电气自动化英语?电气工程及其自动化英文名:Electrical engineering and automation。电气工程及其自动化涉及电力电子技术,计算机技术,电机电器技术,信息与网络控制技术,机电一体化技术等诸多领域,是一门综合性较强的学科。那么,电气自动化英语?一起来了解一下吧。
Electrical engineering and automation
电气纯正工程electrical engineering
自动化automation; automatization; automate; robotization
Industrial process control is an elective course of electrical engineering and automation.
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Electrical Engineering and Automation(我是这个专业毕业的,有问题问我)
the professional training goal, cultivating socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, engineers, with basic training, electric motor and its control, the control of power system and its automation, building electrical engineering field theory and basic knowledge, can be engaged in the design, manufacture, development, testing analysis, system, automatic control and power electronic technology, production management and application of electronic and computer technology advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope of business through four specifications and professional training, the students should reach the following requirements: 1, the system of mathematics, computer and engineering drawings "engineering tools", and have strong knowledge of English reading ability and preliminary English communication skills. 2, the system master circuit principle, electronics, electrical and electronic technology, automatic control theory, the microcomputer control technology, mechanical engineering foundation of professional knowledge. 3, master motors, electrical appliances, electric power, high voltage, the basic theory of such heavy field and professional knowledge. 4 with motor, electrical appliances, electrical equipment of the design, manufacture, operation control, test analysis, research and development, production and management of the preliminary ability, Or have power system, electrical equipment, building electrical field of system design and operation control, development, testing the preliminary analysis ability, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test analysis, project construction and management ability. 5 and has strong ability of self-study and further ability. This program is to cultivate students can be engaged in the following job: 1, motor electrical design, manufacturing and control, test, operation and maintenance, research and development, production and management work, Electrical equipment and power system and power system and the operation, high-rise building electrical design and maintenance work, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test analysis, project construction and management work. 2, power electronics, electrical, automation and instrumentation, etc transmission technology development work. Third, the main subject, the main course main subject: electrical engineering, control of science and engineering, computer science and technology major courses: circuit theory, electronic technology, electronic technology, automatic control theory, principle and application, electrical engineering, electrical appliances, and power system analysis and design, high and low voltage electric motors, electric motor control, intelligent, principle and application of the power system protection, electric power system integrated automation, building for distribution, etc. A train, the training goal of socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, basic engineer training, can relate theory to practice, electrical, electronic technique, control principles, automatic detection and instrumentation, signal processing, computer technology and network technology and application of such a wide field of engineering technology and professional knowledge, can in motion control, industrial process control and power electronic technology, detection and instrumentation, electronic and computer technology, information processing, management and decision-making, etc, analysis, design, manufacturing and application of advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope and specifications (1) 1, master the business specifications necessary, professional knowledge base system, 2, a preliminary engineering knowledge and wider professional knowledge, 3, a preliminary scientific experiments, literature retrieval, information and technical and economic analysis and production management knowledge, 4 and has strong ability of cartography, 5 and application of electronic and mechanical materials and technology knowledge and solve the problem of professional production practical ability, 6 and has strong using computer technology and control ability, 7, with strong scientific research, experiment and analysis to solve the question ability, professional engineering 8 and has strong ability of self-study and adapt to the development of science and technology capability, Nine, a preliminary analysis and evaluation of economy and technology, production management and coordination ability, 10 and have strong English reading ability, (2) business scope, automatic control systems, power electronic equipment design, manufacturing, test, etc. 2 and automation technology of theoretical research and scientific experiments. 3, computer and its technology and research and development work. 4, factories and equipment control system of technological development, application and management work. 5 and the school teaching, scientific research and management work. Third, the main subject, the main course backbone disciplines: control of science and engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and technology major courses: circuit theory, analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology, automatic control theory, principle and application, and power electronic technology, electrical control and PLC and single-chip microcomputer principle and application, technical, motion control system, sensors and testing technology.
Obtain employment direction
Electrical engineering and automation, absolutely is a highly professional expertise, but because the school is different, it is not the same, on the strength of the electricity, you must first points clear, the study of power system analysis, motor learning, relay protection, such as high voltage power, the direction of the electric power industry professional now because of the very popular and development direction, but this is not much, most university college of electrical field are weak, mainly studies the PLC control principle, control and Matlab. High voltage is the best direction: this is where people over the power company and large power, for this industry is bad, I think I need to say much, there is some large companies, such as: Siemens, ABB is the professional digestive large, Elv: for electricity, because of its general tends to control, so if into electric power industry in power plant, general electric company relatively few people gathered in the other aspects, but with less difference is heavy, also can enter Siemens, ABB etc. Large domestic and foreign, the several large electrical company.
电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and Automation
电气工程及其自动化 用英语怎么说
Electrical engineering and automation
电气工程electrical engineering
自动化automation; automatization; automate; robotization
Industrial process control is an elective course of electrical engineering and automation.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
形容词是:electric 或是 electrical
副词形式是: electrically
Electrical engineering and its automation
Electrical Engineering Department
Electric Engineering and Automative
electrical engineering and automation
I e / am from college of an Electric Engineering College
Electrical Engineering and Automation
以上就是电气自动化英语的全部内容,Electrical engineering and automation 重点词汇释义 电气工程electrical engineering 自动化automation; automatization; automate; robotization 例句 工业过程自动控制系统是电气工程及其自动化专业的一门选修课程。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。