问星期几英语怎么说?有以下几种说法:1、What day is it?2、What day is today?3、What day is it today?4、What day of the week is it?5、What day(of the week) is it today?英语中,星期一为Monday,星期二为Tuesday,那么,问星期几英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
1、问星期几:What day of the week is today?今天是星期几?
2、问日期:What's today?今天几号?
3、问年月:What is the date?今天是什么日期雹轮?
4、问时间:What time is it?几点了?
英语中日期用序数词表示例:十月一日写作:October 1,October 1st,1 October,1st October,(the)1st of October等,其中陵袭的October都可以写成缩写形式Oct。
1、表示“……的东西或事情”:They’ve done what they can to help her。他们已经尽力帮助了她。
2、表示“尺肆兄……的人或的样子”:He is no longer what he was。
问粗基茄时间,What time is it ?
日锋孙期,What's the date today?
星期几岩察 What day is it today?
对日期提问:what is the date today? 今天几号?
对星期提问:what day is it today? 今轿枣桐闭坦天星期几?
对年月日提问:what year is it?那是岩明哪一年?
1、今天是星期几―What day is it today或者What day is it―今天是周日―Today is Sunday或it is sunday。
2、昨天是星期几―What day was it yesterday―昨天是周六冲绝 It was Saturday (yesterday)。
3、明天是星期几―What day is it tomorrow―明天是周一―It is Monday (tomorrow)。
4、今天是几月几号―What's the date today―今天是1月23日 Today is January 21, 2009.
5、今天是几月几号+星期几―what day and date is it today―今锋数天是2007.3.9星期五 Fir,9th,Mar,2007.
6、现在是几月 What month is this―现在是六月This month is June。
7、现在是什么季节―What season is this ?
8、对日期提问:what is the date today?―今天银判首几号?
9、对星期提问:what day is it today?―今天星期几?
10、对年月日提问:what year is it?―那是哪一年?
1、What day is it?
2、What day is today?
3、What day is it today?
4、What day of the week is it?
5、What day(of the week) is it today?
以上就是问星期几英语怎么说的全部内容,问时间,What time is it ?日期,What's the date today?星期几,What day is it today?时间点的表达 1、所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读:6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty 2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。