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It is easy to find bankers sighing about Chinese technology, media and telecoms deals these days. Since July, when the US Securities and Exchange Commission began an investigation into New Oriental Education and Technology Group, a New York-listed company that runs language schools in China, investors have been reluctant to touch Chinese TMT initial public offerings – a traditional driver of deals in the sector.

最近,人们容易见到银行家们对中国TMT(电信、媒体和科技)企业交易案唉声叹气。今年7月,美国证交会(SEC)启动对纽约上市公司新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education and Technology Group,下称新东方,该公司在中国经营语言培训学校)的调查。自那以后,投资者一直对中国TMT企业的首次公开发行(IPO)敬而远之。在过去,TMT领域的交易案主要为IPO。

The US regulator looked into whether the company should be allowed to include profits earned by the variable interest entity, or VIE, that operates the English schools. Far from being a single company’s problem, the probe poisoned an entire sector since most of China’s internet companies use VIEs. These include large, established players that have been listed in the US for many years such as Sina, the web portal company that also runs China’s largest Twitter equivalent.


Since Beijing does not allow foreign investors to control ownership in the industry, these companies are organised around VIEs – firms that use contracts to grant an offshore holding company the right to control their business but do not give the offshore investors an actual stake.


Last month, New Oriental shares recovered some ground after the company announced that the SEC had approved various accounting changes it made in response to the investigation.


However, the scare has almost completely halted the flow of new Chinese IPOs. China-related equity capital market deal value was down to $4.173bn as of November 19 from $9.726bn for the same period last year, according to Dealogic.


Only three firms from China have gone public in the US this year. Vipshop, the ecommerce business, and Acquity, a digital marketing company, rose above their IPO prices but little has followed since April. YY, a social media platform company that raised $81.9m in November – the first Chinese US IPO in seven months – prompted some cautious optimism. YY priced on the low end of its range but the shares closed 7.7 per cent up on the first day of trading. However, bankers say more is needed to restore confidence.

今年以来,只有三家中国企业在美国成功上市。电子商务公司唯品会(Vipshop.com) 和数字营销公司Acquity的股价已回升至其IPO价格之上,但自今年4月以来鲜有上涨。社交媒体平台公司欢聚时代(YY)今年11月份上市融资8190万美元,成为7个月以来首家在美IPO的中国企业,令市场在保持谨慎的同时也变得比较乐观。欢聚时代的发行价接近其定价区间底端,但上市当天股价收涨7.7%。然而,银行家们表示,还要付出更多努力才能恢复市场信心。

“The pendulum has swung too far, but although ... shock over the New Oriental case has subsided, it will take much more to get IPOs – the traditional main driver of deals in the TMT sector – going again, says one Hong Kong banker. “First, the scepticism over governance and regulatory issues needs to wash off. Then we need to see advertising recover, which has been a bit sluggish ... And eventually, we need to start seeing deals that work – most deals of the past two years are now trading below their IPO price.


Observers believe that the next meaningful Chinese technology IPO could well come from Alibaba Group, the company that runs China’s largest ecommerce empire and was responsible for a big chunk of deal volume this year with the taking-private of Alibaba.com, the originally Hong Kong-listed subsidiary that operates the company’s business-to-business online marketplace.

观察人士相信,下一个重量级中国科技企业IPO案例很可能来自阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)。该集团经营着中国最大的电子商务帝国,其将阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)私有化的那笔交易在今年的交易案总额中占据很大比重。阿里巴巴原本是阿里巴巴集团在香港上市的子公司,负责集团的企业对企业(B2B)在线销售市场业务。

“I would expect the Alibaba Group IPO to happen in mid-2023, says the head of technology banking for Greater China at a US bank. China’s largest online retailer, 360buy, plans a US listing, but is unlikely to beat Alibaba to its move.


