Shinzo Abe has been given a second chance. He should count himself lucky. Nothing in his first, truncated term merits another spell at the helm of the world’s third-biggest economy. At least Mr Abe has shown some humility. He has admitted that the resounding victory for his Liberal Democratic party is less an endorsement of its policies and more a rejection of the Democratic Party of Japan.
安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)又得到了一次机会。他应当为自己感到庆幸。在短暂的第一次首相任期中,他没能拿出什么出彩的政绩,以支持他重新成为全球第三大经济体的掌舵人。不过,安倍晋三这回起码表现出一点谦虚。他承认,他领导的自由民主党(LDP)在选举中大获全胜的原因,与其说是该党的政策主张得到了日本选民的认可,倒不如说日本选民抛弃了日本民主党(DPJ)。
Last time round, Mr Abe was obsessed with his vision of a “beautiful Japan, a predilection that led him down a policy cul-de-sac of whitewashing history. He upgraded the defence agency to a full-fledged ministry and set about trying to change the pacifist constitution. His popularity rapidly plummeted.
This time, Mr Abe’s victory does owe something to the perceived Chinese territorial threat over the Senkaku islands, known as Diaoyu in China. But the new prime minister should reserve most of his attention for the economy. Here Mr Abe has sounded much more sensible. He has proposed setting an inflation target of 2-3 per cent for the Bank of Japan. This is a good idea and can be achieved without compromising central bank independence. Mr Abe should follow through on his proposal and appoint a Bank of Japan governor who is strongly committed to restoring growth and ending the cycle of deflation.
Inflation is not a panacea, though without it not much constructive can be done. At some point taxes must rise if Japan wants to keep spending at the present level. Here the stars may finally be aligning. Under the law, a planned doubling of sales tax to 10 per cent by 2023 can be phased in only if the economy is growing. The normally parsimonious finance ministry may thus be prepared to loosen the purse strings to “buy sufficient growth to get the tax increase implemented. Japan could thus see a mini-growth spurt in 2023 that could turn the vicious deflationary circle into something more positive.
Even this will not be enough. The economy needs further deregulation to help cut energy costs and open up new areas of investment and employment. The inflationary path is a narrow one. Savers’ wealth will be eroded. The interest rate on the debt will rise. And, if wages do not respond to inflationary expectations, living standards will be harmed. Still, this is the only sensible course open. Mr Abe should seize what looks like a rare opportunity – and leave his dreams of a beautiful Japan for another day.
Shinzo Abe has been given a second chance. He should count himself lucky. Nothing in his first, truncated term merits another spell at the helm of the world’s third-biggest economy. At least Mr Abe has shown some humility. He has admitted that the resounding victory for his Liberal Democratic party is less an endorsement of its policies and more a rejection of the Democratic Party of Japan.
安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)又得到了一次机会。他应当为自己感到庆幸。在短暂的第一次首相任期中,他没能拿出什么出彩的政绩,以支持他重新成为全球第三大经济体的掌舵人。不过,安倍晋三这回起码表现出一点谦虚。他承认,他领导的自由民主党(LDP)在选举中大获全胜的原因,与其说是该党的政策主张得到了日本选民的认可,倒不如说日本选民抛弃了日本民主党(DPJ)。
Last time round, Mr Abe was obsessed with his vision of a “beautiful Japan, a predilection that led him down a policy cul-de-sac of whitewashing history. He upgraded the defence agency to a full-fledged ministry and set about trying to change the pacifist constitution. His popularity rapidly plummeted.
This time, Mr Abe’s victory does owe something to the perceived Chinese territorial threat over the Senkaku islands, known as Diaoyu in China. But the new prime minister should reserve most of his attention for the economy. Here Mr Abe has sounded much more sensible. He has proposed setting an inflation target of 2-3 per cent for the Bank of Japan. This is a good idea and can be achieved without compromising central bank independence. Mr Abe should follow through on his proposal and appoint a Bank of Japan governor who is strongly committed to restoring growth and ending the cycle of deflation.
Inflation is not a panacea, though without it not much constructive can be done. At some point taxes must rise if Japan wants to keep spending at the present level. Here the stars may finally be aligning. Under the law, a planned doubling of sales tax to 10 per cent by 2023 can be phased in only if the economy is growing. The normally parsimonious finance ministry may thus be prepared to loosen the purse strings to “buy sufficient growth to get the tax increase implemented. Japan could thus see a mini-growth spurt in 2023 that could turn the vicious deflationary circle into something more positive.
Even this will not be enough. The economy needs further deregulation to help cut energy costs and open up new areas of investment and employment. The inflationary path is a narrow one. Savers’ wealth will be eroded. The interest rate on the debt will rise. And, if wages do not respond to inflationary expectations, living standards will be harmed. Still, this is the only sensible course open. Mr Abe should seize what looks like a rare opportunity – and leave his dreams of a beautiful Japan for another day.