One of the UK’s top equity traders is leaving Soros Fund Management, the hedge fund founded by billionaire George Soros.
英国的一位顶尖股票交易员将离开亿万富翁乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)创建的对冲基金——索罗斯基金管理公司(SFM)。
Robert Donald, who headed up investments in European equities as a portfolio manager from SFM’s London office, is to leave at the end of the year.
SFM常驻伦敦的投资组合经理、负责欧洲股票投资的罗伯特·唐纳德(Robert Donald)将在今年年底离职。
A spokesperson for Soros declined to comment on the move. Mr Donald, who specialises in trading industrial companies and basic materials, is widely regarded as one of the leading equity traders in the UK.
He joined Soros in 2009, when his departure from GLG Partners prompted concerns that the firm might suffer outflows as it did when its head of emerging markets, Greg Coffey, left in a high-profile move to rival Moore Capital in 2008.
他是在2009年加盟索罗斯的,当时他从GLG Partners跳槽,令人担忧后者可能遭遇一波撤资。2008年,GLG的新兴市场主管格雷格·科菲(Greg Coffey)令人瞩目地跳槽至摩尔资本(Moore Capital),就曾使GLG遭遇撤资。
Mr Donald managed part of GLG’s $1.5bn flagship European equity fund, headed by firm founder Pierre Lagrange.
唐纳德曾负责管理GLG的15亿美元旗舰基金——欧洲股票基金的一部分资产。该基金由GLG创始人罗然志(Pierre LaGrange)执掌。
At Soros, Mr Donald was hired to launch a new European equities team. Since he joined, however, SFM has undergone a significant shift in direction. In July last year, the group returned all remaining outside capital in order to sidestep sweeping new regulations for hedge fund managers in the US.
The fund still manages assets of $24bn made up of Mr Soros’ personal family wealth, money from his charitable foundation and small amounts from family and close friends. At such a size, SFM is comfortably larger than many of the world’s leading hedge funds. However, the group has dialled down its return expectations, and is now focused more on preserving Mr Soros wealth and that of the foundation rather than greatly increasing it.
In September last year, Jonathan Soros, Mr Soros’ son stood back from day-to-day oversight of the firm’s investment.
去年9月,索罗斯之子乔纳森·索罗斯(Jonathan Soros)卸下了对公司投资进行日常管控的职责。
SFM appointed Scott Bessent, a former employee of the firm who headed its London office at the time of its famous bet against sterling, as its new chief investment officer.
SFM任命斯科特·本森特(Scott Bessent)为新的首席投资官。本森特是该公司的前雇员,在该公司著名的押注英镑贬值之役时执掌其伦敦办公室。
George Soros remains as chairman of the firm. Jonathan is chairman of the charitable foundation.
SFM is looking for a replacement for Mr Donald. It is not clear what will happen to the team the former GLG trader headed.
Hedge funds have struggled through another difficult year.
According to Hedge Fund Research, the average hedge fund has made just 4.8 per cent so far this year after having lost an average of 5.2 per cent last year. Global macro funds, which follow a freewheeling, global investing style like that of Mr Soros, have fared particularly badly. The average macro fund lost 1 per cent this year, according to HFR.
对冲基金研究公司(Hedge Fund Research)的数据显示,对冲基金今年迄今的平均回报率只有4.8%,而去年平均亏损5.2%。采用索罗斯那种风格(放眼全球、不受拘束地择机投资)的全球宏观基金表现尤其糟糕。对冲基金研究公司的数据显示,宏观基金今年平均亏损1%。
One of the UK’s top equity traders is leaving Soros Fund Management, the hedge fund founded by billionaire George Soros.
英国的一位顶尖股票交易员将离开亿万富翁乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)创建的对冲基金——索罗斯基金管理公司(SFM)。
Robert Donald, who headed up investments in European equities as a portfolio manager from SFM’s London office, is to leave at the end of the year.
SFM常驻伦敦的投资组合经理、负责欧洲股票投资的罗伯特·唐纳德(Robert Donald)将在今年年底离职。
A spokesperson for Soros declined to comment on the move. Mr Donald, who specialises in trading industrial companies and basic materials, is widely regarded as one of the leading equity traders in the UK.
He joined Soros in 2009, when his departure from GLG Partners prompted concerns that the firm might suffer outflows as it did when its head of emerging markets, Greg Coffey, left in a high-profile move to rival Moore Capital in 2008.
他是在2009年加盟索罗斯的,当时他从GLG Partners跳槽,令人担忧后者可能遭遇一波撤资。2008年,GLG的新兴市场主管格雷格·科菲(Greg Coffey)令人瞩目地跳槽至摩尔资本(Moore Capital),就曾使GLG遭遇撤资。
Mr Donald managed part of GLG’s $1.5bn flagship European equity fund, headed by firm founder Pierre Lagrange.
唐纳德曾负责管理GLG的15亿美元旗舰基金——欧洲股票基金的一部分资产。该基金由GLG创始人罗然志(Pierre LaGrange)执掌。
At Soros, Mr Donald was hired to launch a new European equities team. Since he joined, however, SFM has undergone a significant shift in direction. In July last year, the group returned all remaining outside capital in order to sidestep sweeping new regulations for hedge fund managers in the US.
The fund still manages assets of $24bn made up of Mr Soros’ personal family wealth, money from his charitable foundation and small amounts from family and close friends. At such a size, SFM is comfortably larger than many of the world’s leading hedge funds. However, the group has dialled down its return expectations, and is now focused more on preserving Mr Soros wealth and that of the foundation rather than greatly increasing it.
In September last year, Jonathan Soros, Mr Soros’ son stood back from day-to-day oversight of the firm’s investment.
去年9月,索罗斯之子乔纳森·索罗斯(Jonathan Soros)卸下了对公司投资进行日常管控的职责。
SFM appointed Scott Bessent, a former employee of the firm who headed its London office at the time of its famous bet against sterling, as its new chief investment officer.
SFM任命斯科特·本森特(Scott Bessent)为新的首席投资官。本森特是该公司的前雇员,在该公司著名的押注英镑贬值之役时执掌其伦敦办公室。
George Soros remains as chairman of the firm. Jonathan is chairman of the charitable foundation.
SFM is looking for a replacement for Mr Donald. It is not clear what will happen to the team the former GLG trader headed.
Hedge funds have struggled through another difficult year.
According to Hedge Fund Research, the average hedge fund has made just 4.8 per cent so far this year after having lost an average of 5.2 per cent last year. Global macro funds, which follow a freewheeling, global investing style like that of Mr Soros, have fared particularly badly. The average macro fund lost 1 per cent this year, according to HFR.
对冲基金研究公司(Hedge Fund Research)的数据显示,对冲基金今年迄今的平均回报率只有4.8%,而去年平均亏损5.2%。采用索罗斯那种风格(放眼全球、不受拘束地择机投资)的全球宏观基金表现尤其糟糕。对冲基金研究公司的数据显示,宏观基金今年平均亏损1%。