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剧本的英语?剧本 [jù běn] [剧本]基本解释 舞台剧、电影剧、广播剧或电视剧的稿本;特指舞台剧、电影剧、广播剧或电视剧的打字稿或油印或出版的文本 [剧本]详细解释 戏剧作品。由人物的对话(或唱词)和舞台指示组成,那么,剧本的英语?一起来了解一下吧。










Indus script印度河文字;古印度河文字;印度河古文字








分类:教育/科学 >> 外语学习


NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her poor appearance, the prince sneered at

the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not to be

deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he di *** issed

her again, the old woman suddenly changed Into a beautiful lady. The

prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was

no love in his heart, and as punishment, she transformed him into a ugly

beast, and placed a powerful curse on the castle, and all who lived there.

Ashamed of his ugly face, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with

a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had

offered was truly an magic rose, which would bloom until his enty-first

year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the

time the last petal fell, then the curse would be broken. If not, he would

remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair, and lost

all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?

Story Prface: There lives a beautiful girl in town , her name’s Belly, she has a kind heart, and

she loves reading

And she is full of imagination. Belly is so beautiful that even then most handsome boy, Gaston, propose to her. But Belly turn him down, because she think Gaston is a crude man with no respect to the others. Belly’s father is a scientist, who enjoys making some strange machines. One day, her father made a great invention, full of hopes, her father went to the apply for the patent. On the way to the Patent Office, he lost his way, and his horse run away. He was helpless, and by accidence, he came to the Castle of the Beast. But he was not wele there, he was taken prison by the beast. When Belly know her father , she came to the castle, told the beast she would take her father’s place , at the cost of her freedom, in order to set her father free. The beast agreed and let her father go.

From that night on, Belly was living in the castle. Because Belly was so kind and beautiful, every body think she could break the curse, so this night, the beast invited Belly for dinner, but what happened.

BEAST: What's taking so long? I told her to e down. Why isn't she here yet?!?

Servant: Oh, try to be patient, sir. The girl has lost her father and her freedom all in one day. Uh, master. Have you thought that, perhaps, this girl could be the one to break the spell?

BEAST: (angrily) Of course I have. I'm not a fool.

Servant : Good. You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and--Poof!--the spell is

broken! We'll be human again by midnight! (That sounds like a good title for a song-- "HumanAgain")

But these things take time. And the rose has already begun to wilt.

BEAST: It's no use. She's so beautiful, and I'm so...well, look at me!

(LUMIERE shrugs his shoulders and looks at MRS. POTTS.)

Servant: Oh, you must help her to see past all that.

BEAST: I don't know how.

Servant: Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable.

Straighten up, try to act like a gentleman.

(BEAST sits up, then straightens his face very formally)

Servant: (adding in) oh yes, when she es in, give her a *** ile.

Come, e. Show me the *** ile. (BEAST bears his

ragged fangs in a scary, and yet funny grin.)

Impress her with your rapier wit.

And above all...

You must control your temper! Now I pick her up.

(After a while, the door creaks open. BEAST wipes the silly face off, and looks to the door


Servant Uh, good evening.

(BEAST goes from expectant to mad.)

BEAST: (growling) Well, where is she?

Servant: (buying time) Who? Oh! The girl. Yes, the, ah, girl. Well,

actually, she's in the process of, ah, um, circumstances being

what they are, ah... she's not ing.

(Cut to ext of den with door slightly ajar)

BEAST: WHAT!!!!!!!

(Cut to ext of BELLE's room. BEAST runs up to it and bangs on the door.)

BEAST: (Yelling) I thought I told you to e down to dinner!

BELLE: (From behind the door) I'm not hungry.

BEAST: You'll e out or I'll...I'll break down the door!

Servant: (interrupting) Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the

best way to win the girl's affections.

(pleading) Please! Attempt to be a gentleman.

BEAST: (growing angrier) But she is being so...difficult!

Servant: Gently, gently.

BEAST: (very dejected) Will you e down to dinner?


(BEAST looks at the OBJECTS, very frustrated.)

Servant: Suave. Genteel.

BEAST: (Trying to act formal, bowing at the door) It would give me great

pleasure if you would join me for dinner.

Servant: Ahem, ahem, we say 'please.'

BEAST: (once again dejected) ...please.

BELLE: (Mad at BEAST) No, thank you.

BEAST: (furious) You can't stay in there forever!

BELLE: (provokingly) Yes I can!

BEAST: Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!! (To OBJECTS) If she doesn't

eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!

