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1. Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, That Wedding

1. 比阿特丽丝(Beatrice)公主和欧仁妮(Eugenie)公主,那场婚礼上

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

The two princesses, daughters of William's uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, made history at the royal wedding. In the future, fashion mishaps might all be judged against the benchmark they set. "Was it as bad as the princesses at the royal wedding?" people will ask of an unfortunate bridesmaid's outfit. "It was reviled," people might say. "Two-Beatrice-hats reviled." In all fairness, though, the pair made some pretty sweet lemonade from the sour reception their outfits received. Variously described as a toilet seat, a pretzel and a family-planning device, Beatrice's headpiece sold for tens of thousands of pounds at an online auction, the proceeds of which she donated to one of her mother's charities.

这两位公主是威廉王子的叔叔——安德鲁王子和莎拉·弗格森(Sarah Ferguson)的女儿。她们在皇室婚礼上创造了惊人的历史,并可能成为将来界定时尚事故的标准。“那会像公主们在皇室婚礼上那样糟糕吗?人们会询问那些可怜的伴娘们地礼服。人们可能会说,“那些衣服被骂惨了。那两顶比阿特丽丝帽子真讨骂。平心而论,虽然这对公主的礼服遭到了恶劣的评论攻击,但她们依然用这些礼服做了些好事。比阿特丽丝头上的那坨东西被大家描述成像坐便器、椒盐脆饼和某样计划生育用品,但是这东西还是以上万英镑的价格在网上被拍卖出去了,而拍卖过程中所获得的钱被全数捐到她母亲的一所慈善机构中。

2. Kim Kardashian, Kardashian Wedding-ganza

2. 金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian),卡戴珊婚礼派对

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Everything about Kim Kardashian's marriage to NBA player Kris Humphries was excessive. So it should come as no surprise that Kardashian wore three wedding gowns, all designed by Vera Wang, for the event (which was all for naught; Kardashian filed for divorce 72 days later). Though each dress looked tackier than the next, the biggest offender was the strapless gown Kardashian wore for her walk down the aisle. Her bust seemed to be falling out of the tight top, while the skirt looked like an oversize tulle ball that made Kardashian's hips look huge. To each her own, but Kardashian would have done well to take tips from that other famous bride from 2011.

所有关于金·卡戴珊和NBA球星克里斯·汉弗莱斯(Kris Humphries)的一切都很夸张。因此,婚礼上出现三套王薇薇设计的结婚礼服对于他们结婚这件事情(这婚姻根本就是儿戏,卡戴珊72天后就诉请离婚了)来说应该不算什么稀奇事。虽然这些裙子看起来一条比一条俗气,但是最最雷人的莫过于卡戴珊步入婚姻殿堂时穿的露肩礼服。她的胸部看起来就要从那紧紧的胸围中蹦出来一样,然而她的裙子看起来却像是一个超大尺寸的薄纱球,让卡戴珊的臀部看起来巨大无比。卡戴珊本来可以打扮得更好看的,如果她多观察其她2011年的名人新娘就不会这样了。

3. Christina Aguilera, the Golden Globe Awards

3. 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),金球奖颁奖典礼

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Singer–striving actress Christina Aguilera attended the Golden Globes in January for her nominated film, Burlesque. But someone forgot to tell Aguilera that the dress you wear to an awards show doesn't have to be inspired by the movie for which you are nominated. The nude-and-black mermaid dress that Aguilera wore hugged her too closely, making her petite figure look, well, not so petite.


4. Al Pacino, the Tony Awards

4. 艾尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino),托尼奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

Alfredo, Alfredo, Alfredo. You're breaking our hearts. Everybody loved your Merchant of Venice on Broadway. But then you have to go and turn up at the Tony Awards looking like the merchant of Vegas. The shiny waistcoat and shambolic, baggy tux are fine. The hairband is too — if you're Bjorn Borg on center court in the '70s, that is. For the Tonys, you might want to consider a nice wash and set instead.

