做鬼脸英语?make faces 【词典】做鬼脸;挤眉弄眼;扮鬼脸 例句:They make faces all day.他们整天做鬼脸。He doesn't make faces in class any more.课堂上他不再做鬼脸了。那么,做鬼脸英语?一起来了解一下吧。
The little monkey is riding on monkey mother's back and keeping playing its funny ghost faces.
1.make a face 和make faces都可以
2.an 和a在这里表示类别。the+可数名词单数应该也可以表示类别。一些语法书消源上都是这样讲的。
4。不应该说lose fire. lose是“失去”的意思。
5。选A. What……be like?是说“……是象什么样子?”like在这个句樱桥裤子中是介词。look like中的 like也是介词。介词后需要跟宾语。what可以做它的宾语。How ……like?中的like是“喜欢”的意思,做动词。有句型问“你认为……怎么样?What do you think of……?=How do you like……?
little by little 一世如点一点地
over and over 一档简次又一次地
again and again 一搜蠢启次又一次地
neck and neck 并驾齐驱
hope against hope 抱着一线希望
at the school at school
in the hospitalin hospital
皱眉:frown;眨眼:wink;眯眼:squint;瞪眼:stare/glare at;暗送秋波:make eyes at sb;目光接触:eye contact;抬起眉毛:raise one's eyebrows;(鼻)呼哧吸气:sniffle;咧嘴笑:grin;撅嘴,绷脸:pout;打哈欠:yawn;吐舌头:stick out one's tongue;咬牙切齿:gnash面对面:face to face;做鬼脸:make a face;
摇头:shake one's head;点头:nod one's head;昂头:hold up one's head;扭头:turn one's head away;拍头:pat one's head;交头接耳:speak to each other's ears;Hand and foot movements:;掌心向上/下:palm up/down;竖大拇指:thumb up;抓耳挠腮:tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks;
伸手:stretch out one's hands;握手:shake hands;举手:put up one's hands;挥手:wave one's hands;鼓掌:applaud;手拉手:hand in hand十指交叉:cross one's fingers;薯乎顿足:stamp;踮脚:tiptoe;伸开双臂:stretch one's arms;挽着手臂:arm in arm;双手叉腰:with arms akimbo;
双臂合抱:fold one's arms;怀抱:hold sb. in one's arms;盘腿:sit cross-legged;跷二郎腿:sit with legs crossed抬腿:lift one's leg(s);蹬腿:kick one's leg(s);耸肩:shrug;肩并肩:shoulder to shoulder;伸懒腰:stretch oneself;扭动:sway;匍匐:grovel;蜷缩:huddle;鞠躬:bow;
蹲下:squat on the heels;倒立:stand upside down;发抖:shudder;依偎:snuggle拥抱:hug;单脚跳:hop;端坐:sit up straight;走路walk;跑run;跳jump;举手hands up;手放下hands down
1,make a face=做鬼脸/make faces扮鬼脸 都对!
2,因为the是定冠词,the代表特指某物某人,或唯悉雀一的如the sun
4,失火=fire fire在这里脊山就是动词 没有lose的事
5,考的是LOOK LIKE,看起来像……,what是一般疑问句疑问词不是考睁野早点。
以上就是做鬼脸英语的全部内容,1.make a face 和make faces都可以 2.an 和a在这里表示类别。the+可数名词单数应该也可以表示类别。一些语法书上都是这样讲的。3。这里的computer只是表达“电脑”这种概念,做定语。所以用单数。名词作定语一般用单数。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。