As marketers recognized social media's value in getting consumers talking about a brand, Madison Avenue went to great lengths -- and heights -- to pull off elaborate stunts that could generate online buzz.
Energy-drink maker Red Bull, sponsored a much-hyped sky-dive from space. Earlier in the year, 007 parachuted with a Queen Elizabeth double into the Summer Olympics' opening ceremony, helping jump-start buzz for the Bond film 'Skyfall.'
能量饮料生产商红牛(Red Bull)赞助了一场太空跳伞活动,引起一番炒作。今年早些时候,007和一位扮演伊丽莎白女王的演员一起跳伞并降落在夏季奥运会的开幕式上,开始为007电影《天幕坠落》(Skyfall)造势。
'If people aren't talking about your brand, then you don't exist,' said Rob Schwartz, global creative president at Omnicom Group Inc.'s TBWAChiatDay.
宏盟集团(Omnicom Group Inc.)旗下广告公司TBWAChiatDay的国际创意总裁施瓦茨(Rob Schwartz)说:如果人们没有在谈论你的品牌,那你就等于不存在。
Still, the proliferation of exotic marketing stunts didn't translate into big increases in spending. The European crisis and political and economic uncertainty in the U.S. damped what was supposed to be a decent year for advertising. Chief marketing officers pushed ad agencies to do more with less, said ad agency executives.
Here are our choices for some of 2023's best and worst:
The Best
Out of This World
Client: Red Bull GmbH
Agency: In-house
Pitch: Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner's sky-dive from space. The drink maker's logo was featured prominently as a world record was set for the highest parachute jump.
红牛赞助了鲍姆加特纳(Felix Baumgartner)的太空伞降,在他创下最高伞降纪录的时候,红牛的标识被放在显眼位置。
Feedback: Red Bull won't comment about its marketing effort, but Visible Measures Corp., which tracks online viewership, said footage and videos related to the event received 171 million views across the Web.
红牛不评论其营销行动,但跟踪网上观看量的Visible Measures Corp.说,与这次活动相关的画面和视频一共被观看了1.71亿次。
A Dollar and a Dream
Client: Dollarshaveclub.com
Agency: In-house
Pitch: A video showed the company's founder riding on a forklift, dancing with a man in a bear suit and poking fun at the $13 billion razorblade market.
Feedback: The video cost about $4,500 to create. After it ran on YouTube, Dollarshaveclub's website crashed because of an influx of traffic. The company said it gained 25,000 members within the first week of posting the video, although it won't disclose sales or revenue. The company recently announced an additional $10 million in funding led by Venrock.
Cultivating Customers
Client: Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.
墨西哥食品公司Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.
Agency:Creative Artists Agency's CAA Marketing
创新艺人经纪公司(Creative Artists Agency)旗下CAA营销(CAA Marketing)
Pitch: An animated two-minute film showed a farmer switching to more environmentally friendly farming practices, eschewing the factory farm, as Willie Nelson crooned in the background. The ad, which ran during the Grammys, was the first national TV commercial for the fast-food chain.
在这部两分钟的动画电影中,一位农民转向使用更为环保的农场养殖方法,拒绝把农场办成工厂。背景音则是美国乡村歌手威利·纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)的浅吟低唱。在格莱美奖(Grammys)颁奖期间播出的这则广告是这家快餐连锁企业在全美播出的第一个电视广告。
Feedback: The ad hit a sweet spot with consumers, who are increasingly interested in the origins of their food. The video was viewed seven million times on YouTube, and CAA said that the buzz contributed to a 23% increase in revenue during the first half of 2023. People have dressed up in costumes that look like characters in the spot.
Making Chrysler's Day
Client:Chrysler Group LLC
克莱斯勒集团(Chrysler Group LLC)
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
Wieden + Kennedy
Pitch: A two-minute Super Bowl ad dubbed 'It's Halftime in America' featured Clint Eastwood trying to rally the country.
