电子信息工程专业英语?Electronic Information Engineering,缩写为EIE。电子信息工程已经涵盖了社会的诸多方面。电子信息工程专业是集现代电子技术、信息技术、通信技术于一体的专业。本专业培养掌握现代电子技术理论、通晓电子系统设计原理与设计方法,那么,电子信息工程专业英语?一起来了解一下吧。
• Powerful Processing Capability. The encoding/decoding of a variety of media plus the synchronization of their presentation to the user require powerful processors.
• Compression Coding. The development of coding techniques for audio, image, and video has enabled multimedia communications to be compressed into available bandwidth. This enabled many multimedia systems to be developed before the availability of broadband networks. Broadband communications results in improved quality and lower end-to-end delay.
Hot Analysis : Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagnetic field theory, to study various information, such as voice, text, images, radar, remote sensing and other information processing, exchange and wireless, cable, fiber optic cable and other transmission, Based on this study and development of electronic and information systems. Professional training with the electronic technology and information systems knowledge base, be engaged in all kinds of electronic equipment and information systems research, design, manufacture, application and development of high-level engineering talent. May engage in signal processing, transmission, switching and detection technology research and teaching work, electronic equipment and systems development, production and application, electronic technology, computer technology and the application and development of microwave technology, application and development. Trunk disciplines : electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, computer science and technology. Main courses : Series circuit theory courses, computer technology courses, information theory and coding, Signals and systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetic theory, control theory, sensor technology. Major professional experiments : the professional completed at least one direction of a team of professional experiments. Conferred degrees : Bachelor of Engineering. Distribution key institutions : Qinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tianjin University, Huazhong Science and Technology University, Southeast University, University of Electronic Science and Technology.
Electronic Information Engineering,缩写为EIE。
At present, about the definition of neural network are not
unified, according to the neural network at Hecht, Nielsen's point of view, the
neural network is defined as: "the neural network is made up of a number of very
simple processing units to each other in some way connected to form a computer
system, the system depends on its status, the dynamic response of the external
input information to process information." The sources and characteristics of
integrated neural network and a variety of interpretation, it can be expressed
as: simple neural network is a designed to mimic the human brain structure and
function of information processing system.From the perspective of the
theory model of neural network, it can be divided into two main categories;
Namely layered feedforward neural network, neural network and Internet feedback
for layered feedforward neural network, its characteristic is through
appropriate BP algorithm for sample training and learning of the neural network
input and output can approximate arbitrary input and output the corresponding
nonlinear mapping, that after learning to implementing a map is a kind of
adaptive control function. Due to the layered feedforward neural network has
"self learning" and "training" function, and can imitate the intelligence of the
human brain, thus has strong classification and recognition. Therefore, layered
feedforward neural network is widely used in network communication channel
equalization, the global network management, information flow prediction as well
as other adaptive control, etc. And the characteristics of the feedback neural
network is through design to study the associative memory content or
optimization answer set to minimum point of the system energy function, the
dynamic equilibrium process of neural network can realize the automatic rapid
processing optimization problems, so it can be widely used for the field of
network communication, including the selection of packet scheduling and optimal
routing, exchange of information and control. High speed Internet, nonlinear
neural network also has the chaotic behavior, it is a very complex NP problem,
can produce unpredictable sequence trajectory, fast password algorithm can be
designed to be safe and reliable. It is because of the neural network learning
mapping, lenovo optimization function and the characteristics of chaotic
behavior can in theory to resolve the broadband network communication technology
is facing some problems, which has been widely used in network
communication.3 neural network application in network
communicationThe following according to the "self learning" function of
neural network, lenovo optimization function and chaotic behavior of the three
functional features from three aspects: introduces the application of neural
network in network communication instance
Electronic and Information Engineering
Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagnetic field theory, to study various information, such as voice, text, images, radar, remote sensing and other information processing, exchange and wireless, cable, fiber optic cable and other transmission.Based on this study and development of electronic and information systems.
以上就是电子信息工程专业英语的全部内容,现在频率可以从公式中算出:f=1/T=1/2ms=500hz 电子信息工程专业培养具备电子技术和信息系统的基础知识,能从事各类电子设备和信息系统的研究、设计、制造、应用和开发的高等工程技术人才。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。