This night, Belle didn’t eat anything, she felt very hungry, so she snipped out of his bedroom. She walk around in the castle, up the stairs, she came to a room which looked so strange and odd, so she came in. In the room, she saw a terrible scene, with all the furniture turned over, all things messed up. On the wall there was a torn picture. At the middle of the room, sat a table, with a rose on the chair. Just as she was about to touch the rose…..,suddenly, an angry voice ……

BEAST: (growing angry) Why did you e here?

BELLE: (Backing away, scared) I'm sorry,

BEAST: I warned you never to e here!

BELLE: I didn't mean any harm.

BEAST: (Angrier) Do you realize what you could have done? (Begins to

thrash at the furniture)

BELLE: (Pleading, but still scared) Please, stop! No!

BEAST: (Screaming) Get out!!!! GET OUT!!!!

(BELLE turns and flees the room. BEAST calms down, then falls into despair,

finally realizing that he may have destroyed his chances with BELLE. She

reaches the stairway and grabs her cloak. She rushes down the stairs, wrapping

the cloak around her and bursting past a confused LUMIERE and COGSWORTH .)

Servant: Wh- Where are you going?

BELLE: Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute!

Servant: Oh no, wait, please wait!

(Servant tries to respond, but BELLE slams the door behind her. He and

bow their heads in sadness. Cut to BELLE outside in the forest

on PHILLIPE. She begins to ride through the forest, but PHILLIPE es to a

stop. She looks up and sees the WOLVES. She startled, then pulls the reins and

begins to flee. She runs from side to side, making the WOLVES hit the trees (a

la Speederbike chase in Return of the Jedi). PHILLIPE runs out on a frozen

pond, but his and BELLE's weight collapse the ice. The WOLVES chase her into

the water. Some begin to drown, but PHILLIPE is able to get out of the water

before anything serious happens. He runs into a clearing, but bees

surrounded by WOLVES. He bucks, throwing BELLE off and wrapping the reins

around a tree branch. The WOLVES begin their attack on PHILLIPE, but BELLE

es to his rescue and beats them away with a stick. One WOLF grabs the stick

in its mouth and breaks half of it off, leaving BELLE defenseless. Another

leaps at her, grabbing the corner of her cloak and dragging her to the ground.

She looks up and sees a WOLF about to jump on top of her. It leaps and is

caught in mid-air by BEAST. He throws the WOLF away, then stands behind them

and BELLE. They lunge at each other. One rips a hole in BEAST's shoulder, and

the others focus their attack on that spot. Finally, BEAST throws a WOLF

against a tree, knocking it out. The others turn and run in fear. BEAST turns

back to BELLE, looks at her despairingly, then collapses. BELLE, grateful to be

alive, turns back to PHILLIPE and begins to get on, but her conscience takes

over, and she walks over to the fallen BEAST. Fade to BELLE and PHILLIPE

walking back to the castle, with BEAST on the horse's back. Fade to int of den,

with BELLE pouring hot water out of MRS. POTTS. She soaks a rag in the water,

then turns to BEAST, who is licking his wounds.)

BELLE: Here now. Oh, don't do that. (BEAST growls at her as she tries to

clean the wound with her rag.) Just...hold still.

(She touches the rag to the wound and BEAST roars in pain. The OBJECTS, who

have been watching, jump back into hiding from the outburst.)

BEAST: That hurts!

BELLE: (In counterpoint) If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much.

BEAST: Well if you hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened!

BELLE: Well if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!

BEAST: (Opens his mouth to respond, but has to stop and think of a good

line) Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!

BELLE: Well you should learn to control your temper! (BEAST raises his

hand to bring out another point, but finds he has none, so he

bows his head down again. The OBJECTS emerge from their hiding

as BELLE has conquered the ferocious temper of BEAST. BELLE

moves the rag closer to the wound) Now, hold still. This may

sting a little. (BEAST gives a surprised grunt, then grits his

teeth as the rag is applied. BELLE speaks tenderly.) By the way,

thank you, for saving my life.

(BEAST opens his eyes, looking surprised.)

BEAST: (Also very tenderly) You're wele.

(Camera zooms out and we see the OBJECTS looking on with interest. Fade to

GASTON's tavern, which is empty except for GASTON, LEFOU and MONSIEUR D'ARQUE,

who are all sitting at a table.)


BEAST: I've never felt this way about anyone. (Looks excited) I want

to do something for her. (Looks discouraged.) But what?

Servant: Well, there's the usual things--flowers, chocolates, promises

you don't intend to keep...

(Cut to int hallway leading to library. BEAST and BELLE are alone.)

BEAST: Belle, there's something I want to show you. (Begins to open the

door, then stops.) But first, you have to close your eyes. (She

looks at him questioningly.) It's a surprise.

(BELLE closes her eyes, and BEAST waves his hand in front of her. Then he opens

the door. He leads her in.)