在全美橄榄球年度冠军赛“超级碗(Super Bowl)期间播出了一则时长两分钟的广告,名为《美利坚:中场时间》(It's Halftime in America)。克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)在片中号召全美团结起来。
Feedback: The spot received more than 12 million views on YouTube, generated 112,000 comments on social media and was nominated for an Emmy. The spot became fodder for late- night talk shows and spurred skits on 'Saturday Night Live.'
这则广告在YouTube上的播放次数超过了1,200万次,并在社交媒体上获得了11.2万条评论,同时获得艾美奖(Emmy)提名。这则广告还成了深夜脱口秀节目的谈资,《周六夜现撤(Saturday Night Live)还据此编排了一个搞笑短剧。
Stealing Thunder
Client: Samsung Electronics Co.
三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)
Agency: MDC Partners Inc.'s 72 & Sunny
MDC Partners Inc.旗下的72 & Sunny
Pitch: Samsung released its 'The Next Big Thing is Already Here' ad just as the iPhone 5 was being introduced. The ad mocked Apple fanboys who are shown in the spot waiting in line to buy the new phone. One guy who is using his Galaxy S III while standing in the line reveals he was saving a spot for someone else, who at the end of the ad is identified as his parents.
就在iPhone 5推出期间,三星发布了一则名为《下一个伟大产品已经诞生》(The Next Big Thing is Already Here)的广告。广告嘲笑了那些在片中排队等待购买iPhone 5的果粉。广告中一位正在排队的男孩儿用的是三星Galaxy S III,他告诉别人自己是在替他人占位。广告结尾我们得知所谓“他人指的是他的父母。
Feedback: The ad has had more than 22 million views. Samsung said the ad generated 90% positive sentiment.
The worst
Sour Apple
Client: Apple Inc.
苹果公司(Apple Inc.)
Agency: TBWAChiatDay">TBWAChiatDay
Pitch: Several commercials featured a young male playing a staffer from the Apple 'Genius Bar' who comes to the rescue of consumers lacking tech skills. In one spot, the man helps an airline passenger rushing to make an iMovie as an anniversary present before he lands.
在多则广告中一位年轻男孩儿扮演苹果“天才吧(Genius Bar)的一名员工,他为很多“技术盲顾客解了燃眉之急。在一则广告中,这个男孩儿帮助一位赶飞机的顾客用iMoive软件制作了一个短片,作为这名顾客的周年纪念礼物,并在飞机落地前发给顾客。
Feedback: The ads fell short of Apple's usual ability to entertain the audience. BlueFin Labs, a firm that tracks consumer comments on social media, said comments about the ads were 3.4 times more negative than positive. The ads were eventually pulled because they weren't well-received and unlike other Apple ads oversold the company's services, according to a person familiar with the matter. Apple declined to comment.
这一系列广告未能达到苹果一贯的娱乐观众的水平。专门追踪消费者在社交媒体上评论的公司BlueFin Labs说,对这一系列广告的负面评论是正面评论的3.4倍。据一位知情人士说,这一系列广告最终被撤下,因为观众反应不好,不像其它广告那样能帮苹果大卖商品。苹果对此不予置评。
Fuzzy Image
Client: Nokia Corp.
诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)
Pitch: To promote its Lumia 920 Windows phone and the device's PureView camera, the company created a promotional video that appeared on the Web to show that its camera was superior to competitors.
为了推广其搭载Windows Phone操作系统的Lumia 920手机及其PureView摄像头,该公司制作了一部宣传视频放到网上,以表明其摄像头要优于竞争对手。
Feedback: The video wasn't actually shot with a Lumia, but rather with a hand-held video camera and lighting rig. The company apologized for misleading marketing. 'While there was no intention to mislead, the failure to add a disclaimer to the video was obviously a mistake,' the company said at the time.
Cheezy Stunt
Client: Yum Brands Inc.'s Pizza Hut
百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands Inc.)旗下必胜客(Pizza Hut)
Agency: Zeno Group
Zeno Group
Pitch: As part of a public-relations stunt the fast-food chain asked those attending the Town Hall presidential debate at Hofstra University to ask President Obama and Mitt Romney if they preferred sausage or pepperoni on their pizza. The prize for those willing to ask the tough question: pizza for life.
