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The competition has been described as “bloody, “rampant and even “carnivorous.


Amid the worst drought of initial public offerings and rights issues since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, equity capital market bankers are having to work extra hard to stay relevant this year.

今年是自雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭以来IPO(首次公开发行)和配股交易最为惨淡的一年,股权资本市场(ECM)的银行家们不得不格外努力以维持竞争优势。

In this tense atmosphere, investment bankers are bidding more aggressively – and sometimes disastrously – for so-called “block trade work, where banks buy large quantities of stock at a discount and sell it on to investors.


The work has the advantage of boosting banks’ rankings in industry league tables, which are closely watched internally and also important for marketing purposes as many companies want to deal with only the top-ranked institutions.


But block trade margins are often slim at best and, if the purchasing price is misjudged, banks vying for extra business can be left with millions of dollars in losses when the shares fall below the discount price offered at the initial auction.


“Competition is very tough these days, and there seem to be more examples of banks getting their fingers burnt by pushing a little bit too hard with their initial pricing on block trades, says a senior equity capital market banker at one of the top 10 banks.


Most recently, HSBC two weeks ago was left holding a more than €410m block of shares in Amadeus, a Spanish travel IT group, after it failed to attract enough investors to buy stock it was selling on behalf of Deutsche Lufthansa and Air France-KLM.

最近的例子是,两周前汇丰(HSBC)代表德国汉莎航空公司(Deutsche Lufthansa)和法荷航空(Air France-KLM)出售西班牙旅游信息技术集团Amadeus的股份,但由于未能吸引足够的投资者购买,价值4.10亿欧元的股份砸在了自己的手里。

In the deal HSBC placed 5.28 per cent of Amadeus shares at €19 a share, representing a 1.8 per cent discount to the closing price the day before, described as “very tight by rivals.

在此次交易中,汇丰以每股19欧元的价格收购了Amadeus 5.28%的股份,这一价格较收购前一交易日收盘价折让1.8%,汇丰的竞争对手称这一折扣“太小。

Unable to attract enough investors at that price the bank was forced to disclose it had a more than 5 per cent stake in Amadeus to Spain’s market regulator. Amadeus shares are now trading at €17.96, although it is not clear how much the bank still owns.


HSBC is far from alone. Earlier in the year Citigroup was left with a stake in Centrica, the British Gas supplier, after it failed to offload all of a £587m stake, while last year Goldman Sachs ended up with a stake in Monte dei Paschi, the Italian bank.

汇丰远非个例。今年早些时候,花旗集团(Citigroup)由于无法将英国天然气供应商Centrica价值5.87亿英镑的股票清仓而不得不被动持有其股份。而就在去年,高盛(Goldman Sachs)也最终把意大利西雅那银行(Monte dei Paschi)的股份砸在了手里。

Similarly, Nomura was left with shares in KBC Group, the Dutch bank, in October after a block trade, while Société Générale and BNP Paribas failed to dispose of some shares on a €499m block trade of Pernod Ricard, the French distiller, in March.

同样,在今年10月,野村证券(Nomura)在一次大宗交易之后也被迫持有荷兰的比利时联合银行(KBC Group)的股份,而在今年3月,法国兴业银行(Société Générale)与法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)在一次针对法国酿酒商保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)的4.99亿欧元规模的大宗交易中也未能处置掉部分股票。

Bankers point out that banks can hold a rump stake in the company and gradually sell down the shares over time, perhaps even at a profit. Block trades can also help develop relationships with important clients.


All the banks declined to comment.


But estimates from other bankers suggest that losses on some of the botched deals this year have run up to tens of millions of euros. “I do not think any bank sets out to make a loss on a trade, but their desire for deals at the moment can easily push them too far, says one banker, explaining the phenomenon.


Craig Coben, head of European equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, says the tough environment is to blame: “The old saying is ‘league tables keep your job but revenues get you paid’. Right now the emphasis at some banks is on maintaining relevance.

