一般现在时的英语句子?11、It helps child acquire and practice Simple Present Tense.可以帮孩子习得和练习一般现在时。12、She is in your house.她在家中。13、Do you go to school at7:00 every day?你每天七点钟去上学吗?14、那么,一般现在时的英语句子?一起来了解一下吧。
Lucy is at home now. 露茜现在在家。
We have six classes every day. 我们每天轿镇上六节课。
I often get up at 6:30. 我经常6:30起床。
The earth moves around the sun.地闭余粗球围绕太阳毁郑转。
like running.
She goes swimming every day.
3He is often late for shool.
4They never go to library.
We usually go to shool by bus.
You don't need to close the window.
I am a student.
She wants to go shopping this afternoon.
Spring Festival is one of the most imporant festivals for Chinese people.
The earth goes around the sun.
1、 Jack likes Chinese food very much.
2、Lucy is at home now.
3、I have a very beautiful hat.
4、My friend likes to do the same things as I do.
5、He lives in Shanghai.
6、Beijing is a beautiful city.
7、I don't think you are right.
8、We agree with you.
9、I always play computer games on weekend.
10、I have a Chinese friends.
11、It helps child acquire and practice Simple Present Tense.
1.We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课。
2. I often get up at 6:30. 我经常6:30起床。
3. Jack likes Chinese food very much. 杰克很喜欢中国饮食。
4. We can see some pictures on the wall. 我们能看到没昌墙上的画。
5. I don't want so much.
6. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.
7. Now I put the sugar in the cup.
8. The earth moves around the sun.
9. Shanghai lies in the east of China.We usually go to school at 7:30. My parents give ten yuan to my sister every week.
10. Lucy is at home now. 露茜现在在枯或扒家。
I walk to work every day.(我每天步行去上班。)
She speaks four languages fluently.(她能流利地嫌启说四种语言。)
They study hard for their exams.(他们为了考试而努力学习。)
He plays basketball every weekend.(知者庆他每个周末都打篮球。)
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。)
We love to watch movies together.(我们喜欢一起看电影。)
My dog eats his breakfast at 7 am every day.(我的狗每天早上7点吃早餐。)
The company produces high-quality products.(这家公司生产高质量的产品。)
I usually listen to music while I work.(搭握我通常在工作时听音乐。
I often get up early.(我常常早起。)
He is busy every day.(他每天都很忙。)
Susan is tall.(苏珊很高。)
I like swimming.(我喜欢游泳。)
John works hard.(陆高约翰工作很努力。)
There are seven days in a week.(一周有滑悉掘七天。)
The earth moves around the sun.(地球围绕着太阳转。)
Linda likes music.(琳信核达喜欢音乐。)
以上就是一般现在时的英语句子的全部内容,一般现在时的例句:1、I do my homework every day. 我每天做作业。2、He watches TV every day. 他每天看电视。3、I have lunch every day. 我每天吃午餐。4、He likes animals. 他喜欢小动物。5、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。