阿尔弗雷德,阿尔弗雷德,阿尔弗雷德啊!你真是伤我们的心啊!大家都爱你在百老汇演的《威尼斯商人》。可是接下来你却这个样子出现在托尼奖的颁奖典礼上,看起来活像那拉斯维加斯商人。这闪亮亮的坎肩和破旧不堪的松松垮垮的领带结也就算了,可那眼罩也太——但如果你是70年代的比约·博格(Bjorn Borg)正站在中心球场上那也就算了。要上托尼奖,你可能得好好考虑把自己洗洗干净然后好好收拾整齐才行啊。

5. Naomi Campbell, Met Gala

5. 娜奥米·坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell),

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

It may be sacrilegious to mention this, but even the late great Alexander McQueen had his off days. It was probably on one of those that he designed the dress Naomi Campbell wore to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Gala, which coincided with the exhibition opening of the designer's work. The dress, evocative of a badly hemmed, early-'90s Romanian ice-dancing costume, swamped Campbell, who has the rare ability to carry off almost anything. Still, it was a McQueen, so perhaps someone had to wear it.





6. Adam Lambert, the American Music Awards

6. 亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert),美国音乐奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

On the one hand, Adam Lambert was admirably committed to going big at November's American Music Awards. And as Justin Bieber also demonstrated, men break out of the black-tie straitjacket at their peril. On the other hand, shimmery pants, double-breasted vest and tie? That's just a little too much disco-sandpaper for one man, no matter how high he can get his hair to go.

从某一方面来看,亚当·兰伯特在11月的美国音乐奖的颁奖典礼上,令人钦佩地确定了他即将成为大明星的事实。而正如贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)也表明,男人会在他们危急的时候挣脱黑色领带的束缚。另一方面,裤子、双排扣的背心和领带全都是金灿灿地发着光?那样对于一个男人来说就有点太闪了,不管他想把他的头发弄得多高。

7. John Galliano, Those Bad Words

7. 约翰·加里亚诺(John Galliano),那些污言秽语

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Fashion's bad boy, dubbed so for his boundary-pushing, rule-breaking designs, committed a truly offensive crime in late February, when he hurled anti-Semitic slurs at a couple in Paris. Dior quickly fired John Galliano from his role as creative director, and Natalie Portman — who had recently signed on to become the spokeswoman of Miss Dior Cherie perfume — disassociated herself from the designer completely. Portman was widely expected to wear Dior to the 2011 Academy Awards but instead chose a dress by Rodarte, the same designers who created her costumes for Black Swan. In September, a French court found the designer guilty for his remarks and fined him €6,000 (over $8,000). Galliano's career, however, took a much bigger hit. Dior is still searching for his replacement.

他是时尚界的坏男孩,他那些颇具争议的、打破常规的设计是他最好的代表。他在今年二月的时候犯下了令人发指的罪行,他在巴黎用反对犹太人的侮辱性语言痛骂一对夫妇。迪奥(Dior)很快就炒掉了他这个创意总监,而最近才签约成为迪奥小姐,切丽香水的代言人的娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)也跟这位设计师完全撇清了关系。参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼的时候,众人都期待波特曼会穿迪奥的礼服,而不是选择罗达特(Rodarte)品牌的礼服,那可是给她设计电影《黑天鹅》的服装的设计师们所拥有的品牌啊。九月份的时候,法国的一个法庭判他因为发表侮辱性言论有罪,并处罚金6,000欧元(折合8,000多美元)。然而加里亚诺的事业却是突飞猛进。迪奥依然在寻找顶替他的位置的人。

8. Angie Harmon, the Screen Actors Guild Awards

8. 安吉·哈蒙(Angie Harmon),电影演员工会奖颁奖典礼

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Ahead of the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Jan. 30, an excited Angie Harmon tweeted about her dress: "I feel like its my wedding day!!! THE REVEAL!!!!" Harmon turned up on the red carpet in a flamingo-like strapless, feathery pink Monique Lhuillier dress. Perhaps we wouldn't have been so turned off by the flamboyant number had Harmon worn it on her actual wedding day. But the dress seemed too flashy for the event, which is the quietest of the three major awards-season shows.

1月30日,就在电影演员工会奖颁奖典礼之前,兴奋不已的安吉·哈蒙在推特上谈论她的礼服:“事先透露一下!我感觉像是穿着结婚礼服!!颁奖礼当天,哈蒙穿着火烈鸟一般、粉红羽毛的莫尼克·鲁里耶(Monique Lhuillier)露肩礼服出现在红地毯上。如果哈蒙真的在她结婚那天穿着这件礼服,我们可能不会对这么多这么华丽的羽毛感到失望。但是这条裙子对这个活动来说太过于浮华了,这次的活动可算是三个主要大奖的季节演出中最为安静的一个。

9. Kate Middleton, Almost Every Day

9. 凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton),几乎每一天

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Kate Middleton's Grace Kelly–inspired wedding gown, designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen, was perhaps the dress of 2011, but the majority of her sartorial choices this year have been disappointments. It's understandable that royal protocol would dictate more conservative choices for the new Duchess, but at times, Middleton's picks have bordered on plain boring. Aside from a sparkly evening gown here and there, Middleton has stuck with safe silhouettes in more shades of nude and navy than we knew existed. Her penchant for plain reached a pinnacle on July 5, when Middleton wore a beige dress, beige heels and — surprise — a beige belt for a visit to the Somba K'e Civic Plaza in Yellowknife, Canada, as part of her and Prince William's first official North American tour as a married couple.

