US and UK regulators will today unveil the first cross-border plans to deal with failing global banks, outlining proposals to force shareholders and creditors on both sides of the Atlantic to take losses and to ensure that sufficient capital exists in the banks’ headquarters to protect taxpayers.
Writing in the Financial Times, Martin Gruenberg, chairman of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Paul Tucker, deputy Bank of England governor, say this represents the first concrete steps to end the “too big to fail problem of international banks.
美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)主席马丁·格伦伯格(Martin Gruenberg)和英国央行(BoE)副行长保罗·塔克(Paul Tucker)在英国《金融时报》撰文表示,这是首次提出的旨在终结国际性银行“大到不能倒难题的具体化措施。
With Mr Tucker leading international efforts to devise emergency resolution plans, the US-UK template for their 12 large international banks will be a pattern for the 16 systemically important banks (GSifis) based in other countries.
“All countries share a very strong public interest in developing the capacity to resolve global systemically important financial institutions in a credible and effective way, the two bank regulators write.
The strategy paper says shareholders should expect to be wiped out and unsecured bondholders “can expect that their claims would be written down to reflect any losses that shareholders cannot cover, which did not happen when the US and UK had to prop up their international banks in the 2008 crisis. Senior management would be removed but critical business functions would continue and healthy subsidiaries could keep operating.
The intervention would occur at international banks’ top-tier holding company level. This avoids “separate territorial and entity-focused insolvency proceedings, as happened in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.
政府干预将发生在国际性银行的顶层控股公司层面。这会避免“按照不同地域和实体分别实施破产程序的情形,就如雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产时的处置办法那样。
The document states that since big US and UK banks do not currently hold sufficient debt and equity at the top of their group holding structures, regulators will need to take steps to address that.
US and UK regulators will today unveil the first cross-border plans to deal with failing global banks, outlining proposals to force shareholders and creditors on both sides of the Atlantic to take losses and to ensure that sufficient capital exists in the banks’ headquarters to protect taxpayers.
Writing in the Financial Times, Martin Gruenberg, chairman of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Paul Tucker, deputy Bank of England governor, say this represents the first concrete steps to end the “too big to fail problem of international banks.
美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)主席马丁·格伦伯格(Martin Gruenberg)和英国央行(BoE)副行长保罗·塔克(Paul Tucker)在英国《金融时报》撰文表示,这是首次提出的旨在终结国际性银行“大到不能倒难题的具体化措施。
With Mr Tucker leading international efforts to devise emergency resolution plans, the US-UK template for their 12 large international banks will be a pattern for the 16 systemically important banks (GSifis) based in other countries.
“All countries share a very strong public interest in developing the capacity to resolve global systemically important financial institutions in a credible and effective way, the two bank regulators write.
The strategy paper says shareholders should expect to be wiped out and unsecured bondholders “can expect that their claims would be written down to reflect any losses that shareholders cannot cover, which did not happen when the US and UK had to prop up their international banks in the 2008 crisis. Senior management would be removed but critical business functions would continue and healthy subsidiaries could keep operating.
The intervention would occur at international banks’ top-tier holding company level. This avoids “separate territorial and entity-focused insolvency proceedings, as happened in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.
政府干预将发生在国际性银行的顶层控股公司层面。这会避免“按照不同地域和实体分别实施破产程序的情形,就如雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产时的处置办法那样。
The document states that since big US and UK banks do not currently hold sufficient debt and equity at the top of their group holding structures, regulators will need to take steps to address that.