剑龙的英语?问题一:剑龙用英语叫什么 剑龙 stegosaurus ;以上结果来自金山词霸 问题二:关于剑龙的的英语介绍 无法作答 问题三:剑龙的英语是? stegosaurus 问题四:关于腕龙,剑龙,翼龙的英语介绍!那么,剑龙的英语?一起来了解一下吧。
异特龙Allosaurus 梁龙Diplodocus 鱼龙Ichthyosaur 无颚龙Anurognathus
滑齿龙Liopleurodon 斑龙Megalosaurus 大眼鱼龙Ophthalmosaurus
雷龙Apatosaurus剑龙Stegosaurus 嗜鸟龙Ornitholestes 嘴口龙Rhamphorhynchus
雷龙Brontosaurus 翼龙Pterosaur 翼手龙Pterodactylus 棱长颈龙Cryptoclidus
扭椎龙Eustreptospondylus 棱齿龙Hypsilophodontid 始祖鸟Archaeopteryx
秀颚龙Compsognathus 冰脊龙Cryolophosaurus 腕龙Brachiosaurus
虚骨龙Coelurus 巨齿龙Teratosaurus 异龙Tiranosaurus 双嵴龙Dilophosaurus
角鼻龙Ceratosaurus 蛇颈龙Plesiosaurus 离片齿龙Timnoodontosaurus
巴拉帕龙Barapasaurus 赖索托龙Lesothosaurus 槽齿龙Thecodontosaurus
安琪龙Anchisaurus 畸齿龙Heterodontosaurus 踝龙Scelidosaurus
狭樱悉让翼龙Stenopterygius 小盾片龙Scutellosaurus 弯龙Camptosaurus
掘颌龙Scaphognathus 伊拉夫罗龙Elaphrosaurus 肯氏龙Kentrosaurus
叉龙Dicraeosaurus 永川龙Yongchuanosaurus 盘足龙Euhelopus
索德斯龙Sordes 沱江龙Tuojiangosaurus 马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus
磔齿龙Dryosaurus 奥陆辩思尼尔龙Othnielia
大鹅龙Anatotitan 甲龙Ankylosaurus 重爪龙Baryonyx 笨爪龙Baryonyx
角龙Ceratopsian 虚骨龙Coelurosaurs 恐爪龙Deinonychus 鼠齿龙Didelphodon
奔龙Dromaeosaur 矮异特龙Dwarf allosaur 爱德蒙托龙Edmontosaurus
鸭嘴龙Hadrosaur 森林龙Hylaeosaurus 海拉尔龙Hylaeosaurus
酷拉龙Koolasuchus 雷利诺龙Leaellynasaura 犹他盗龙Utahraptor
迅猛龙Velociraptor 暴龙Tyrannosaurus 木他龙Muttaburrasaurus
结龙Nodosaur 鸟脚龙Ornithocheirus 披羽蛇翼龙Quetzalcoatlus
提米穆斯龙Timimus 牛角龙Torosaurus 钉背龙Polacanthus 它蓓翼龙Tapejara
三角龙Triceratops 棘龙Edaphosaurus 塔博龙Tarbosaurus 禽龙Iguanodon
棘齿龙Echinodon 准噶尔翼龙Dsungaripterus 普罗巴克特龙Probactrosaurus
乌埃哈龙Wuerhosaurus 厚针龙Pachyrhachis 鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus
阿克脊局罗肯龙Acrocanthosaurus 塞塞罗龙Thescelosaurus 泰南吐龙Tenontosaurus
板果龙Platecarpus 无齿翼龙Pteranodon 厚甲龙Struthiosaurus 原角龙Protoceratops
阿利奥拉龙[Alioramus 薄片龙Elasmosaurus 青岛龙Tsintaosaurus 山东龙Shantungosaurus
赛查龙Saichania 后凹尾龙Opisthocoelicaudia 似鸵龙Struthiomimus
达氏吐龙Daspletosaurus 鳄龙Champsosaurus 剑角龙Stegoceras 狭爪龙Stenonychosaurus
原蜥冠龙Prosaurolophus 浮龙Plotosaurus 帕克索龙Parksosaurus 胄甲龙anoplosaurus
肿头龙Pachycephalosaurus 盔头龙Corythosaurus 阿拉莫龙Alamosaurus 鸭嘴龙Anatosaurus
厚鼻龙Pachyrhinosaurus 赖氏龙Lambeosaurus 戟龙Styracosaurus 似鸟龙Saurornithoides
尹氏芦沟龙 Lukousaurus yini 破碎中国虚骨龙 Sinocoelurus fragilis
原始川东虚骨龙 Chuandongocoelurus primitivus
亚洲古似鸟龙 Archaeornithomimus asiatiicus
嗜角偷蛋龙 Oviraptor philoceratop 艾里克敏捷龙 Phaedrolosaurus ilikensis
小巧吐谷鲁龙 Tugulusaurus faciles 蒙古疾走龙 Velociraptor mongoliensis
三叠中国龙 Sinosaurus triassicus 中国只脊龙 Dilophosaurus sinensis
建设气龙 Gasosaurus constructus 七里峡宣汉龙 Xuanhanosaurus qilixiaensis
上游永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis
巨型永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus magus
巨型永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus magus 甘氏四川龙 Szechuanosaurus campi
石油克拉玛依龙 Kelmayisaurus petrolicus
大水沟吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus tashikouensis
