International banks received a New Year fillip when regulators revealed that the first ever global liquidity standards would be less onerous than expected and not be fully enforced until 2023, four years later than expected.
Aimed at preventing a repeat of the 2008 bank collapses, the “liquidity coverage ratio announced yesterday marks the first time that global regulators have sought to require individual banks to hold enough cash and easy-to-sell assets to allow them to survive a short-term crisis. The measure is the second plank of the Basel III reforms. Tougher capital rules began to be phased in this month.
昨日公布的“流动性覆盖率(LCR)规则,是国际监管机构首次要求每家银行持有足量现金和易于变现的资产,以使自己能够挺过短期危机。这旨在防止2008年银行业崩溃的重演,也是巴塞尔协议III (Basel III)改革计划的第二项内容。从本月开始,银行业开始分阶段执行更严格的资本规则。
The final LCR rule approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is significantly more flexible than the draft proposed more than two years ago. Banks will be able to count a wider variety of liquid assets towards their buffers, including some equities and high-quality mortgage-backed securities. Calculation methods have also been changed in ways that will significantly reduce the size of the liquidity buffers many institutions have to hold against outflows from possible depositor runs and corporate and interbank credit lines.
“This is quite a lot more favourable to the industry than I and the market were expecting. The changes to the asset definitions and the outflow calculations in particular look like a fairly massive softening of approach, said Daniel Davies, banking analyst for Exane BNP.
Exane BNP银行业分析师丹尼尔·戴维斯(Daniel Davies)表示:“这对银行业构成重大利好,超出了我本人和市场的预期。从资产定义、尤其资本外流计算方法的调整来看,新规似乎大幅放宽了要求。
Sir Mervyn King, head of the committee’s oversight group, called the agreement “a clear commitment to ensure that banks hold sufficient liquid assets to prevent central banks from becoming lenders of first resort.
巴塞尔银行监管委员会监督小组负责人默文·金爵士(Sir Mervyn King),把新规称为“一项明确的承诺,旨在确保各银行持有足量的流动资产,使央行不必承担第一贷款人的角色。
International banks received a New Year fillip when regulators revealed that the first ever global liquidity standards would be less onerous than expected and not be fully enforced until 2023, four years later than expected.
Aimed at preventing a repeat of the 2008 bank collapses, the “liquidity coverage ratio announced yesterday marks the first time that global regulators have sought to require individual banks to hold enough cash and easy-to-sell assets to allow them to survive a short-term crisis. The measure is the second plank of the Basel III reforms. Tougher capital rules began to be phased in this month.
昨日公布的“流动性覆盖率(LCR)规则,是国际监管机构首次要求每家银行持有足量现金和易于变现的资产,以使自己能够挺过短期危机。这旨在防止2008年银行业崩溃的重演,也是巴塞尔协议III (Basel III)改革计划的第二项内容。从本月开始,银行业开始分阶段执行更严格的资本规则。
The final LCR rule approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is significantly more flexible than the draft proposed more than two years ago. Banks will be able to count a wider variety of liquid assets towards their buffers, including some equities and high-quality mortgage-backed securities. Calculation methods have also been changed in ways that will significantly reduce the size of the liquidity buffers many institutions have to hold against outflows from possible depositor runs and corporate and interbank credit lines.
“This is quite a lot more favourable to the industry than I and the market were expecting. The changes to the asset definitions and the outflow calculations in particular look like a fairly massive softening of approach, said Daniel Davies, banking analyst for Exane BNP.
Exane BNP银行业分析师丹尼尔·戴维斯(Daniel Davies)表示:“这对银行业构成重大利好,超出了我本人和市场的预期。从资产定义、尤其资本外流计算方法的调整来看,新规似乎大幅放宽了要求。
Sir Mervyn King, head of the committee’s oversight group, called the agreement “a clear commitment to ensure that banks hold sufficient liquid assets to prevent central banks from becoming lenders of first resort.
巴塞尔银行监管委员会监督小组负责人默文·金爵士(Sir Mervyn King),把新规称为“一项明确的承诺,旨在确保各银行持有足量的流动资产,使央行不必承担第一贷款人的角色。