And yet, the ecommerce sector has already kept deals flowing. Alibaba raised $7.6bn in debt and equity in September in what the company said was the largest-yet private financing for a Chinese pre-IPO company from a group of Chinese and international investors. The funds are being used to help the group unwind its complicated relationship with Yahoo, the US internet company that was once one of its largest shareholders. Meanwhile 360buy is also in the middle of another round of fundraising.


“The intense competition among Chinese ecommerce companies for market share, which requires a lot of cash, is another trend driving China TMT deals, says Brian Gu, head of China corporate finance and M and A at JPMorgan.

摩根大通(JPMorgan)中国区企业融资与并购(M and A)主管顾宏地(Brian Gu)表示:“中国电商企业之间为争抢市场份额展开了激烈的竞争,需要巨额的资金支持,这是推动中国TMT企业积极进行交易的另一个趋势。

. . .


On the mergers and acquisitions front, domestic deal value has surged to $28.57bn this year to date, from $14.2bn for the same period in 2011, according to Dealogic, as consolidation in sectors such as software services and outsourcing is under way. But outbound deals have slowed to $1.52bn from $1.96bn last year in a sign that Chinese companies “going out is still focused mainly on industries such as energy and resources.


Some bankers believe leading Chinese internet firms such as Tencent, which owns the world’s largest instant-messaging service by users, and Baidu, which runs China’s largest online search engine, will start making bigger acquisitions abroad as they try to penetrate foreign markets.


“You already have major companies that have dominated their market in China and find it difficult to further increase their market share, says one technology banker.


“We are going to see acquisitions of knowhow in developed countries, and of market share in developing countries with large populations.


But none of these potential deals is likely to reach the size of several billions of dollars. “The TMT sector is unlikely to be the source of a huge amount of outbound M and A, says Mr Gu.


China’s Lenovo, the world’s second-largest PC company, which acquired a stake in Japanese company NEC’s PC business last year and announced a deal for Brazilian electronics maker Digibras in September, is expected to produce more deals – most likely a bid for a commercial PC target to boost its market share in Europe.


Another potential source of big outbound deals could be telecoms and telecoms equipment, but this has become more complicated since a US congressional panel called for the exclusion of Chinese networking gear companies from the US market. “All these assets in the industry, like Motorola, BlackBerry or 3Com, may become available to other bidders but they will remain off limits for Huawei, says one banker.


A public listing allowing Huawei Technologies to lay its shareholder structure out in the open, thus countering suspicions that it might be controlled by the Chinese government or military, is not seen as an option. “Huawei has no plans to go public, says Scott Sykes, company spokesman, trying to lay to rest persistent rumours.

如果华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies)上市,它将公开披露股权结构,消除人们对该公司可能受到中国政府或军方控制的怀疑。但上市目前不在公司的考虑范围之内。各种谣言不绝于耳,为了平息谣言,华为发言人斯科特·赛克斯(Scott Sykes)说:“华为没有上市计划。

Bankers who have looked at the company say its complex shareholding history and management’s unwillingness to unravel it in detail makes an IPO practically impossible.


“In addition, the strong political suspicions the company faces in a market as vital as the US mean this would be a very hard sell to investors, says a technology head of a western bank.


The one area that is full of promise, however, is taking-private TMT deals. Jason Jiang, chairman of outdoor advertiser Focus Media, offered in August together with Carlyle and a number of other private equity firms to buy out the company’s US-listed holding in what is set to become China’s largest-yet leveraged buyout deal.

然而,TMT私有化交易却前景一片大好。今年8月,户外广告商分众传媒(Focus Media)董事长江南春(Jason Jiang)与凯雷(Carlyle)等多家私人股权公司共同发起对分众传媒在美上市股票的回购,预计这将成为中国迄今为止规模最大的一笔杠杆收购。

“There are more such take-private deals to come, says Mr Gu. “The easy pickings may be over, but you can still draw up a decent list of candidates for such deals, including billion-plus market cap companies.