毛儿图吉兰泰龙 Chiantaisaurus maortuensis
浙江吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus zhejiangensis
破碎金刚口龙 Chingkankousaurus fragilis
广西原恐齿龙 Prodeinodon Kwangshiensis
火焰山鄯善龙 Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis
威肋阿尔伯脱龙 Albertosaurus periculosus 奥氏鹰龙 Alectrosaurus olseni
栾川暴龙 Tyrannosaurus luanchuanensis 霸王龙相似种 Tyrannosaurus
特暴龙未定种 Tarbosaurus sp. 许氏禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus huenei
巨型禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus magnus 黄氏云南龙 Yunnanosaurus huangi
巨硕云南龙 Yunnanosaurus magnus
中国近蜥龙(兀龙)Anchisaurus(Gyposaurus) sinensis
中和金沙江龙 Chinshakiangosaurus zhongheensis
武定昆明龙 Kunmingosaurus wudingensis
炎齿原颌龙 Protognathosaurus oxyodon 岳氏三巴龙 Sanpasaurus yoai
船城资中龙 Zizhongosaurus chuanchengensis 李氏蜀龙 Shunosaurus lii
巴以酋龙 Datousaurus bashanensis 荣县峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus junghsiensis
斧溪峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus fuxiensis 天府峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus tianfuensis
罗泉峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus luoquanensis
建设马门溪龙 Mamenchisaurus constructus
合川马门溪龙 Manenchisaurus hochuanensis
奇台天山龙 Tienshanosaurus chitaiensis
戈壁克拉美丽龙 Klamelisaurus gobiensis 湖泊嘉裕龙 Chiayusaurus lacstris
师氏盘足龙 Euhelopus zdanskyi 广西亚洲龙 Asiatosaurus kwangshiensis
坦齿蒙古龙 Mongolosaurus hoplodon 耙齿纳摩盖吐龙 Nemegtosaurus pachi
禄丰滇中龙 Diachongosaurus lufengensis 大山铺膮龙 Xiaosaurus dashanpensis
鸿鹤盐都龙 Yandusaurus hungheensis 拾遗工部龙 Gongbusaurus shiyii
五彩湾工部龙 Gongbusaurus wucalwanensis 兰氏灵龙 Agilisaurus louderbacki
戈壁原巴克龙 Probactrosaurus gobiensis
阿拉善原巴克龙 Probactrosaurus alashanicus
姜氏巴克龙 Bactrosaurus johnsoni 黑龙江满洲龙 Mandschurosaurus amurensis
蒙古计氏龙 Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis 中国谭氏龙 Tanius sinensis
金刚口谭氏龙 Tanius chingkankoensis莱阳谭氏龙 Tanius laiyangensis
南雄小鸭嘴龙 Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis
巨型山东龙 Shantungosaurus giganteus 富蕴牙克煞龙 Jaxartosaurus fuyanensis
棘鼻青岛龙 Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus 奥氏大地龙 Tatisaurus oehleri
太白华阳龙 Huayangosaurus taibaii 凹甲剑节龙 Stegosaurides excavatus
关氏嘉陵龙 Chialingosaurus kuani 多棘沱江龙 Tuojiangosaurus multispinus
江北重庆龙 Chungkingosaurus jiangbeiensis
平坦乌尔禾龙 Wuerhosaurus homheni 拉乌拉芒康龙 Monokosaurus lawulacus
明星天池龙 Tianchiasaurus nedegoapeferima 薄甲北山龙 Peishansaurus philemys
谷氏绘龙 Pinacosaurus grangeri 结节蜥甲龙 Sauroplites scutiger
肿头黑山龙 Heishanosaurus pachycephalus
辽西朝阳龙 Chaoyangosaurus liaoxinensis
蒙古鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus mongoliensis 中国鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus sinensiss
奥氏鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus osborni 固阳鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus gugangensis
