This new London gigapixel image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 115 feet long and 56 feet high。
Shot by photographer Jeffrey Martin over a period of three days from the top of the Centre Point building at the crossroads of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, the image reveals the highest-resolution view of any city that has ever been captured。
摄影师Jeffrey Martin在牛津街和托特纳姆法院路的交汇处,中点间大楼顶部,花了3天的时间拍摄而成,这张照片是曾被拍过的城市中分辨率最高的。
From this vantage point - 36 stories up in the air - an astonishing number of landmarks, houses, skyscrapers, shops, offices, and streets are visible。
Previous attempts at world record gigapixels include a 26-gigapixel image of Paris, a 70-gigapixel image of Budapest, a 26-gigapixel image of Dresden, and Martin's previous record holder from 2009, an 18-gigapixel spherical image of Prague。
Martin, a panoramic photographer and the Founder of 360Cities.net, created the London gigapixel image from 7886 high-resolution individual photos taken from the Centre Point building. These thousands of photos were then stitched together as one single image on a powerful Fujitsu CELSIUS computer。
马丁,全景摄影师和360Cities.net网站的创建者,在中点间大楼上拍下了伦敦7886高像素的单张图片。之后,这几千张图片用强大的富士通CELSIUS电脑被拼接在一起成为了一张全景图片。 (实习编辑:顾萍)
It is a unique portrait of London, a dizzying panorama of our capital city captured in unparalleled detail. A newly published 360-degree image of London takes the crown as the largest, highest-resolution panoramic photo in the world. The image of London has a total resolution of 80 gigapixels, or 80 billion pixels。这就是独一无二的伦敦,一幅令人目眩的英国首都全景图捕捉下了前所未有的细节。新公布的伦敦360度全景图是世界上最大和分辨率最高的全景图。这幅图总计高达800亿像素。
This new London gigapixel image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 115 feet long and 56 feet high。
Shot by photographer Jeffrey Martin over a period of three days from the top of the Centre Point building at the crossroads of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, the image reveals the highest-resolution view of any city that has ever been captured。
摄影师Jeffrey Martin在牛津街和托特纳姆法院路的交汇处,中点间大楼顶部,花了3天的时间拍摄而成,这张照片是曾被拍过的城市中分辨率最高的。
From this vantage point - 36 stories up in the air - an astonishing number of landmarks, houses, skyscrapers, shops, offices, and streets are visible。
Previous attempts at world record gigapixels include a 26-gigapixel image of Paris, a 70-gigapixel image of Budapest, a 26-gigapixel image of Dresden, and Martin's previous record holder from 2009, an 18-gigapixel spherical image of Prague。
Martin, a panoramic photographer and the Founder of 360Cities.net, created the London gigapixel image from 7886 high-resolution individual photos taken from the Centre Point building. These thousands of photos were then stitched together as one single image on a powerful Fujitsu CELSIUS computer。
马丁,全景摄影师和360Cities.net网站的创建者,在中点间大楼上拍下了伦敦7886高像素的单张图片。之后,这几千张图片用强大的富士通CELSIUS电脑被拼接在一起成为了一张全景图片。 (实习编辑:顾萍)