It is easy to find bankers sighing about Chinese technology, media and telecoms deals these days. Since July, when the US Securities and Exchange Commission began an investigation into New Oriental Education and Technology Group, a New York-listed company that runs language schools in China, investors have been reluctant to touch Chinese TMT initial public offerings – a traditional driver of deals in the sector.

最近,人们容易见到银行家们对中国TMT(电信、媒体和科技)企业交易案唉声叹气。今年7月,美国证交会(SEC)启动对纽约上市公司新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education and Technology Group,下称新东方,该公司在中国经营语言培训学校)的调查。自那以后,投资者一直对中国TMT企业的首次公开发行(IPO)敬而远之。在过去,TMT领域的交易案主要为IPO。

The US regulator looked into whether the company should be allowed to include profits earned by the variable interest entity, or VIE, that operates the English schools. Far from being a single company’s problem, the probe poisoned an entire sector since most of China’s internet companies use VIEs. These include large, established players that have been listed in the US for many years such as Sina, the web portal company that also runs China’s largest Twitter equivalent.


Since Beijing does not allow foreign investors to control ownership in the industry, these companies are organised around VIEs – firms that use contracts to grant an offshore holding company the right to control their business but do not give the offshore investors an actual stake.


Last month, New Oriental shares recovered some ground after the company announced that the SEC had approved various accounting changes it made in response to the investigation.


However, the scare has almost completely halted the flow of new Chinese IPOs. China-related equity capital market deal value was down to $4.173bn as of November 19 from $9.726bn for the same period last year, according to Dealogic.


Only three firms from China have gone public in the US this year. Vipshop, the ecommerce business, and Acquity, a digital marketing company, rose above their IPO prices but little has followed since April. YY, a social media platform company that raised $81.9m in November – the first Chinese US IPO in seven months – prompted some cautious optimism. YY priced on the low end of its range but the shares closed 7.7 per cent up on the first day of trading. However, bankers say more is needed to restore confidence.

今年以来,只有三家中国企业在美国成功上市。电子商务公司唯品会(Vipshop.com) 和数字营销公司Acquity的股价已回升至其IPO价格之上,但自今年4月以来鲜有上涨。社交媒体平台公司欢聚时代(YY)今年11月份上市融资8190万美元,成为7个月以来首家在美IPO的中国企业,令市场在保持谨慎的同时也变得比较乐观。欢聚时代的发行价接近其定价区间底端,但上市当天股价收涨7.7%。然而,银行家们表示,还要付出更多努力才能恢复市场信心。

“The pendulum has swung too far, but although ... shock over the New Oriental case has subsided, it will take much more to get IPOs – the traditional main driver of deals in the TMT sector – going again, says one Hong Kong banker. “First, the scepticism over governance and regulatory issues needs to wash off. Then we need to see advertising recover, which has been a bit sluggish ... And eventually, we need to start seeing deals that work – most deals of the past two years are now trading below their IPO price.


Observers believe that the next meaningful Chinese technology IPO could well come from Alibaba Group, the company that runs China’s largest ecommerce empire and was responsible for a big chunk of deal volume this year with the taking-private of Alibaba.com, the originally Hong Kong-listed subsidiary that operates the company’s business-to-business online marketplace.

观察人士相信,下一个重量级中国科技企业IPO案例很可能来自阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)。该集团经营着中国最大的电子商务帝国,其将阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)私有化的那笔交易在今年的交易案总额中占据很大比重。阿里巴巴原本是阿里巴巴集团在香港上市的子公司,负责集团的企业对企业(B2B)在线销售市场业务。

“I would expect the Alibaba Group IPO to happen in mid-2023, says the head of technology banking for Greater China at a US bank. China’s largest online retailer, 360buy, plans a US listing, but is unlikely to beat Alibaba to its move.


