The low oil price is a boon for some, at least. Lateon Wednesday China Eastern Airlines issued an alert that first-half profit would rise to $575m.Last year there was barely any profit at all. This makes analysts’ full-year estimates, alreadyrevised up 150 per cent, look low. The stock rose a tenth.
低油价至少对某些人来说是件好事。周三晚,中国东方航空公司(China Eastern Airlines)发布业绩预增公告,称上半年盈利将升至5.75亿美元。去年,该公司几乎没什么盈利。这使分析师的全年估计(已经上调了150%)看起来依然偏低。东航股价周四上涨十分之一。
This may be because of the roughly one-half drop in fuel prices from a year ago: China EasternAirlines has no hedging. But there may be more to it. The guidance implies that second-quarter net profit surpassed that of the first, despite a rebound in the oil price. Reported loadfactors have improved. Ticket prices may be higher as well.
China Eastern’s Hong Kong-listed H shares are up 70 per cent this year. The Shanghai-listed Ashares have done better still. In April, the company said it would like to issue new A shares.Too bad the money was not raised before what is looking like a cyclical peak.
The low oil price is a boon for some, at least. Lateon Wednesday China Eastern Airlines issued an alert that first-half profit would rise to $575m.Last year there was barely any profit at all. This makes analysts’ full-year estimates, alreadyrevised up 150 per cent, look low. The stock rose a tenth.
低油价至少对某些人来说是件好事。周三晚,中国东方航空公司(China Eastern Airlines)发布业绩预增公告,称上半年盈利将升至5.75亿美元。去年,该公司几乎没什么盈利。这使分析师的全年估计(已经上调了150%)看起来依然偏低。东航股价周四上涨十分之一。
This may be because of the roughly one-half drop in fuel prices from a year ago: China EasternAirlines has no hedging. But there may be more to it. The guidance implies that second-quarter net profit surpassed that of the first, despite a rebound in the oil price. Reported loadfactors have improved. Ticket prices may be higher as well.
China Eastern’s Hong Kong-listed H shares are up 70 per cent this year. The Shanghai-listed Ashares have done better still. In April, the company said it would like to issue new A shares.Too bad the money was not raised before what is looking like a cyclical peak.