CHICAGO -- One is a healthy first-grader, the other an honors college student majoring in psychology. Once the tiniest babies ever born, both girls are thriving, despite long odds when they entered the world weighing less than a pound.
The report involves Madeline Mann, born in 1989 weighing 9.9 ounces, then the world record; and 7-year-old Rumaisa Rahman, whose 9.2-ounce birth weight remains the world's tiniest. Rumaisa's birth weight was initially reported as 8.6 ounces, but that figure was based on a different conversionscale.
Tiniest Babies Are Growing Up Healthy Despite Odds
Bell estimates that about 7,500 U.S. babies are born each year weighing less than 1 pound, and that about 10 percent survive. Sometimes tiny babies with zero chance of surviving show signs of life at birth, and may be able to breathe for a short time if put in an incubatorand hooked upto a breathing machine and intravenoustreatments. "But even so, if it's a baby that doesn't have a chance, we don't want to put the baby and the family through the discomfort," Bell said.
Muraskas says his report highlights a sometimes overlookedfact: gestationalage is even more critical for survival than size.
Rumaisa and Madeline were both palm-sized, weighing less than a can of soda pop the average size of an 18-week-old fetus but they were several weeks older than that. Their gestational ages almost 26 weeks for Rumaisa and almost 27 weeks for Madeline meant their lungs and other organs were mature enough to make survival possible.
Madeline has asthmaand remains petite4 foot 8 and about 65 pounds at age 20; Rumaisa at age 5 weighed 33 pounds and was 3 1/2 feet tall, smaller than about 90 percent of kids her age. Current information on the girls' size was not in the report; Madeline is now 22 and a senior at Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill.; Rumaisa is 7 and attends first grade in suburbanChicago.
Jim Mann, Madeline's father, said having a baby born so small was "terrifying"at first. But other than asthma, the only lasting effect his daughter has mentioned is having trouble finding age-appropriate clothes because she remains so small, he said. That she has done so well is a source of pride, and wonder, her dad said. "I don't know why, we were just extraordinarily lucky," Mann said.
CHICAGO -- One is a healthy first-grader, the other an honors college student majoring in psychology. Once the tiniest babies ever born, both girls are thriving, despite long odds when they entered the world weighing less than a pound.
The report involves Madeline Mann, born in 1989 weighing 9.9 ounces, then the world record; and 7-year-old Rumaisa Rahman, whose 9.2-ounce birth weight remains the world's tiniest. Rumaisa's birth weight was initially reported as 8.6 ounces, but that figure was based on a different conversionscale.
Tiniest Babies Are Growing Up Healthy Despite Odds
Bell estimates that about 7,500 U.S. babies are born each year weighing less than 1 pound, and that about 10 percent survive. Sometimes tiny babies with zero chance of surviving show signs of life at birth, and may be able to breathe for a short time if put in an incubatorand hooked upto a breathing machine and intravenoustreatments. "But even so, if it's a baby that doesn't have a chance, we don't want to put the baby and the family through the discomfort," Bell said.
Muraskas says his report highlights a sometimes overlookedfact: gestationalage is even more critical for survival than size.
Rumaisa and Madeline were both palm-sized, weighing less than a can of soda pop the average size of an 18-week-old fetus but they were several weeks older than that. Their gestational ages almost 26 weeks for Rumaisa and almost 27 weeks for Madeline meant their lungs and other organs were mature enough to make survival possible.
Madeline has asthmaand remains petite4 foot 8 and about 65 pounds at age 20; Rumaisa at age 5 weighed 33 pounds and was 3 1/2 feet tall, smaller than about 90 percent of kids her age. Current information on the girls' size was not in the report; Madeline is now 22 and a senior at Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill.; Rumaisa is 7 and attends first grade in suburbanChicago.
Jim Mann, Madeline's father, said having a baby born so small was "terrifying"at first. But other than asthma, the only lasting effect his daughter has mentioned is having trouble finding age-appropriate clothes because she remains so small, he said. That she has done so well is a source of pride, and wonder, her dad said. "I don't know why, we were just extraordinarily lucky," Mann said.