And yet, the ecommerce sector has already kept deals flowing. Alibaba raised $7.6bn in debt and equity in September in what the company said was the largest-yet private financing for a Chinese pre-IPO company from a group of Chinese and international investors. The funds are being used to help the group unwind its complicated relationship with Yahoo, the US internet company that was once one of its largest shareholders. Meanwhile 360buy is also in the middle of another round of fundraising.


“The intense competition among Chinese ecommerce companies for market share, which requires a lot of cash, is another trend driving China TMT deals, says Brian Gu, head of China corporate finance and M and A at JPMorgan.

摩根大通(JPMorgan)中国区企业融资与并购(M and A)主管顾宏地(Brian Gu)表示:“中国电商企业之间为争抢市场份额展开了激烈的竞争,需要巨额的资金支持,这是推动中国TMT企业积极进行交易的另一个趋势。

. . .


On the mergers and acquisitions front, domestic deal value has surged to $28.57bn this year to date, from $14.2bn for the same period in 2011, according to Dealogic, as consolidation in sectors such as software services and outsourcing is under way. But outbound deals have slowed to $1.52bn from $1.96bn last year in a sign that Chinese companies “going out is still focused mainly on industries such as energy and resources.


Some bankers believe leading Chinese internet firms such as Tencent, which owns the world’s largest instant-messaging service by users, and Baidu, which runs China’s largest online search engine, will start making bigger acquisitions abroad as they try to penetrate foreign markets.


“You already have major companies that have dominated their market in China and find it difficult to further increase their market share, says one technology banker.


“We are going to see acquisitions of knowhow in developed countries, and of market share in developing countries with large populations.


But none of these potential deals is likely to reach the size of several billions of dollars. “The TMT sector is unlikely to be the source of a huge amount of outbound M and A, says Mr Gu.


China’s Lenovo, the world’s second-largest PC company, which acquired a stake in Japanese company NEC’s PC business last year and announced a deal for Brazilian electronics maker Digibras in September, is expected to produce more deals – most likely a bid for a commercial PC target to boost its market share in Europe.


Another potential source of big outbound deals could be telecoms and telecoms equipment, but this has become more complicated since a US congressional panel called for the exclusion of Chinese networking gear companies from the US market. “All these assets in the industry, like Motorola, BlackBerry or 3Com, may become available to other bidders but they will remain off limits for Huawei, says one banker.


A public listing allowing Huawei Technologies to lay its shareholder structure out in the open, thus countering suspicions that it might be controlled by the Chinese government or military, is not seen as an option. “Huawei has no plans to go public, says Scott Sykes, company spokesman, trying to lay to rest persistent rumours.

如果华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies)上市,它将公开披露股权结构,消除人们对该公司可能受到中国政府或军方控制的怀疑。但上市目前不在公司的考虑范围之内。各种谣言不绝于耳,为了平息谣言,华为发言人斯科特·赛克斯(Scott Sykes)说:“华为没有上市计划。

Bankers who have looked at the company say its complex shareholding history and management’s unwillingness to unravel it in detail makes an IPO practically impossible.


“In addition, the strong political suspicions the company faces in a market as vital as the US mean this would be a very hard sell to investors, says a technology head of a western bank.


The one area that is full of promise, however, is taking-private TMT deals. Jason Jiang, chairman of outdoor advertiser Focus Media, offered in August together with Carlyle and a number of other private equity firms to buy out the company’s US-listed holding in what is set to become China’s largest-yet leveraged buyout deal.

然而,TMT私有化交易却前景一片大好。今年8月,户外广告商分众传媒(Focus Media)董事长江南春(Jason Jiang)与凯雷(Carlyle)等多家私人股权公司共同发起对分众传媒在美上市股票的回购,预计这将成为中国迄今为止规模最大的一笔杠杆收购。

“There are more such take-private deals to come, says Mr Gu. “The easy pickings may be over, but you can still draw up a decent list of candidates for such deals, including billion-plus market cap companies.




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