凯特·米德尔顿的结婚礼服收到格蕾丝·凯莉(Grace Kelly)的启发,由莎拉·伯顿(Sarah Burton)为亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)设计的。这结婚礼服本来可能是2011年度最佳礼服,但她大多数的对于衣服的剪裁选择让人大失所望。皇家条例可能会迫使新的女公爵的选择更为保守,这是可以理解的。但是有时候,米德尔顿的选择已经是快要让人感到非常无聊了。除了到处都有地闪亮晚礼服,米德尔顿一直都选择更安全的剪裁,用了比我们想象中更多的裸色和深蓝色的影子在衣服上。她对于简朴的嗜好在7月5日的时候已经达到了一个巅峰,当时她正跟威廉王子以已婚夫妇的身份对北美进行第一次官方访问。那天米德尔顿正在游览加拿大的耶洛奈夫的桑巴文娱广场(the Somba K'e Civic Plaza),她穿着一条米色的裙子、米色的高跟鞋还戴着一条米色的腰带!惊讶吧!

10. Carrie Underwood, the Country Music Awards

10. 凯莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood),乡村音乐奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

As the co-host of this year's CMAs, Carrie Underwood gamely switched outfits half a dozen times to keep everyone on their toes. Some were supershort to show off her legs. Some were low cut to show of her décolletage. But unless a bathroom-fixtures firm was a silent sponsor of the show, there's no explaining the peach-hued shower curtain and bath cleaner ensemble she donned early on. Alternatively, she may well have had it on sideways — those quick changes can be tricky.





1. Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, That Wedding

1. 比阿特丽丝(Beatrice)公主和欧仁妮(Eugenie)公主,那场婚礼上

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

The two princesses, daughters of William's uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, made history at the royal wedding. In the future, fashion mishaps might all be judged against the benchmark they set. "Was it as bad as the princesses at the royal wedding?" people will ask of an unfortunate bridesmaid's outfit. "It was reviled," people might say. "Two-Beatrice-hats reviled." In all fairness, though, the pair made some pretty sweet lemonade from the sour reception their outfits received. Variously described as a toilet seat, a pretzel and a family-planning device, Beatrice's headpiece sold for tens of thousands of pounds at an online auction, the proceeds of which she donated to one of her mother's charities.

这两位公主是威廉王子的叔叔——安德鲁王子和莎拉·弗格森(Sarah Ferguson)的女儿。她们在皇室婚礼上创造了惊人的历史,并可能成为将来界定时尚事故的标准。“那会像公主们在皇室婚礼上那样糟糕吗?人们会询问那些可怜的伴娘们地礼服。人们可能会说,“那些衣服被骂惨了。那两顶比阿特丽丝帽子真讨骂。平心而论,虽然这对公主的礼服遭到了恶劣的评论攻击,但她们依然用这些礼服做了些好事。比阿特丽丝头上的那坨东西被大家描述成像坐便器、椒盐脆饼和某样计划生育用品,但是这东西还是以上万英镑的价格在网上被拍卖出去了,而拍卖过程中所获得的钱被全数捐到她母亲的一所慈善机构中。

2. Kim Kardashian, Kardashian Wedding-ganza

2. 金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian),卡戴珊婚礼派对

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Everything about Kim Kardashian's marriage to NBA player Kris Humphries was excessive. So it should come as no surprise that Kardashian wore three wedding gowns, all designed by Vera Wang, for the event (which was all for naught; Kardashian filed for divorce 72 days later). Though each dress looked tackier than the next, the biggest offender was the strapless gown Kardashian wore for her walk down the aisle. Her bust seemed to be falling out of the tight top, while the skirt looked like an oversize tulle ball that made Kardashian's hips look huge. To each her own, but Kardashian would have done well to take tips from that other famous bride from 2011.