美国银行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)欧洲ECM部门主管克雷格·科本(Craig Coben)表示,这归咎于残酷的市场环境:“俗话说:‘排名保住你的饭碗,而营收保住你的薪水’。现在一些银行的重点在于保持竞争力。

The environment has rarely been worse. Despite a recent flurry of IPO deals from Direct Line, the insurance arm of RBS, and Telefónica Deutschland, as the secondary equity market has improved since the summer, global equity capital market volumes are still at their lowest since 2005 year to date.

市场环境很少像现在这么糟糕。尽管最近苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)保险分支机构Direct Line以及西班牙电信德国公司(Telefónica Deutschland)的IPO带来了短暂的繁荣,同时全球二级股票市场自今年夏天以来已经转暖,但全球ECM规模仍处于2005年以来的最低点。

The $540bn worth of activity this year is down nearly 30 per cent from the same period in 2010 and 7?per cent from last year, according to data from Thomson Reuters.

汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的数据显示,今年ECM交易规模为5400亿美元,比2010年同期下降近30%,比去年同期下降了7%。

And the $13.6bn in fees generated from equity capital market activity by investment banks is the lowest since 2003 and is down 20 per cent from last year.


Block trades have accounted for nearly 50 per cent of all equity capital market deals in the year to date, the highest on record, according to data from Dealogic, illustrating their importance when times get tough.


Five of the top 10 global ECM deals since 2008 have been block trades.


The beneficiary of banks bidding hard for blocks is often the client selling down its stake.


“This isn’t a case of bankers eager to take on risk, but rather clients exploiting a competitive landscape to put market risk on to the banks, says one senior banker.


When a trade does go wrong, however, companies can find they have an unexpected big shareholder in the form of a bank.


“It is not exactly a welcome development for a company when this happens, as banks are hardly long-term investors, says another banker.


The top three banks so far this year for ECM volumes are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citi with around $45bn each, according to Thomson Reuters.

汤森路透的数据显示,今年迄今ECM规模前三的银行为高盛、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)以及花旗,每家的规模大约为450亿美元。

The top three for fees are JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, making just under $1bn each year to date.


The competition has been described as “bloody, “rampant and even “carnivorous.


Amid the worst drought of initial public offerings and rights issues since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, equity capital market bankers are having to work extra hard to stay relevant this year.

今年是自雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭以来IPO(首次公开发行)和配股交易最为惨淡的一年,股权资本市场(ECM)的银行家们不得不格外努力以维持竞争优势。

In this tense atmosphere, investment bankers are bidding more aggressively – and sometimes disastrously – for so-called “block trade work, where banks buy large quantities of stock at a discount and sell it on to investors.


The work has the advantage of boosting banks’ rankings in industry league tables, which are closely watched internally and also important for marketing purposes as many companies want to deal with only the top-ranked institutions.


But block trade margins are often slim at best and, if the purchasing price is misjudged, banks vying for extra business can be left with millions of dollars in losses when the shares fall below the discount price offered at the initial auction.


“Competition is very tough these days, and there seem to be more examples of banks getting their fingers burnt by pushing a little bit too hard with their initial pricing on block trades, says a senior equity capital market banker at one of the top 10 banks.


Most recently, HSBC two weeks ago was left holding a more than €410m block of shares in Amadeus, a Spanish travel IT group, after it failed to attract enough investors to buy stock it was selling on behalf of Deutsche Lufthansa and Air France-KLM.

最近的例子是,两周前汇丰(HSBC)代表德国汉莎航空公司(Deutsche Lufthansa)和法荷航空(Air France-KLM)出售西班牙旅游信息技术集团Amadeus的股份,但由于未能吸引足够的投资者购买,价值4.10亿欧元的股份砸在了自己的手里。

In the deal HSBC placed 5.28 per cent of Amadeus shares at €19 a share, representing a 1.8 per cent discount to the closing price the day before, described as “very tight by rivals.

在此次交易中,汇丰以每股19欧元的价格收购了Amadeus 5.28%的股份,这一价格较收购前一交易日收盘价折让1.8%,汇丰的竞争对手称这一折扣“太小。

Unable to attract enough investors at that price the bank was forced to disclose it had a more than 5 per cent stake in Amadeus to Spain’s market regulator. Amadeus shares are now trading at €17.96, although it is not clear how much the bank still owns.


