英语简答题?一、题型分析 对历次试卷进行分析,我们可以看出简答题的题型与阅读理解题型基本一致。以问细节类的为主,主旨题、推断题和词汇语义题也各占一定的比例,而且其提问方式大多以 wh-question为主。那么,英语简答题?一起来了解一下吧。
简短回答题(Short Answer Questions)在全国四、六级英语考试中属新题型,这种新题型已从1997年元月起在全国四、六级考试中陆续使用。在四、六级考试卷面上, "简短回答"题部分紧接在"阅读理解"部分之后。位于Paper Two上, 和写作(Writing)并列为两道大题, 每次考试为三百字左右的文章, 文章类型的难易度与阅读理解部分的类似。文章后面有五个问答题或不完整的句子, 要求考生在阅读文章以后用简短的英文句子、单词或短语, 来回答所提出的问题或完成不完整的句子。考试时间为15分钟, 分值为15分, 与写作部分并重。可见, 简短誉型郑问答题做得好与坏、优与劣, 直接关系到整个卷面的得分。
一. 题型的目的和宗旨
简答题是主观题的一种类型。这种题型不仅可以检验学生对文章的理解, 同时还可以测试学生对英语的基本语法知识的掌握程度, 对语言文字的表达、驾驭能力, 是一种极好的能够体现学生综合素质的题型。
二. 答题要求和评分标准
简答题要求考生在读懂文章的前提下, 用正确、简短的语言回答问题。这就要求考生回答问题时要注重"正确、简短"这四个字的含义。
首先, "正确"体现在两个方面:
1. 回答的内容必须正确:考生所运用的表达方式可以多种多样, 各不相同, 但必庆颂须遵循一个原则, 那就是必须回答得正确, 要准确到位, 不能问东答西, 牛头不对马嘴。
6.In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word) that consists of more than one stem. Compounding occurs when two or more words are joined together to make them one word.
-Free morphemes can function independently as words (e.g. town, dog) and can appear with other lexemes (e.g.town hall, doghouse).
-Bound morphemes appear only as parts of words, always in conjunction with a root and sometimes with other bound morphemes. For example, un- appears only accompanied by other morphemes to form a word. Most bound morphemes in English are affixes, particularly prefixes and suffixes, examples of suffixes are: tion, ation, ible, ing etc.. Bound morphemes that are not affixes are called cranberry morphemes.
Bound morphemes can be further classified as derivational or inflectional.
-Derivational morphemes, when combined with a root, change either the semantic meaning or part of speech of the affected word. For example, in the word happiness, the addition of the bound morpheme -ness to the roothappy changes the word from an adjective (happy) to a noun (happiness). In the word unkind, un- functions as a derivational morpheme, for it inverts the meaning of the word formed by the root kind.
-Inflectional morphemes modify a verb's tense or a noun's number without affecting the word's meaning or class. Examples of applying inflectional morphemes to words are adding -s to the root dog to form dogs and adding -ed to wait to form waited.
- the deep structure of a linguistic expression is a theoretical construct that seeks to unify several related structures. For instance, a passive sentence like (1a) was claimed to have a Deep Structure in which thenoun phrases are in the order of the correspondingactive (1b):(1a) The bear was chased by the lion.
(1b) The lion chased the bear.Similarly, a question such as (2a) was claimed to have a Deep Structure closely resembling that of the corresponding declarative (2b):(2a) Which martini did Harry drink?
(2b) Harry drank that martini.
-Surface structure can be defined as the syntactic form they take as actual sentences. In the other words, it is forms of sentences resulted frommodification/ transformation. Consider these sentences:
(1) You close the door.(2) The door is closed by you.(3) Close the door!
9. Micro-linguistics includes phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
Macro-linguistics includes sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, stylistics, discourse analysis, computational linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and applied linguistics.
1. Two kinds of theory of meaning
2. Semantic theories
2.1 Propositional semantic theories
2.1.1 The theory of reference
2.1.2 Theories of reference vs. semantic theories
2.1.3 The relationship between content and reference
2.1.4 Character and content, context and circumstance
2.1.5 Possible worlds semantics
2.1.6 Russellian propositions
2.1.7 Fregean propositions
2.2 Non-propositional theories
2.2.1 The Davidsonian program
2.2.2 Chomskyan internalist semantics
3. Foundational theories of meaning
3.1 Mentalist theories
3.1.1 The Gricean program
3.1.2 Meaning, belief, and convention
3.1.3 Mental representation-based theories
3.2 Non-mentalist theories
3.2.1 Causal origin
3.2.2 Truth-maximization and the principle of charity
3.2.3 Regularities in use
3.2.4 Social norms
Joe Temple should have known better: after all, he works for a large autoinsurance company. It won t hurt to leave the key in the truck this time, he thought,
as he filled his gas tank at a selfservice gas station. But moments later, as
he was paying the money, he saw the truck being driven away.
Vehicle theft is a common phenomenon, which has a direct impact on over four million victims a year. The cost is astonishing.……
Only about 15 percent car thefts result in arrest, because few police departments routinely conduct indepth autoinvestigations. When thieves are arrested, judges will often sentence them to probation, not immediately put them in prison
because the prisons are overcrowded with violent criminals.
71. What is the passage mainly about?
a. Vehicle theft.\=
b. About the car stolen problem in the United States.\=
c. The passage says about the high vehicle theft in the U.S.A..\=
d. The passage mainly talk about autotheft in the U.S.A..\=
e. The annual vehicle thefts is serious in the U.S.A..\=
f. Thefts: a social problem of the U.S..
I think animal research should be done at the moment.
First, many medical experiments cannot be carried out directly in humans.
Secondly, animal research helps us to protect animals.
Third, animal research can study the evolution of organisms.
Therefore, animal research is important and necessary.
以上就是英语简答题的全部内容,1运用简洁的表达方式 概括能力是简答题测试的重要内容之一,因此答案用词要简洁、准确,不要拖泥带水。题目要求“Answer each question in NO more than 10 words”,这就意味着能用词概括的就不用短语,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。