所有关于金·卡戴珊和NBA球星克里斯·汉弗莱斯(Kris Humphries)的一切都很夸张。因此,婚礼上出现三套王薇薇设计的结婚礼服对于他们结婚这件事情(这婚姻根本就是儿戏,卡戴珊72天后就诉请离婚了)来说应该不算什么稀奇事。虽然这些裙子看起来一条比一条俗气,但是最最雷人的莫过于卡戴珊步入婚姻殿堂时穿的露肩礼服。她的胸部看起来就要从那紧紧的胸围中蹦出来一样,然而她的裙子看起来却像是一个超大尺寸的薄纱球,让卡戴珊的臀部看起来巨大无比。卡戴珊本来可以打扮得更好看的,如果她多观察其她2011年的名人新娘就不会这样了。

3. Christina Aguilera, the Golden Globe Awards

3. 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),金球奖颁奖典礼

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Singer–striving actress Christina Aguilera attended the Golden Globes in January for her nominated film, Burlesque. But someone forgot to tell Aguilera that the dress you wear to an awards show doesn't have to be inspired by the movie for which you are nominated. The nude-and-black mermaid dress that Aguilera wore hugged her too closely, making her petite figure look, well, not so petite.


4. Al Pacino, the Tony Awards

4. 艾尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino),托尼奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

Alfredo, Alfredo, Alfredo. You're breaking our hearts. Everybody loved your Merchant of Venice on Broadway. But then you have to go and turn up at the Tony Awards looking like the merchant of Vegas. The shiny waistcoat and shambolic, baggy tux are fine. The hairband is too — if you're Bjorn Borg on center court in the '70s, that is. For the Tonys, you might want to consider a nice wash and set instead.

阿尔弗雷德,阿尔弗雷德,阿尔弗雷德啊!你真是伤我们的心啊!大家都爱你在百老汇演的《威尼斯商人》。可是接下来你却这个样子出现在托尼奖的颁奖典礼上,看起来活像那拉斯维加斯商人。这闪亮亮的坎肩和破旧不堪的松松垮垮的领带结也就算了,可那眼罩也太——但如果你是70年代的比约·博格(Bjorn Borg)正站在中心球场上那也就算了。要上托尼奖,你可能得好好考虑把自己洗洗干净然后好好收拾整齐才行啊。

5. Naomi Campbell, Met Gala

5. 娜奥米·坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell),

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

It may be sacrilegious to mention this, but even the late great Alexander McQueen had his off days. It was probably on one of those that he designed the dress Naomi Campbell wore to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Gala, which coincided with the exhibition opening of the designer's work. The dress, evocative of a badly hemmed, early-'90s Romanian ice-dancing costume, swamped Campbell, who has the rare ability to carry off almost anything. Still, it was a McQueen, so perhaps someone had to wear it.





6. Adam Lambert, the American Music Awards

6. 亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert),美国音乐奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

On the one hand, Adam Lambert was admirably committed to going big at November's American Music Awards. And as Justin Bieber also demonstrated, men break out of the black-tie straitjacket at their peril. On the other hand, shimmery pants, double-breasted vest and tie? That's just a little too much disco-sandpaper for one man, no matter how high he can get his hair to go.

从某一方面来看,亚当·兰伯特在11月的美国音乐奖的颁奖典礼上,令人钦佩地确定了他即将成为大明星的事实。而正如贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)也表明,男人会在他们危急的时候挣脱黑色领带的束缚。另一方面,裤子、双排扣的背心和领带全都是金灿灿地发着光?那样对于一个男人来说就有点太闪了,不管他想把他的头发弄得多高。

7. John Galliano, Those Bad Words

7. 约翰·加里亚诺(John Galliano),那些污言秽语

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Fashion's bad boy, dubbed so for his boundary-pushing, rule-breaking designs, committed a truly offensive crime in late February, when he hurled anti-Semitic slurs at a couple in Paris. Dior quickly fired John Galliano from his role as creative director, and Natalie Portman — who had recently signed on to become the spokeswoman of Miss Dior Cherie perfume — disassociated herself from the designer completely. Portman was widely expected to wear Dior to the 2011 Academy Awards but instead chose a dress by Rodarte, the same designers who created her costumes for Black Swan. In September, a French court found the designer guilty for his remarks and fined him €6,000 (over $8,000). Galliano's career, however, took a much bigger hit. Dior is still searching for his replacement.