HSBC is far from alone. Earlier in the year Citigroup was left with a stake in Centrica, the British Gas supplier, after it failed to offload all of a £587m stake, while last year Goldman Sachs ended up with a stake in Monte dei Paschi, the Italian bank.

汇丰远非个例。今年早些时候,花旗集团(Citigroup)由于无法将英国天然气供应商Centrica价值5.87亿英镑的股票清仓而不得不被动持有其股份。而就在去年,高盛(Goldman Sachs)也最终把意大利西雅那银行(Monte dei Paschi)的股份砸在了手里。

Similarly, Nomura was left with shares in KBC Group, the Dutch bank, in October after a block trade, while Société Générale and BNP Paribas failed to dispose of some shares on a €499m block trade of Pernod Ricard, the French distiller, in March.

同样,在今年10月,野村证券(Nomura)在一次大宗交易之后也被迫持有荷兰的比利时联合银行(KBC Group)的股份,而在今年3月,法国兴业银行(Société Générale)与法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)在一次针对法国酿酒商保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)的4.99亿欧元规模的大宗交易中也未能处置掉部分股票。

Bankers point out that banks can hold a rump stake in the company and gradually sell down the shares over time, perhaps even at a profit. Block trades can also help develop relationships with important clients.


All the banks declined to comment.


But estimates from other bankers suggest that losses on some of the botched deals this year have run up to tens of millions of euros. “I do not think any bank sets out to make a loss on a trade, but their desire for deals at the moment can easily push them too far, says one banker, explaining the phenomenon.


Craig Coben, head of European equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, says the tough environment is to blame: “The old saying is ‘league tables keep your job but revenues get you paid’. Right now the emphasis at some banks is on maintaining relevance.

美国银行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)欧洲ECM部门主管克雷格·科本(Craig Coben)表示,这归咎于残酷的市场环境:“俗话说:‘排名保住你的饭碗,而营收保住你的薪水’。现在一些银行的重点在于保持竞争力。

The environment has rarely been worse. Despite a recent flurry of IPO deals from Direct Line, the insurance arm of RBS, and Telefónica Deutschland, as the secondary equity market has improved since the summer, global equity capital market volumes are still at their lowest since 2005 year to date.

市场环境很少像现在这么糟糕。尽管最近苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)保险分支机构Direct Line以及西班牙电信德国公司(Telefónica Deutschland)的IPO带来了短暂的繁荣,同时全球二级股票市场自今年夏天以来已经转暖,但全球ECM规模仍处于2005年以来的最低点。

The $540bn worth of activity this year is down nearly 30 per cent from the same period in 2010 and 7?per cent from last year, according to data from Thomson Reuters.

汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的数据显示,今年ECM交易规模为5400亿美元,比2010年同期下降近30%,比去年同期下降了7%。

And the $13.6bn in fees generated from equity capital market activity by investment banks is the lowest since 2003 and is down 20 per cent from last year.


Block trades have accounted for nearly 50 per cent of all equity capital market deals in the year to date, the highest on record, according to data from Dealogic, illustrating their importance when times get tough.


Five of the top 10 global ECM deals since 2008 have been block trades.


The beneficiary of banks bidding hard for blocks is often the client selling down its stake.


“This isn’t a case of bankers eager to take on risk, but rather clients exploiting a competitive landscape to put market risk on to the banks, says one senior banker.


When a trade does go wrong, however, companies can find they have an unexpected big shareholder in the form of a bank.


“It is not exactly a welcome development for a company when this happens, as banks are hardly long-term investors, says another banker.


The top three banks so far this year for ECM volumes are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citi with around $45bn each, according to Thomson Reuters.

汤森路透的数据显示,今年迄今ECM规模前三的银行为高盛、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)以及花旗,每家的规模大约为450亿美元。

The top three for fees are JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, making just under $1bn each year to date.




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