南北战争英语?南北战争,又称美国内战(英语:American Civil War),是美国历史上最大规模的内战,参战双方为北方的美利坚合众国(简称联邦)和南方的美利坚联盟国(简称邦联)。那么,南北战争英语?一起来了解一下吧。
Somethings about:
Causes of the War
Civil War Leaders
and so on
The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a sectional conflict in the United States of America between the federal government (the "Union") and 11 Southern slave states that declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America, led by President Jefferson Davis. The Union, led by President Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party, which opposed expansion of slavery, rejected any right of secession. Fighting began April 12, 1861 when Confederate forces attacked a Federal fort at the Battle of Fort Sumter.
The full restoration of the Union was the work of a highly contentious postwar era known as Reconstruction. The war produced more than 970,000 casualties (3% of the population), including approximately 620,000 soldier deaths—老神⅔ by disease. The causes of the war, the reasons for its oute, and even the name of the war itself are subjects of lingering controversy even today. The main results of the war were the restoration and strengthening of the Union, and the end of slavery in the United States
Opium War(鸦片战争)虚好知袜灶
The War of Resistance Against Japan(抗日战争)差消
Punic Wars(布匿战争)
war between the states(南北战争)
War of Independence(独立战争)
Boer war(布尔战争)
The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a bitter sectional conflict that began after southern states of the United States tried to secede from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. The United States did not recognize any right of secession, and fighting began after the Confederacy used force to seize U.S. federal property within its boundaries. After a fairly quiet first year, three very bloody years of fighting ended with a decisive Union victory, followed by a period of Reconstruction. The war produced more than 970,000 casualties (3 percent of the population), including approximately 560,000 deaths. The causes of the war, the reasons for the outcome, and even the name of the war itself, are subjects of much controversy, even today.
南北战争:Civil War,U.S.
南北战争,又称美国内战(the American Civil War)是美国历史上唯一的一场内战,交战双方为美国联邦和美国南方邦联,战争的主题是奴隶制。实行奴隶制的十一个南方州于1861年退出联邦,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为“总统”的政府,挑起战争,北方的亚伯拉罕·林肯总统为了统一而与南方交战,1865年,南方叛军统帅罗伯特·李向联邦统帅尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特投降,南北战争结束。
战争开始后南方很快地取得优势,南方的劳力大部分为黑奴,因此可以在非常短的时间之内集结数目惊人的白人男丁,且有骁勇善战的Robert Lee为总指挥,这就是为什么北方虽然已经高度工业化,但是却在战事一开始节节败退, 但北方一直受到国际的承认,但在战事中期,北军的经济力量终于还是逐渐可以抵挡住南方的猛烈攻势, 尤其是码历广大的铁路网最为关键,但是林肯一直没有找到卓越的将军,后来有了U. S. Grant后,战局才逐渐改观。
以上就是南北战争英语的全部内容,南北战争,又称美国内战(the American Civil War)是美国历史上唯一的一场内战,交战双方为美国联邦和美国南方邦联,战争的主题是奴隶制。实行奴隶制的十一个南方州于1861年退出联邦,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为“总统”的政府,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。