安全用电英语?英文: how to use the electricity safely。以下是英语的相关介绍:英语的最早形式被称为古英语或盎格鲁撒克逊语(公元550-1066年)。古英语是由一组北海日耳曼方言发展而成的,这些方言最初是由日耳曼部落(称为角羚,那么,安全用电英语?一起来了解一下吧。
how to use the electricity safely帮到你的话望及迟吵时选为满枣枯意答案,谢凳旦洞谢O(∩_∩)O~
Beware of safety, water and electricity.
Beware of safety, water and electricity.
Using electricity safely 安凯键全用电1.遵守了这些规则,我升首们就能安全用电了.If we abide by these rules,then we can safely use electricity.2.第一百八十三条用电人应当按照国家有关规定和当事盯笑巧人的约定安全用电.The ...
节约用电 英语
一般可以说electrical safety;特指散笑尺用冲高电可以是safety in/on/of using electricity 或safety utilization of electric power 或safety in utilizing electric energy 或升高use power in a safe manner 或Using electricity safely 或use electricity safety
Safety comes from carefulness,danger comes from carelessness.事故出于麻痹,安全来于警惕。安全是生命之本,疏忽是事故之源。Safety is the basis of lives,carelessness isthe source of the accident.Safety electric,happy family.安游派全用电,幸福全神乎贺家。Pay attention to electrical safety,money pay attention to you .安全用顷裂电创造财富。More attention ,more safety.谨慎创造安全。
以上就是安全用电英语的全部内容,Before leaving, we should make sure that we have switched them off. If we don't use them, don't forget to turn them off, or this will cause a fire.电就在我们身边,没有它我们就无法生存。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。