BELLE: (Just as she enters the room) Can I open them?

BEAST: No, no. Not yet. Wait here.

(BEAST walks away to draw back the curtains. He does, and brilliant sunlight

spills into the room. BELLE flinches reflexively as the light hits her face.)

BELLE: Now can I open them?

BEAST: All right. Now.

(BELLE opens her eyes and the camera pulls back to reveal the gigantic library

filled with books.)

BELLE: I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life!

BEAST: You--you like it?

BELLE: It's wonderful.

BEAST: Then it's yours.

BEAST: Oh, thank you so much.

This is Christmas Eve, Beast decided to tell Belle that he really loved her, he was really nervous, he asked the servant.

BEAST: (hesitantly) I'm not sure I can do this.

Servant: Tonight is the night!

You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring.

BEAST: Bold. Daring. (BEAST has emerged from the tub and shakes himself


Servant: There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and

when the time is right, you confess your love.

BEAST: (Inspired) Yes, I -- I con--No, I can't.

Servant: You care for the girl, don't you?

BEAST: More than anything.

(COATRACK begins to cut and chop again. COGSWORTH enters.)

Servant: Ahem ahem ahem. Your lady awaits.

(Cut to grand staircase, where BELLE descends from the West Wing side in a

glittering gold ball gown. She reaches the landing and looks up at BEAST, who

is standing at the top of the stairs in his dress clothes. He is nudged on by

LUMIERE from behind the curtain, and he descends and meets BELLE at the landing.

Arm in arm, they descend the last section of stairs and continue on their way to

dinner, stopped momentarily by FOOTSTOOL. MRS. POTTS sings from her cart with

CHIP on board.)

(BELLE and BEAST have moved into the ballroom, where they move through a

puter perfect dance sequence. BEAST occasionally looks over at LUMIERE and

COGSWORTH for their approval. )

BEAST: Belle? Are you happy here with me?

BELLE: (Hesitantly) Yes. (She looks off into the distance)

BEAST: What is it?

BELLE: (Looks at him desperately) If only I could see my father again,

just for a moment. I miss him so much.

BEAST: (Looks disappointed for a moment, then excited.) There is a way.

(The pair adjourn to BEAST's lair, where BEAST hands BELLE the MAGIC MIRROR.)

BEAST: This mirror will show you anything, anything you wish to see.

BELLE: (Hesitantly) I'd like to see my father, please.

(The MAGIC MIRROR shines into life, and BELLE turns her head away as it flashes.

Then it reveals MAURICE fallen in the woods, coughing and lost. BELLE is

shocked. BEAST looks at her with concern.)

BELLE: Papa. Oh, no. He's sick, he may be dying. And he's all alone.

(BEAST turns, then looks at the rose, deep in thought.)

BEAST: Then...then you must go to him.

BELLE: What did you say?

BEAST: I release you. You are no longer my prisoner.

BELLE: (In amazement) You mean...I'm free?


BELLE: Oh, thank you. (To MAGIC MIRROR) Hold on, Papa. I'm on my way.

(BELLE turns to leave, then turns back and pushes the MAGIC MIRROR back to


BEAST: Take it with you, so you'll always have a way to look back, and

remember me.

BELLE: Thank you for understanding how much he needs me.

(BELLE turns to leave and BEAST looks down in depression. She touches her hand

to his cheek and rushes out. We see BELLE's skirt fly past COGSWORTH, who has

entered the room.)

Servant: Well, your highness. I must say everything is going just

peachy. I knew you had it in you.

BEAST: (Very sad) I let her go.

Servant: Ha ha ha, yes. Splend-- (COGSWORTH stops in the middle of his

sentence.) You what? How could you do that?

BEAST: I had to.

Servant: (Still amazed) Yes, but why?

BEAST: Because, I love her.

(Cut to BEAST watching BELLE leave from above. He roars in sorrow and anger.

His roar turns into the sound of the wind. BELLE is out in the snow, calling

out "Papa?" Finally, she finds him face down in a snowbank. They return home,

(Cut to black. POV of MAURICE as his eyes open. He sees BELLE.)

Father: Belle?

BELLE: It's all right, Papa. I'm home.

Father: I thought I'd never see you again.

BELLE: I missed you so much.

Father: But the beast. How did you escape?

BELLE: I didn't escape, Papa. He let me go.

Father: That horrible beast?

BELLE: But he's different, now. He's changed somehow.And I …..I think I fell in love with him.

Suddenly, Gaston jumped out from the cupboard, very angrily, when he knew whom Belle loved was that ugly beast, he ran in rage. He shouted to all the People.