新疆鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus xingiangensis
梅勒营鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus meileyingensis
戈壁微角龙 Microceratops gobiensis 凹齿微角龙 Microcera tops sulcidens
安氏原角龙 Protoceratops andrewsi
红土崖小肿头龙 Micropachycephalosaurus hongtuyanensis
岩寺皖南龙 Wannanosaurus yangsiensis 短棘南雄龙 Nanshiungosaurus brevisinus
Imagine walking through a prehistoric forest and coming face to face with a terrifying dinosaur. This could never have happened, of course. People and dinosaurs did not live on Earth at the same time. Dinosaurs died out long before people appeared. Dinosaurs lived from about 230 million years ago to about 65 million years ago.
Paleontologists (scientists who study prehistoric life) learn about dinosaurs by studying fossils of their bones. These fossils are the remains of dead animals that have turned into rock.
People probably found fossils of dinosaur bones thousands of years ago but did not know what the bones were. In the early 1800s, people realized that the fossil bones belonged to prehistoric animals. The first dinosaurs that paleontologists studied were named Megalosaurus and Iguanodon. The bones looked like those of reptiles, such as lizards. The flat teeth of Iguanodon showed that it was a plant eater. The pointy teeth of Megalosaurus showed that it was a meat eater.
The early fossils came from England. British scientist Sir Richard Owen in 1842 named these animals dinosaurs. The word comes from two Greek words meaning “terrible” and “lizard.” Scientists now know that dinosaurs were not lizards.
Paleontologists have found fossils of hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs that lived all over the world. Some dinosaurs were small like birds. Other dinosaurs were much bigger than an elephant.
Paleontologists divide dinosaurs into two groups, or orders, by the way their hips looked. One group had hips that were like birds’ hips. They called this order Ornithischia. The other group had hips like those of lizards. They called this order Saurischia.
There were three basic kinds of dinosaurs in the Saurischia order: theropods, prosauropods, and sauropods. There were five basic kinds of dinosaurs in the Ornithischia order: stegosaurs, ankylosaurs, ornithopods, pachycephalosaurs, and ceratopsians.
All dinosaurs were plant eaters except for theropods. Theropods were meat eaters that hunted plant-eating dinosaurs and smaller theropods. Most theropods walked on their two hind legs. One of the most famous theropods is Tyrannosaurus rex. This dinosaur was about 39 feet (12 meters) long and weighed 5 metric tons.
Some theropods were called raptors. Velociraptor and other raptors had powerful claws, like the claws of an eagle. These dinosaurs probably hunted in packs.
