英语写作高级词汇替换?可以不用“第一,第二,第三”这种表达方式,使用逻辑连词效果更好,比如首先……然后……其次……最后这样的逻辑,这样在写作里得分也高。1、originally, primarily, initially。2、and, further,moreover, besides,那么,英语写作高级词汇替换?一起来了解一下吧。
用烂词之一许多 :
栗子:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.
替换词NO.2:a host of
栗子:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.
替换词NO.3:a multitude of
栗子:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.
备厅1.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 考试大替换cause.
2.There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth
3.desire 替换want.
4.pour attention into 替换pay attention to
5.bear in mind that 替换remember
6. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process 是过歼滚唤程的意思)
7. interaction 替换communication
8.frown on sth 替换be against , disagree with sth
9.to name only a few, as an example 替换 for example, for instance
10. next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible
1.individuals,characters 替换(people ,persons)
2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , exc ellent, outstanding, superior 替换good
3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 替换 eg: An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying r omance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.
4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not mos t)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。
要承认的是,别的答主列举的副词在国内不少考试中用大概率会得高分,但在英语作文中,所谓的高级词primarily/originally/initially,eventually/ultimately 大多都是有适用语境的,不漏裤败能简单归为“首先.../最后...”,我个人比较喜欢first and foremost/first of all和finally,当然,moreover,besides,furthermore,additionally这些副词还是很值得推荐的。
Abundant(充足的;丰富的)→ ample / plentiful / generous
Attract one's attention→ capture one's attention
Amazing→ incredible / unbelievable / improbable / fabulous / wonderful / fantastic / astonishing / astounding / awesome / extraordinary / spectacular / magnificent
Angry→ furious / enraged / wrathful / indignant / exasperated / mad / aroused / inflamed
Advice→ suggestion / recommendation / instruction / tip / direction / admonition / counsel / proposal
Aspect→ facet / demension / sphere
Brave→ courageous / bold /启坦拿 fearless
Big→ vast / massive / enormous / tremendous / titantic / considerable / giant
Boring→ dull / tiresome / tedious
Common→ commonplace / universal / pervasive
Clever→ intelligent / bright / wise / smart / clear-sighted / astute / sharp-witted / leery / resourceful
Cause→ give rise to / lead to / result in / trigger
Can→ be able to do / be capable of doing sth. / have access to / be competent to do / have the ability to do
Different→ various / a variety of / varieties of / diverse
Difficult→ demanding / laborious /悄搭 formidable
Doubtful→ skeptical / suspicious / incredulous
Energetic→ dynamic / animated / vigorous
Famous→ renowned / noticeable / notable / exceptional / ditinguished / eminent / prominent
Focus(重视)→ put emphasis on / emphasize / highlight / attach importance to / give priority to
Good→ excellent / outstanding / distinguished / extraordinary / remarkable / superior / tremendous / decent
Get→ obtain / attain / achieve / acquire / have access to / gain / reap / procure
Helpful→ favorable / beneficial / rewarding / contribute to
Have→ enjoy / possess / own
Happy→ delightful / cheerful / glad / pleased / elated / joyful / jubilant / blissful / chuffed / upbeat / chipper / thrilled / ebullient / ecgtatic
Harmful→ damaging / ruinous / destructive / dreadful / unfoavorable / adverse / negative / deteriorating / inferior / devastating
Important→ vital / crucial / prominent / cardinal / significant / critical / essential / indispensable / profound(意义深远的) / far-reaching(影响广泛的) /
Interesting→ amusing / entertaining / engaging
Ignore(忽视)→ neglect / overlook / fail to take into account
Many→ quite number of / a considerable number of / an overwhelming majority of / vast majority of / a crowd of / a host of / multitude of / plenty of / scores of / dozens of / large amount of / a great deal of( 这两个后接不可数名词) / an ocean of / enormous / an army of
New→ brand-new / novel / up to date / fresh / span-new / spick-and-span(崭新的;一尘不染的) / fire-new / span-new(崭新的) / in mint condition / neo-(前缀-新的)
Only→ solely / unique / merely
Poor→ needy / in need / impoverished / in poverty
Pay attention to→ pour attention to
Reasonable→ sound / rational / sensible
Peple/person→ individuals / characters / folks / youngsters / adolescent / inhabitant / citizens / mankind / dweller / resident
Problem→ issue / trouble / matter
Rich→ wealthy / well-heeled / well-to-do
Should→ be supposed to/ought to
Some→ a slice of / quite a few / several
Solve→ deal with / handle / tackle / work out / settle / cope with / address
Sad→ depressed / gloomy / under the weather / frustrated
sb. take interest in/sb. be interested in→ sth appeals to sb. / sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.
Think→ reckon / habor the idea that / take the attitude that / hold the view that / it is widely/universally shared/acknowledged that / claim / believe / assume / maintain / argue / ponder / mediate / advocate / contend / deem / claim / be convinced that /
Thing→ business / matter / affair
Unnecessary→ avoidable / hardly necessary / hardly inevitable
Very→ exceedingly / extremely / intensely
Walk/Read→ cover
Worried→ anxious / apprehensive / fraught
Way→ method / measure / solution / approach /
Want→ long for doing sth. / yearn for doing sth. / be thirsty to / thirst for doing sth / eager to do / intend to do / tend to do
for example =for instancebecause of =due to =owing to =thanks toas a result of =as a consequence of多背些好的稿弯句子吧一时想不键码闷起来了模枯
以上就是英语写作高级词汇替换的全部内容,1.individuals,characters,folks替换(people,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy ( 美 好 的 ) , promising ( 有 希 望 的 ) ,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。