这是该快餐连锁企业公关宣传活动的组成部分。必胜客想让那些在霍夫斯特拉大学(Hofstra University)参加总统候选人辩论会的观众问奥巴马和罗姆尼一个问题:他们喜欢给匹萨加香肠还是辣肠?愿意问出这一棘手问题的观众可以得到一份大奖:一辈子免费吃披萨。
Feedback: While no one actually asked the question during the debate, media pundits bashed the stunt. During the ' Colbert Report,' Stephen Colbert said, 'What could be more American than using our electoral process for product placement?' The company eventually moved the topping question to the Web and selected a random voter to win the lifetime pizza supply. 'We pay closest attention to our fans, and they overwhelmingly had fun with the campaign,' said a Pizza Hut spokesman. On the night of the debate, thousands of tweets mentioned it, with comments like, 'I'm only watching this debate to see if someone asks the pepperoni or sausage question' or 'I'm bored. Someone please ask the Pizza Hut question,' according to the spokesman.
虽然没有观众在辩论会中提出这一问题,但媒体专家却抨击这一营销活动。斯蒂芬·科尔伯特(Stephen Colbert)在“科尔伯特报告(Colbert Report)节目中说,跟利用总统候选人辩论做产品植入相比,还有什么更能代表美国风格?该公司最终将这一问题放到了网上,并随机挑选了一位选民颁发“终身免费吃披萨大奖。必胜客一位发言人说,我们密切关注粉丝的想法,绝大多数粉丝觉得这项营销活动非常有趣。这位发言人说,在总统候选人辩论会举行的当晚,有数千条微博提到此次活动。有人说,我所以看这场辩论仅仅是因为想看看是否有人会问“放香肠还是辣肠的问题。也有人说,无聊死了,来个人问问必胜客的那个问题吧。
Anything but Smooth
Client: LVMH Mo?t Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA's Belvedere Vodka
酩悦轩尼诗-路易威登集团(LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA)旗下雪树伏特加(Belvedere Vodka)
Agency: N/A
Pitch: The company posted an ad on Twitter and on its Facebook page that showed a grinning man grabbing a shocked-looking woman from behind. The headline: 'Unlike some People, Belvedere Always Goes Down Smoothly.'
Feedback: Many people complained the ad implied a rape scene. Charles Gibb, the president of Belvedere, apologized on Facebook: 'I would like to personally apologize for the offensive post that recently appeared on our Facebook page. It should never have happened.' The company also said it would make a donation to an anti-sexual-violence organization.
很多人抱怨这则广告暗示了强奸画面。雪树伏特加的总裁吉布(Charles Gibb)在Facebook上道歉:我想为最近出现在我们Facebook页面上的这则冒犯观众的广告亲自道歉;这本不应该发生。该公司还表示将向一个反对性暴力组织捐款。
Making a Hash of It
Client: McDonald's Corp.
麦当劳(McDonald's Corp.)
Agency: Interpublic Group's Golin Harris
Interpublic Group旗下的Golin Harris
Pitch: The fast-food chain began a campaign on Twitter to promote the quality of its ingredients using promoted tweets, which carried hashtags such as #McDStories.
Feedback: Some consumers jumped in, but used the hashtag to air their complaints about the company. One person complained about getting food poisoning while another talked about losing 50 pounds after quitting work at a McDonald's. The fast-food chain quickly pulled down the campaign. 'It was a minor issue,' said Rick Wion, McDonald's director of social media. 'Those weren't customers but just critics who weren't coming to our restaurant,' he added. The program generated about 72,000 tweets in one day, of which about 2,000 were negative, Mr. Wion said.
一些消费者跑来参加话题讨论,不过却是在抱怨麦当劳。一位消费者抱怨说自己吃了麦当劳之后食物中毒,另一位说自己辞去麦当劳的工作之后成功减重50磅。这家快餐连锁企业迅速取消这场营销活动。麦当劳社交媒体主管维翁(Rick Wion)说,这是一个小问题;说这些话的人不是我们的顾客,只是不会到我们餐厅用餐的批评者。韦恩说,这项营销活动一天之内产生了7.2万条微博,其中约2,000条是负面评论。