145用英语怎么说?145:One hundred and forty-five。146:One hundred and forty-six。147:One hundred and forty-seven。148:One hundred and forty-eight。149:One hundred and forty-nine。150:One hundred and fifty。那么,145用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
100:One hundred。
101:One hundred and one。
102:One hundred and two。
103:One hundred and three。
104:One hundred and four。
105:One hundred and five。
106:One hundred and six。
107:One hundred and seven。
108:One hundred and eight。
109:One hundred and nine。
110:One hundred and ten。
111:One hundred and eleven。
112:One hundred and twelve。
113:One hundred and thirteen。
114:One hundred and fourteen。
115:One hundred and fifteen。
116:One hundred and sixteen。乱灶搜
117:One hundred and seventeen。
百十个 billion + 百十个 million + 百十个 thousand + 百十个
9,370,000 nine million three hundred and seventy thousand
288,000,000 two hundred and eighty-eightmillion
17,080,000 seventeen million and eighty thousand
145,500,000 one hundred and forty-five million,five hundred thousand
550,000 five hundred and fifty thousand
61,700,000 sixty one million seven hundred thousand
eleven thousand
two thousand
one thousand and one
three hundred and thirty-three
one hundred and sixty-one
two thousand and eight
1、1 one
2、2 two
3、3 three
4、4 four
5、5 five
6、6 six
7、7 seven
8、8 eight
顷粗9、9 nine
10、10 ten
11、11 eleven
12、12 twelve
13、13 thirteen
14、14 fourteen
15、15 fifteen
16、雀烂镇16 sixteen
17、17 seventeen
18、18 eighteen
19、19 nineteen
20、20 twenty
21、21 twenty-one
22、22 twenty- two
23、23 twenty- three
24、24 twenty- four
25、25 twenty- five
26、26 twenty- six
27、27 twenty- seven
28、28 twenty- eight
29、29 twenty- nine
30、30 thirty
31、31 thirty- one
32、32 thirty- two
33、33 thirty- three
34、34 thirty- four
35、35 thirty- five
36、36 thirty- six
37、37 thirty- seven
38、38 thirty- eight
39、39 thirty- nine
40、40 forty
41、41 forty- one
42、42 forty- two
43、43 forty- three
44、44 forty- four
45、45 forty- five
46、46 forty- six
47、47 forty- seven
48、48 forty- eight
49、49 forty- nine
50、50 fifty
51、51 fifty- one
52、52 fifty- two
53、53 fifty- three
54、54 fifty- four
55、55 fifty- five
56、56 fifty- six
57、57 fifty- seven
58、58 fifty- eight
59、59 fifty- nine
60、60 sixty
61、61 sixty- one
62、62 sixty- two
63、63 sixty- three
64、64 sixty- four
历仔65、65 sixty- five
66、66 sixty- six
67、67 sixty- seven
68、68 sixty- eight
69、69 sixty- nine
70、70 seventy
71、71 seventy- one
72、72 seventy- two
73、73 seventy- three
74、74 seventy- four
75、75 seventy- five
76、76 seventy- six
77、77 seventy- seven
78、78 seventy- eight
79、79 seventy- nine
80、80 eighty
81、81 eighty- one
82、82 eighty- two
83、83 eighty- three
84、84 eighty- four
85、85 eighty- five
86、86 eighty- six
87、87 eighty- seven
88、88 eighty- eight
89、89 eighty- nine
90、90 ninety
91、91 ninety-one
92、92 ninety- two
93、93 ninety- three
94、94 ninety- four
95、95 ninety- five
96、96 ninety- six
97、97 ninety- seven
98、98 ninety- eight
99、99 ninety- nine
100、100 hundred
1、2007: two thousand and seven
2、1987: one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
3、1804: one thousand eight hundred and four
4、2013: two thousand and thirteen
5、568: five hundred and sixty-eight
6、1056: one thousand and fifty-six
7、56: fifty-six
8、478: four hundred and seventy-eight
9、1032: one thousand and thirty-two
10、289504: two hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and four
11、72000000: seventy-two million
12、2300000000: two billion and three hundred million
1、100:One hundred。
11000:eleven thousand
2000:two thousand
1001:one thousand and one
333:three hundred and thirty three
145:one hundred and forty five
361:three hundred and sixty one
2008:two thousand and eight
以上就是145用英语怎么说的全部内容,数字的英语单词1 1、1 one 2、2 two 3、3 three 4、4 four 5、5 five 6、6 six 7、7 seven 8、8 eight 9、9 nine 10、10 ten 11、11 eleven 12、12 twelve 13、13 thirteen 14、14 fourteen 15、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。