萝卜蹲用英语怎么说?Squat Carrot。萝卜蹲是一种常见的游戏形式。湖南卫视大型亲子户外真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》第十一期中进行了这个游戏,最终,孩子组天天(张悦轩)获胜,爸爸组郭涛神机妙算,将田亮绕进去,获得冠军。从此,那么,萝卜蹲用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
Each (each) students represent a fruit or vegetable (small animals, animated characters, etc.), listening Password: radish squat, squat radish, radish squat squat finished XX. Has been cried the "fruit or vegetables" prompt corresponding action, the game loop continues.
萝卜蹲游戏规则 “Carrot squat”game rules
Each student represents a kind of vegetable, cartoon character or animal. In the beginning, chose one student(apple e.g. ) by “paper, scissors,stone”. The first player start to say the game password:"apple down,apple down,apple down then banana down” while squat and up. Then it is banana’s turn to speak the game password and squat. Anyone fail to follow the password will be given out.The last winner gets the rewards.
每个学生代表一种动物,蔬菜或者卡通人物,首先由剪刀石头布决定第一个喊口令的学生银大橘,比如第一轮选到apple,代仿核表apple的学生就就喊口令,"apple down,apple down,apple down then banana down"并做蹲的动作,接下来由banana做同样的动作并指定下一个蹲的锋团学生。
1.Which of the following games is the one WITHOUT a goal?下列哪个游戏没有最终结果的?应该是A 模拟城市没有最终结果.A.SimCity.B.Pac-Man.C.Tomb Raider.D.International.2.Where is the Fairy Tale Castle of Neuschwanstein?哪里是天鹅堡的神话传说地点?答案应该是B 德国A.In Sydney.B.In Germany.C.In California.D.In Paris.3.Hangman is a game that helps with____.刽子手游戏能帮助 D 学习历史A.spelling?B.calculating?C.drawing?D.history studying 4.A hummingbird's egg is only as big as____.蜂鸟的蛋相当于C 豌豆大铅举小.A.an orange?B.a potato?C.a pea?D.a grape 5.Which of the following is NOT a part of a fire engine?下列C一匹马不是消防装置的一部分.A.A siren.B.A ladder.C.A hose.D.A fire hydrant.6.Where was the first World Expo held?哪里是第一届世界博览会的召开地点.C 伦敦A.In New York.B.In Berlin.C.In London.D.In Tokyo.7.How many languages have the stories of the Grimm Brothers been translated into?格林童话被翻译成多少种语言.BA.140?B.150?C.160?D.170 8.Dr Bethune visited many countries in his life but he NEVER visited _____.白求恩在他一生中到访过许多国家但是没去过B 德国A.France?B.Germany?C.Malaysia?D.Spain 9.Wei Qi is called ____in English.围棋用英语说成 CA.Chinese chess?B.Go?C.bridge?D.Go Fish 10.What was Einstein's favorite sport?下列B 游泳是爱因斯坦最喜欢的运动A.Sailing.B.Swimming.C.Football.D.Basketball.。
大小声游戏规则英语Rules of the game。
3、抢椅子:读单词或句子同时,绕着椅子转,当老师说停时看谁以最快的速度抢到椅子,抢到者加分木头人:如:I can fiy I can jump 读句子的同时表演出动作,老师说停,不论你什么姿态,都不能动,老师挑选一名学生去逗表演的学生,看谁懂了谁犯规
4、 说反语:I say sit down You say stand up小手枪:指着谁,谁读单词的下一个单词。寻宝藏:选一名同学背对着大家,把卡片或别的东西藏到一个学生哪里,大裤歼孙家开始读单词或句子,当寻宝的学生离宝藏越近读声越大
5、 萝卜蹲:用单词代替学生的名字一个接一个蹲,顶卡片:读句子单词的同时用头来顶卡片互动记名字:给学生一个新名字(课中的单词)来互相提问及回答警察抓小偷:选一名同学背对着大家,挑出两个学生,大家一起读单词,这两名同学读单词时不发
Divide the participants into groups. Each group can be just one person or many people. For example, "where's dad going" is one in each group.
Name each group with a different color.
Randomly select one group as the start group.
The members of this group say "x radish squat, X radish squat, X radish squat, y radish squat after X radish squat"
Finish with your fingers at the same time.