垃圾食品用英语怎么写?我们应该少吃垃圾食品用英语:1、We should eat less junk food.2、We have to eat less junk food.3、We want to eat less junk food.4、那么,垃圾食品用英语怎么写?一起来了解一下吧。
里面扮缺橡有编辑词条 垃圾食品目录[隐厅旁藏]
垃圾食品(Junk Food)是指仅仅提供一些扮卜热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。
Junk food: burger,pizza,fish&chips(炸鱼和炸薯条),sweets, cheesecake(I just love it!), non-fat-free icecreams, some chocolate products (such as chocolate bars, chocolate ice creams chocolate sandae).....
Healthy food: fresh veges, fruits, rice, whole-wheat/whole-meal bread, juice, milk, fish, red meet(beef or lamb), and so on
Junk food is food that is unhealthy and/or has poor nutritional value.
英文WIKI上是写局运蔽Junk food。
Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods which are perceived to have little or no nutritional value, or to products with nutritional value but which also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten, or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all. The term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972.[1]
Foods more likely to be considered junk food generally are those that are more convenient and easy to obtain in a ready-to-eat form, though being such does not automatically define the food as "桐州junk food."悄慎
healthy food:vegetables,fruits,milk,water.
junk food:KFC,Mcdonald's,barbecue.
以上就是垃圾食品用英语怎么写的全部内容,垃圾食品 世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品(不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。