Adriana Iliescu, 72, has become the world's oldest mother since 2005, due to her giving birth at the age of 66 after being given IVF treatment. Now mother and daughter live together in a flat in Bucharest, surviving on Iliescu's 250-pound-a-month pension and her income from her part time work as an academic at the city's university。
今年72岁的阿德里安娜-伊利埃斯库在66岁时生了一个试管婴儿后,便于2005年起成为了世界上年纪最大的妈妈。如今母女俩同住在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特市的一间公寓里,依靠伊利埃斯库每月250英镑的收入以及她在大学教书的兼职收入生活。 (实习编辑:顾萍)