There’s no hope for you.
Please give me just one more chance.
there is no hope for ... “……没有希望”。
There’s no helping you.
You are hopeless.
hopeless “ (人)很难救治的”、 “无望的”。
Nothing can be done to help you.
When was our appointment, again?
(我们的约会是几点, 你能不能再说一遍?)
You have a bad memory.
Your memory isn’t very good.
You don’t remember well.
You are really forgetful.
forgetful “健忘的”、 “容易忘记的”。
你只是不理解, 对吧?
You just don’t get it, do you?
(你只是不理解, 对吧?)
Get what?
get “理解”。
You don’t get the point, do you?
(你不明白, 对吧?)
No, I don’t understand.
(是, 我不明白。)
get the point “明白意思”。
You’re just not getting it, are you?
It’s just not sinking in, is it?
sink in “ (事情)被人理解”。
You don’t understand, do you?
He’s a brown-noser.
I don’t respect him for that.
brown-noser是俚语, 指“阿谀奉承之人”、 “谄媚之人”、 “拍马屁之人”。
He plays up to his superior.
play up to ... “对……阿谀奉承”。superior “上司”、 “地位高的人”。
He sucks up.
suck up “拍马屁”。
He’s a kiss-up.
kiss-up是俚语, “拍马屁的人”。
He’s an apple polisher.
I still haven’t finished the report.
You have no sense of responsibility.
sense “感觉”、 “意识”。sense of responsibility “责任感”。
You have no sense of accountability.
accountability “责任”、 “义务”。
You are irresponsible.
irresponsible “没有责任感的”、 “无法信赖的”。
There’s no hope for you.
Please give me just one more chance.
there is no hope for ... “……没有希望”。
There’s no helping you.
You are hopeless.
hopeless “ (人)很难救治的”、 “无望的”。
Nothing can be done to help you.
When was our appointment, again?
(我们的约会是几点, 你能不能再说一遍?)
You have a bad memory.
Your memory isn’t very good.
You don’t remember well.
You are really forgetful.
forgetful “健忘的”、 “容易忘记的”。
你只是不理解, 对吧?
You just don’t get it, do you?
(你只是不理解, 对吧?)
Get what?
get “理解”。
You don’t get the point, do you?
(你不明白, 对吧?)
No, I don’t understand.
(是, 我不明白。)
get the point “明白意思”。
You’re just not getting it, are you?
It’s just not sinking in, is it?
sink in “ (事情)被人理解”。
You don’t understand, do you?
He’s a brown-noser.
I don’t respect him for that.
brown-noser是俚语, 指“阿谀奉承之人”、 “谄媚之人”、 “拍马屁之人”。
He plays up to his superior.
play up to ... “对……阿谀奉承”。superior “上司”、 “地位高的人”。
He sucks up.
suck up “拍马屁”。
He’s a kiss-up.
kiss-up是俚语, “拍马屁的人”。
He’s an apple polisher.
I still haven’t finished the report.
You have no sense of responsibility.
sense “感觉”、 “意识”。sense of responsibility “责任感”。
You have no sense of accountability.
accountability “责任”、 “义务”。
You are irresponsible.
irresponsible “没有责任感的”、 “无法信赖的”。