他是时尚界的坏男孩,他那些颇具争议的、打破常规的设计是他最好的代表。他在今年二月的时候犯下了令人发指的罪行,他在巴黎用反对犹太人的侮辱性语言痛骂一对夫妇。迪奥(Dior)很快就炒掉了他这个创意总监,而最近才签约成为迪奥小姐,切丽香水的代言人的娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)也跟这位设计师完全撇清了关系。参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼的时候,众人都期待波特曼会穿迪奥的礼服,而不是选择罗达特(Rodarte)品牌的礼服,那可是给她设计电影《黑天鹅》的服装的设计师们所拥有的品牌啊。九月份的时候,法国的一个法庭判他因为发表侮辱性言论有罪,并处罚金6,000欧元(折合8,000多美元)。然而加里亚诺的事业却是突飞猛进。迪奥依然在寻找顶替他的位置的人。

8. Angie Harmon, the Screen Actors Guild Awards

8. 安吉·哈蒙(Angie Harmon),电影演员工会奖颁奖典礼

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Ahead of the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Jan. 30, an excited Angie Harmon tweeted about her dress: "I feel like its my wedding day!!! THE REVEAL!!!!" Harmon turned up on the red carpet in a flamingo-like strapless, feathery pink Monique Lhuillier dress. Perhaps we wouldn't have been so turned off by the flamboyant number had Harmon worn it on her actual wedding day. But the dress seemed too flashy for the event, which is the quietest of the three major awards-season shows.

1月30日,就在电影演员工会奖颁奖典礼之前,兴奋不已的安吉·哈蒙在推特上谈论她的礼服:“事先透露一下!我感觉像是穿着结婚礼服!!颁奖礼当天,哈蒙穿着火烈鸟一般、粉红羽毛的莫尼克·鲁里耶(Monique Lhuillier)露肩礼服出现在红地毯上。如果哈蒙真的在她结婚那天穿着这件礼服,我们可能不会对这么多这么华丽的羽毛感到失望。但是这条裙子对这个活动来说太过于浮华了,这次的活动可算是三个主要大奖的季节演出中最为安静的一个。

9. Kate Middleton, Almost Every Day

9. 凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton),几乎每一天

By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011


Kate Middleton's Grace Kelly–inspired wedding gown, designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen, was perhaps the dress of 2011, but the majority of her sartorial choices this year have been disappointments. It's understandable that royal protocol would dictate more conservative choices for the new Duchess, but at times, Middleton's picks have bordered on plain boring. Aside from a sparkly evening gown here and there, Middleton has stuck with safe silhouettes in more shades of nude and navy than we knew existed. Her penchant for plain reached a pinnacle on July 5, when Middleton wore a beige dress, beige heels and — surprise — a beige belt for a visit to the Somba K'e Civic Plaza in Yellowknife, Canada, as part of her and Prince William's first official North American tour as a married couple.

凯特·米德尔顿的结婚礼服收到格蕾丝·凯莉(Grace Kelly)的启发,由莎拉·伯顿(Sarah Burton)为亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)设计的。这结婚礼服本来可能是2011年度最佳礼服,但她大多数的对于衣服的剪裁选择让人大失所望。皇家条例可能会迫使新的女公爵的选择更为保守,这是可以理解的。但是有时候,米德尔顿的选择已经是快要让人感到非常无聊了。除了到处都有地闪亮晚礼服,米德尔顿一直都选择更安全的剪裁,用了比我们想象中更多的裸色和深蓝色的影子在衣服上。她对于简朴的嗜好在7月5日的时候已经达到了一个巅峰,当时她正跟威廉王子以已婚夫妇的身份对北美进行第一次官方访问。那天米德尔顿正在游览加拿大的耶洛奈夫的桑巴文娱广场(the Somba K'e Civic Plaza),她穿着一条米色的裙子、米色的高跟鞋还戴着一条米色的腰带!惊讶吧!

10. Carrie Underwood, the Country Music Awards

10. 凯莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood),乡村音乐奖颁奖典礼

By Belinda Luscombe Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

作者:贝琳达·勒斯科姆(Belinda Luscombe),2011年12月7日,周三

As the co-host of this year's CMAs, Carrie Underwood gamely switched outfits half a dozen times to keep everyone on their toes. Some were supershort to show off her legs. Some were low cut to show of her décolletage. But unless a bathroom-fixtures firm was a silent sponsor of the show, there's no explaining the peach-hued shower curtain and bath cleaner ensemble she donned early on. Alternatively, she may well have had it on sideways — those quick changes can be tricky.







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