Standard & Poor’s has become the last big credit ratings agency to give the UK government a bloody nose by downgrading the outlook on Britain’s triple A rating to negative.
The agency said it had become concerned at the weak recovery and an insufficient improvement in the public finances.
With all three large credit ratings agencies giving Britain’s triple A status a negative outlook, many analysts think it is only a matter of time before one pulls the trigger and downgrades UK debt.
The move by S&Pcould be more difficult for George Osborne than those by the other agencies because S&P removed its negative outlook when the chancellor imposed a tougher austerity drive after taking office in 2010.
对于英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)来说,相比其他评级机构,标普的举措可能更让他难堪,因为奥斯本2010年上任之后采取更加严格的紧缩措施曾让标普取消对英国的负面展望。
S&P said: “The negative outlook reflects our view of a one-in-three chance that we could lower the ratings in the next two years if the UK’s economic and fiscal performances weaken beyond our current expectations.
The warning comes a week after Fitch said the government’s Autumn Statement had “weakened the credibility of the UK’s fiscal framework, hinting that it was getting closer to downgrading Britain’s rating.
一周前,惠誉(Fitch)指出,英国政府的秋季预算报告(Autumn Statement)“削弱了英国财政框架的可信度,表明其调低英国评级的可能性进一步增大。
Standard & Poor’s has become the last big credit ratings agency to give the UK government a bloody nose by downgrading the outlook on Britain’s triple A rating to negative.
The agency said it had become concerned at the weak recovery and an insufficient improvement in the public finances.
With all three large credit ratings agencies giving Britain’s triple A status a negative outlook, many analysts think it is only a matter of time before one pulls the trigger and downgrades UK debt.
The move by S&Pcould be more difficult for George Osborne than those by the other agencies because S&P removed its negative outlook when the chancellor imposed a tougher austerity drive after taking office in 2010.
对于英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)来说,相比其他评级机构,标普的举措可能更让他难堪,因为奥斯本2010年上任之后采取更加严格的紧缩措施曾让标普取消对英国的负面展望。
S&P said: “The negative outlook reflects our view of a one-in-three chance that we could lower the ratings in the next two years if the UK’s economic and fiscal performances weaken beyond our current expectations.
The warning comes a week after Fitch said the government’s Autumn Statement had “weakened the credibility of the UK’s fiscal framework, hinting that it was getting closer to downgrading Britain’s rating.
一周前,惠誉(Fitch)指出,英国政府的秋季预算报告(Autumn Statement)“削弱了英国财政框架的可信度,表明其调低英国评级的可能性进一步增大。