Listen and Respond
Task One
Focusing on the Main Ideas Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.
1) One of the reasons for the annual increase in HIV infections is that ________.
A) people show little concern about HIV
B) no effective cure for AIDS has been found yet
C) people are unaware of the danger of HIV
D) there is no way to prevent HIV from spreading
2) The first reason given for AIDS education is ________.
A) to prevent new infections from taking place
B) to help people know where HIV infections may happen
C) to tell people how to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS
D) to tell people about the two processes of prevention from HIV infections
3) The second reason for AIDS education is ________.
A) to curb the HIV infection
B) to ask hospitals to offer more help
C) to improve the quality of life for HIV-positive people
D) to give financial aid to AIDS patients
4) The third reason for AIDS education is ________.
A) to reduce the fear of HIV and AIDS
B) to bring down the death rate of AIDS
C) to prevent the spread of HIV D) to protect HIV-positive people or AIDS patients
5) The purpose of the passage is ________.
A) to explain why we should overcome the fear of AIDS
B) to criticize schools for neglecting AIDS education
C) to prove that the danger of AIDS has been overstated (夸大)
D) to give the reasons for AIDS education
Task Two
Zooming In on the Details Listen to the passage again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.
1) A survey in the UK found recently that a third of teenagers thought there was a ―cure‖ for AIDS . So education is important in preventing the spread of HIV.
2) There are TWO processes to prevent new HIV infections: one is to give people information about HIV and the other is to teach people how to put this information to use and act on it practically.
3) HIV-positive people need to get medical services and drug supplies . And they also need to find appropriate emotional and practical support and help.
4) Many people fear those who are HIV-positive. Some extreme cases can be found in India , where AIDS patients were burned to death .
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/i/ 舌尖靠近下齿,舌前部上抬靠近硬腭,口型扁平,上下齿之间稍稍分开。