过度
“When you think you’ve communicated something too much, you’re probably just beginning to get through,” says Rosenberg, stressing the importance of all-hands meetings, regular emails, office hours and team off-sites. Even if you’re truly surrounded by the smartest people you’ve ever met, assume all of them are busy with a hundred other things on their mind. “There is no such thing as too much communication.”
“每当你认为自己沟通过度时,你可能才刚刚开始”,Rosenberg 强调全体员工大会、日常邮件、办公时间和场外工作团队的重要性。哪怕与你共同的都是些聪明过人的能人,你也得假设他们脑子里都有100 件其他的事情要忙。“根本就没有过度沟通这回事儿。”
#2 Share everything. Hide nothing.
#2 分享所有,一件不留
“At Google, our default mode was to share all information,” he says. “We strived to empower everyone equally from an information standpoint. In the internet age, power comes from sharing information not hoarding it.” Employees like being trusted and hate being surprised. A policy of complete transparency feeds these needs.
#3 Every word matters.
#3 字字如金
A leader’s words should always be thoughtful and precise - everything you say will be interpreted. “Be crisp and direct and choose each word wisely,” Rosenberg advises. “Communication isn’t rambling on in long-winded emails or spewing out every thought that comes to your head.” He quotes author Elmore Leonard. When asked what has made him so successful as a writer, Leonard famously said, “I leave out the parts that people skip.”
一个领导人的话应该是考虑周全而且精准的——你的一切言语都会被演绎。“干脆、直接、聪明地选择每一个词语”,Rosenberg 这样,他还引用了作家Elmore Leonard 的话,“沟通不是来自一封封长长的邮件,也不是我们脑子里冒出的每一个念头。”当Leonard 被问起如何成为这么成功的作家,他说:“因为我省略了人们忽略的内容。”
#4 Tell stories.
#4 把故事讲好
Great leaders are great teachers. And great teachers are great storytellers. “Narrative is how we learn. If you want to be a leader, you will teach and tell stories. The two are inseparable.”
#5 Stop talking, already.
#5 别说了,立刻马上
You’ll never learn anything if you’re too busy talking. “Listening makes you more humble, more intuitive and smarter,” Rosenberg says. “Talking does none of these things. It just enamors you with your own eloquence. Too many people spend their time talking about how they think something works, when they could just listen to someone who knows. “But if you must talk, ask questions. People learn more from your questions than from your answers. It makes them think and explore the choices with you.”
如果你永远都在忙着说话,那你就永远学不到东西。“倾听让你变得更谦卑,更有直觉,更聪明。”Rosenberg 说:“说话做不到以上任何一点,它只能让你沉迷在自己的腔调里无法自拔。太多人花了太多时间讲他们如何看待事物,而这时他们本可以去听听真正行家的观点。如果你必须开口说话,那么就问问题。人们能从你的问题里(而不是你的答案)学到更多,它可以引起他人思考,并和你共同探讨答案。“
#6 But, if you know the answer…
#6 但,如果你知道答案.......
There’s a time for listening and there’s a time for straight talk. If you do know an answer beyond a shadow of a doubt, say something! Anything else wastes everyone’s time. “State the answer and don’t ask more questions,” Rosenberg says. But with one caveat: “Back up your position with data. You don’t win arguments by saying ‘I think.’ You win by saying ‘Let me show you.’”
有时候,你需要倾听;而有时候,你需要直言不讳。如果在一团疑问中,你早已知道答案,那么就大声说出来!其他言语都会浪费别人的时间。“说出答案,不要问多余的问题”,Rosenberg 说。但有一点:用数据说话。用“我认为”赢不下来争论;你要说的是“让我证明给你看”。
本文是谷歌产品管理和营销高级副总裁Jonathan Rosenberg在其母校克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院向毕业生分享的他自己多年的职场经验,包括沟通、文化、团队建设、决策、创新和谦卑等六方面内容,一共42条“职场生存军规”。
Jonathan Rosenberg简介:作为谷歌产品高级副总裁的他,坚信“更开放,意味着更好的 谷歌 和更好的世界”。他围绕 Chrome 和 Android 建立团队。事实证明,他是颇有预见性的。今天,Chrome 和 Android 成了谷歌最具战略意义的两大收获。
#1 Be a broken record.