Gaston: That Monster is a great harm to us. He will kill us one by one, we have to kill it. Let’s go, man, let’s fight. We'll lay siege to his castle and bring back his head!

(Cut to int of basement, where BELLE is prying at the window with a stick.)

BELLE: I have to warn the beast. This is all my fault. Oh, Papa. What

are we going to do? I must stop Gaston

MOB: We don't like, what we don't

Understand, it frankly scares us

And this monster is mysterious at least!

Bring your guns, bring your knives,

Save your children and your wives,

We'll save our village and our lives,

We'll kill the beast!

COGSWORTH: I knew it, I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.

LUMIERE: Maybe it would have been better if she had never e at all.

(FOOTSTOOL es in barking. They rush over to the window expecting the return

of BELLE.)

LUMIERE: Could it be?

MRS. POTTS: Is it she?

LUMIERE: (Realizing the MOB is not BELLE) Sacre bleu, invaders!

COGSWORTH: Encroachers!

MRS. POTTS: (Seeing GASTON) And they have the mirror!

COGSWORTH: (Issuing orders) Warn the master. If it's a fight they want,

we'll be ready for them. (Turns around from window) Who's with

me? Aahh! (The door is slammed as the rest of the OBJECTS leave

COGSWORTH behind.)

Gaston ,with all the men, rushed into the castle, they began to fight with the furniture in the castle.

GASTON: Take whatever booty you can find, but remember, the beast is mine!

(Cut to stairway, where OBJECTS are marching down to do battle with the MOB.)

Servant: sir, the castle is under attack!

BEAST: Leave me in peace.

MRS. POTTS: What shall we do, master?

BEAST: (Still very sad) It doesn't matter now. Just let them e.

(GASTON broken off from the mob, and is searching out BEAST. BELLE, MAURICE, PHILLIPE

and CHIP are making their way to the castle. Finally, the invaders are chased

out and the objects celebrate their victory.)

GASTON releases the arrow and it strikes BEAST in the shoulder. He screams in

pain and stands. GASTON rushes him and they fly out the window onto the

balcony, where it has begun to rain.)

GASTON: Ha ha ha ha ha!

(GASTON corners BEAST on the edge of the roof. BEAST simply sits there in


GASTON: Get up! Get up! What's the matter, Beast? Too kind and gentle to

fight back?

(BEAST looks down ignoring him. GASTON walks into the foreground and breaks off

a piece of the roof. He is about to *** ash it on BEAST's head when BELLE's voice

drifts up. She is on the bridge and is yelling to GASTON, telling him to stop.)


BEAST: (Hearing her voice and giving him new life) Belle.

BELLE: Gaston, don't!

(GASTON swings down at BEAST, but he catches the weapon in his hand. BEAST

rises up and roars in GASTON's face. They proceed through a fight on the

rooftop. Finally, BEAST takes a hiding place among the gargoyles in the

darkness. Meanwhile, BELLE enters the castle on the ground.)

BELLE: Let's go, Phillipe!

GASTON: Come on out and fight! Were you in love with her, beast? Did you

honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?

(BEAST has been waken enough. He fight again.)

GASTON: It's over, beast! Belle is mine!

(This time, however, BEAST picks up GASTON by the neck and holds him out over

the edge of the roof. GASTON pleads with BEAST.)

GASTON: Put me down. Put me down. Please, don't hurt me! I'll do

anything! Anything!

(BEAST's anger slowly melts off his face, and the look of passion r


scenario[英][sɪˈneəri:ˌəʊ, -ˈ运手nɑ:-, -ˈnær-] [美][sɪˈnɛriˌo, -ˈ雹伍nɑr-, -ˈnær-] n.(行动的)方案;剧情概要;分镜头剧本


screenplay[英][ˈskri:nˌpleɪ] [美][ˈskrinˌple]




剧本:play、movie script、



lines n.(剧乎孝本中岁山稿的)台词

charactern. 人物

episode n. 作品的一段)情节,一集


script murder。

Scrip表示“剧本;手稿;脚本”,加上了个有点“悬疑、推理”意味的murder,就摇身一变成了让人直呼上瘾的剧本杀。但也可以“意会”为Live Action Role Playing (LARP) games,即实景角色扮演游戏。邀请朋友一起玩剧本杀就可以说:Let's larp!/ Let's go larping!/ Let's larp up!






以上就是剧本的英语的全部内容,/ Let's larp up!“剧本杀”,一词起源于西方宴会实况角色扮演“谋杀之谜”,是玩家到实景场馆,体验推理性质的项目。剧本杀的规则是,玩家先选择人物,阅读人物对应剧本,搜集线索后找出活动里隐藏的真凶。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。



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