Prosauropods had spoon-shaped teeth and long, slender necks. These large, plant-eating dinosaurs stood on two legs and grazed on tall bushes and trees. One type of prosauropod, Plateosaurus, was 30 feet (9 meters) long and weighed 1.8 metric tons.
Sauropods descended from prosauropods. Some of the best-known sauropods were Apatosaurus and Diplodocus. These dinosaurs had thick legs and feet like elephants’ feet, but with claws. They walked on four legs. At one time sauropods were the biggest dinosaurs on Earth. Some sauropods may have been more than 82 feet (25 meters) long and weighed about 90 metric tons.
These ornithischians walked on four legs and had a row of bony plates down their back. Stegosaurus, a large stegosaur, also had spikes on its tail. It used its spiked tail for fighting off meat-eating theropods. Stegosaurus was about 30 feet (9 meters) long.
These dinosaurs were covered with bony plates that acted as body armor to protect them against theropods. Some had a bony plate in each eyelid and large clubs on their tails. Bony rings and spines protected their necks. Ankylosaurus was about 33 feet (10 meters) long.
Ornithopods were once the most numerous plant-eating dinosaurs. There were many different kinds. Over time, ornithopods developed broad beaks. These later ornithopods are called duck-billed dinosaurs. Some ornithopods were small and ran fast. Others were huge. Iquanodon, for example, was 25 feet (7.5 meters) long.
These dinosaurs walked on two feet. They had thick, dome-shaped skulls. Scientists think they may have used their thick heads to butt other dinosaurs.
These dinosaurs ware also called horned dinosaurs. One of the best-known ceratopsians was Triceratops. It had three horns on the top of its head: one horn on its snout and one horn above each eye. Triceratops could reach lengths of up to 26 feet (8 meters) and weighed more than 12 metric tons.
There are several theories about why dinosaurs died out. Many scientists believe that there was a sudden, violent event. They think that an asteroid or comet collided with Earth. Fire from the impact burned large areas. Dust blocked sunlight from reaching the surface of Earth. Acid rain fell everywhere. Plants could not grow. There was no food for the plant-eating dinosaurs, so they died out. Dinosaurs that ate plant-eating animals also died out.
Other scientists think that the environment changed. Maybe the climate grew colder and dinosaurs slowly became extinct over several million years.
Many scientists think that birds descended from a small kind of dinosaur. If this is true, then dinosaurs, in a sense, are still alive in the form of modern birds.
Seasaur 蛇颈龙
Skysaur 翼手龙
大鹅龙Anatotitan 甲龙Ankylosaurus 重爪龙Baryonyx 笨爪龙Baryonyx
角龙Ceratopsian 虚骨龙Coelurosaurs 恐爪龙Deinonychus 鼠齿龙Didelphodon
奔龙Dromaeosaur 矮异特龙Dwarf allosaur 爱德蒙托龙Edmontosaurus
鸭嘴龙Hadrosaur 森林龙Hylaeosaurus 海拉尔龙Hylaeosaurus
酷拉龙Koolasuchus 雷利诺龙Leaellynasaura 犹他盗龙Utahraptor
迅猛龙Velociraptor 暴龙Tyrannosaurus 木他龙Muttaburrasaurus
结龙Nodosaur 鸟脚龙Ornithocheirus 披嫌滚羽蛇翼龙Quetzalcoatlus
提蚂者念米穆斯龙Timimus 牛角龙Torosaurus 钉背龙Polacanthus 它蓓翼龙Tapejara
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以上就是剑龙的英语的全部内容,剑龙英文名字(Stegosaurus)的含义是“掩盖着的蜥蜴”或“有屋顶的蜥蜴”。科学家们不知道剑龙背上的这些板状的骨头有什么用。一些人认为剑龙利用这些骨头来保温。M.P. Felch 在1876年发现了第一具剑龙化石。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。