#1 别担心沟通过度
“When you think you’ve communicated something too much, you’re probably just beginning to get through,” says Rosenberg, stressing the importance of all-hands meetings, regular emails, office hours and team off-sites. Even if you’re truly surrounded by the smartest people you’ve ever met, assume all of them are busy with a hundred other things on their mind. “There is no such thing as too much communication.”
“每当你认为自己沟通过度时,你可能才刚刚开始”,Rosenberg 强调全体员工大会、日常邮件、办公时间和场外工作团队的重要性。哪怕与你共同的都是些聪明过人的能人,你也得假设他们脑子里都有100 件其他的事情要忙。“根本就没有过度沟通这回事儿。”
#2 Share everything. Hide nothing.
#2 分享所有,一件不留
“At Google, our default mode was to share all information,” he says. “We strived to empower everyone equally from an information standpoint. In the internet age, power comes from sharing information not hoarding it.” Employees like being trusted and hate being surprised. A policy of complete transparency feeds these needs.
#3 Every word matters.
#3 字字如金
A leader’s words should always be thoughtful and precise - everything you say will be interpreted. “Be crisp and direct and choose each word wisely,” Rosenberg advises. “Communication isn’t rambling on in long-winded emails or spewing out every thought that comes to your head.” He quotes author Elmore Leonard. When asked what has made him so successful as a writer, Leonard famously said, “I leave out the parts that people skip.”
一个领导人的话应该是考虑周全而且精准的——你的一切言语都会被演绎。“干脆、直接、聪明地选择每一个词语”,Rosenberg 这样,他还引用了作家Elmore Leonard 的话,“沟通不是来自一封封长长的邮件,也不是我们脑子里冒出的每一个念头。”当Leonard 被问起如何成为这么成功的作家,他说:“因为我省略了人们忽略的内容。”
#4 Tell stories.
#4 把故事讲好
Great leaders are great teachers. And great teachers are great storytellers. “Narrative is how we learn. If you want to be a leader, you will teach and tell stories. The two are inseparable.”
#5 Stop talking, already.
#5 别说了,立刻马上
You’ll never learn anything if you’re too busy talking. “Listening makes you more humble, more intuitive and smarter,” Rosenberg says. “Talking does none of these things. It just enamors you with your own eloquence. Too many people spend their time talking about how they think something works, when they could just listen to someone who knows. “But if you must talk, ask questions. People learn more from your questions than from your answers. It makes them think and explore the choices with you.”
如果你永远都在忙着说话,那你就永远学不到东西。“倾听让你变得更谦卑,更有直觉,更聪明。”Rosenberg 说:“说话做不到以上任何一点,它只能让你沉迷在自己的腔调里无法自拔。太多人花了太多时间讲他们如何看待事物,而这时他们本可以去听听真正行家的观点。如果你必须开口说话,那么就问问题。人们能从你的问题里(而不是你的答案)学到更多,它可以引起他人思考,并和你共同探讨答案。“
#6 But, if you know the answer…
#6 但,如果你知道答案.......
There’s a time for listening and there’s a time for straight talk. If you do know an answer beyond a shadow of a doubt, say something! Anything else wastes everyone’s time. “State the answer and don’t ask more questions,” Rosenberg says. But with one caveat: “Back up your position with data. You don’t win arguments by saying ‘I think.’ You win by saying ‘Let me show you.’”
有时候,你需要倾听;而有时候,你需要直言不讳。如果在一团疑问中,你早已知道答案,那么就大声说出来!其他言语都会浪费别人的时间。“说出答案,不要问多余的问题”,Rosenberg 说。但有一点:用数据说话。用“我认为”赢不下来争论;你要说的是“让我证明给你看”。