Scenes of angry customers who lost money on an exotic structured product protesting outside a Shanghai bank has analysts wondering whether Chinese banks could soon be facing their own Lehman Brothers “minibonds moment.
看到上海一家银行的客户因为投资一款奇异结构化产品亏钱、然后在银行门口愤怒抗议的场景,分析师在猜想,不久之后中国银行业是不是也会遇上它们自己的雷曼(Lehman Brothers)“迷你债券时刻。
Last week, the collapse of a product sold by a Shanghai branch of Huaxia Bank Co. 600015.SH +0.44% drew dozens of protestors, holding signs with slogans such as “Huaxia Bank swindled us of our money we earned through blood and sweat. The product promised annualized returns of between 11% and 13%. When the one-year product came due on Nov. 25, the investment firm that created the product failed to pay investors. The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop, a car sales company, a car services company and an entertainment company.
Readers may be able to draw parallels with here with the scenes of customers, many retired retail investors, who for the last few years have been ceaselessly protesting outside banks such as Bank of China’s Hong Kong branch, Citibank and DBS over the collapse of derivatives linked to Lehman Brothers, including “minibonds and equity-linked notes.
In 2009, under pressure from Hong Kong regulators, the banks that sold the minibonds agreed to buy them back from retail investors, paying back around 60% of the par value. The banks later signed a settlement with Lehman Brothers and its receivers and trustees to recover some of the underlying collateral on those notes, giving minibond investors additional compensation from the banks.
For their part, Chinese banks have been selling high-yielding products, or wealth-management products (WMPs), amid ultra-low savings rates in recent years. According to Barclays, the total outstanding balance of WMPs increased from 0.5 trillion yuan at the end of 2008 to 8.8 trillion yuan by the third-quarter of this year, OR around 10% of total deposits.
Huaxia Bank is in discussions with investors over a settlement. Shanghai authorities have also begun investigating the default, and have said that Huaxia bank should “bear some responsibility for the product.
“We view the settlement of Huaxia’s equity investment fund as a good indication of whether banks will be bearing future liabilities for all investment products, said Barclays.
Even if the banks played no role in structuring or guaranteeing these WMPs, Moody’s analyst Bin Hu says in a note that there are growing instances of disputes where claimants are “turning to banks to address their grievances.
“The risk is that, given the potential effect on banks’ reputation and social stability, they will face heavy pressure to settle, said Moody’s, adding that while the amount involved in the Huaxia case is relatively small 140 million yuan ($22.5 million) ─ it would nonetheless “set a precedent for future cases.
Scenes of angry customers who lost money on an exotic structured product protesting outside a Shanghai bank has analysts wondering whether Chinese banks could soon be facing their own Lehman Brothers “minibonds moment.
看到上海一家银行的客户因为投资一款奇异结构化产品亏钱、然后在银行门口愤怒抗议的场景,分析师在猜想,不久之后中国银行业是不是也会遇上它们自己的雷曼(Lehman Brothers)“迷你债券时刻。
Last week, the collapse of a product sold by a Shanghai branch of Huaxia Bank Co. 600015.SH +0.44% drew dozens of protestors, holding signs with slogans such as “Huaxia Bank swindled us of our money we earned through blood and sweat. The product promised annualized returns of between 11% and 13%. When the one-year product came due on Nov. 25, the investment firm that created the product failed to pay investors. The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop, a car sales company, a car services company and an entertainment company.
Readers may be able to draw parallels with here with the scenes of customers, many retired retail investors, who for the last few years have been ceaselessly protesting outside banks such as Bank of China’s Hong Kong branch, Citibank and DBS over the collapse of derivatives linked to Lehman Brothers, including “minibonds and equity-linked notes.
In 2009, under pressure from Hong Kong regulators, the banks that sold the minibonds agreed to buy them back from retail investors, paying back around 60% of the par value. The banks later signed a settlement with Lehman Brothers and its receivers and trustees to recover some of the underlying collateral on those notes, giving minibond investors additional compensation from the banks.
For their part, Chinese banks have been selling high-yielding products, or wealth-management products (WMPs), amid ultra-low savings rates in recent years. According to Barclays, the total outstanding balance of WMPs increased from 0.5 trillion yuan at the end of 2008 to 8.8 trillion yuan by the third-quarter of this year, OR around 10% of total deposits.
Huaxia Bank is in discussions with investors over a settlement. Shanghai authorities have also begun investigating the default, and have said that Huaxia bank should “bear some responsibility for the product.
“We view the settlement of Huaxia’s equity investment fund as a good indication of whether banks will be bearing future liabilities for all investment products, said Barclays.
Even if the banks played no role in structuring or guaranteeing these WMPs, Moody’s analyst Bin Hu says in a note that there are growing instances of disputes where claimants are “turning to banks to address their grievances.
“The risk is that, given the potential effect on banks’ reputation and social stability, they will face heavy pressure to settle, said Moody’s, adding that while the amount involved in the Huaxia case is relatively small 140 million yuan ($22.5 million) ─ it would nonetheless “set a precedent for future cases.