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The big story of 2023 has been the refusal of the euro zone to collapse, much to the frustration of those who bet heavily or staked their professional credibility on its demise.


It's amazing when one thinks back one year just how widely held was this belief in imminent eurogeddon. Many senior bankers, particularly in London and Frankfurt, privately believed Greece would be out of the euro in 2023; the chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland even said so publicly.

就在一年前,有关欧元区即将解体的看法还获得了普遍的支持,现在回过头去看未免会觉得不可思议。许多资深银行家,特别是那些在伦敦和法兰克福的银行家私下里都认为希腊将会在2023年退出欧元区。苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)的董事长甚至公开表达了这一观点。

At the Bank of England, some officials were convinced the euro would break up last Christmas and the BOE continued to assume a euro collapse for most of this year. Bearish economists such as Nouriel Roubini and Citigroup's Willem Buiter, who coined the term Grexit for a Greek euro exit, were feted like celebrities. Anyone who stood against this tide of conventional wisdom was assumed to be a starry-eyed europhile.

英国央行(Bank of England)的一些官员曾确信欧元区会在去年圣诞节解体,而英国央行今年大部分时间也都继续持欧元区会解体的观点。鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)和花旗集团(Citigroup)的布伊特(Willem Buiter)等看空欧元区的经济学家曾为希腊退出欧元区创造了“希腊退欧(Grexit)一词,他们获得了明星般的追捧。任何不认同这一普遍看法的人都被认为是过分乐观的“恋欧癖者。

These euro bears have since had to perform what journalists call a reverse ferret. Yields on Spanish and Italian bonds are back to their lowest levels since mid-2011, Ireland looks on track to regain full market access next year, Greece has received substantial debt relief and foreign investors are starting to dip their toes back into peripheral euro zone bond markets.


It's hard now to find a senior banker or official who thinks the euro zone will break up next year. The Bank of England's latest Financial Stability Review still sees risks but these are now in the medium term. True, Citigroup still expects Greece to eventually leave the euro zone, but it has reduced the probability to 60% and pushed out its forecast time until mid-2023, which was probably as far as it could go to reverse its extreme position without looking ridiculous.

现在认为欧元区明年将解体的高级银行家或官员寥寥无几。虽然英国央行最新一期《金融稳定评估报告》(Financial Stability Review)认为欧元区解体的风险依然存在,但它目前认为这只是中期风险。不错,花旗仍预计希腊最终将退出欧元区,但它已经将这种可能性降低到60%,并将自己预测的希腊退出欧元区时间推迟至2023年年中,花旗此举或许既能让它得以扭转以往的极端立场,又不显得荒唐可笑。

Of course, the euro crisis isn't over. Just because the bears got it wrong in 2023 doesn't mean they won't be right eventually. Some warn the current market calm is dangerous because it might lead to renewed complacency.


This is a valid concern. But in trying to assess where the risks lie, it is important to understand why the bears have been wrong so far. After all, the euro zone actually performed worse in 2023 than even the gloomiest forecaster predicted, and the Greek economy collapsed more completely than anyone believed possible.


Yet the bears underestimated the near-impossibility of unraveling the single currency, the determination of the European Central Bank to avoid catastrophe─with its offers of unlimited support to banks and governments─and the sheer political will, in the core and the periphery, to hold the bloc together.

然而,看空者低估了欧元区解体的不可实现性,低估了欧洲央行(European Central Bank)避免欧元区解体的决心(该行承诺会向银行业和政府提供无限支持),也低估了欧元区核心国家和外围国家避免欧元区解体的强大政治意愿。

Events have so far shown the central assumption underlying the doom scenario to be flawed. Many bears assumed the scale of internal devaluation─economic adjustment via reductions in domestic wages and prices─needed to make financially stressed euro-zone countries competitive would be too great for a modern democracy to bear.


As a result, they argued the only alternative to a euro breakup was a full-blown political and fiscal union based on a mutualization of debts and massive fiscal transfers that was probably impossible to achieve.


In fact, the most significant discovery of the year has been the extent to which financially stressed euro-zone countries have borne the cost of internal devaluation. The euro area navigated through every major 'do-or-die' political challenge it faced this year, not least the Greek elections, which delivered a coalition committed to fulfilling the bailout conditions even in the midst of a deep depression.


So does the euro zone really still need to create a full-blown political union that commands little public support? Probably not. The key question is whether the current policy mix of fiscal discipline and structural overhauls, aided by ECB support, will deliver the growth needed to bring debts under control and create the jobs required to ensure continued political support for the euro.


Where one stands on this question hinges partly on what one believes is driving the euro-zone economy.


The pessimistic view is that the euro zone is in the grip of an austerity-induced downward spiral from which there is no sign of escape. This view─encouraged by the International Monetary Fund's analysis of fiscal multipliers and shared by some typically skeptical of Keynesianism─suggests the periphery's debts will ultimately prove unsustainable.

悲观的看法是,欧元区已经陷入财政紧缩导致的下行螺旋之中,没有逃脱的迹象。这种看法受到国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)财政乘数分析的鼓舞,也是一些通常对凯恩斯主义持怀疑态度的人士的观点。依这种看法,事实将证明外围国家的债务终究是不可持续的。

The alternative view is that the euro zone is suffering a balance of payments crisis caused partly by a loss of competitiveness and fueled by doubts over the euro zone's survival. On this analysis, the removal of those doubts combined with steps to boost competitiveness will allow capital to return to the periphery and borrowing costs to come down.


The fact that foreign investors are returning, bond yields are falling and financially stressed euro-zone countries are regaining competitiveness─albeit at a terrible price in high unemployment─suggests the optimists may be vindicated again in 2023.


Particularly encouraging is the growth of Spanish exports, which have matched those of Germany and contributed to a balance of payments surplus. With a fair wind from the global economy, the hope is that the euro zone can pull out of recession in the second half of 2023 once the latest fiscal measures have worked through the system.


But there is one risk often ignored by both sides: while economists tend to pay little attention to banks, policy makers are increasingly realizing that the ability of the financial system to extend credit is crucial to recovery. The Bank of England last week demanded a major review of U.K. bank balance sheets amid concerns that an impaired banking system is causing the economy to turn Japanese, starving healthy businesses of credit.


Yet there is little sign of similar anxiety in the euro zone, despite a banking system heavily dependent on central-bank funding. Even after last week's restructuring plan, Spanish banks will still require 350 billion ($455 billion) of ECB funding, creating a powerful incentive for them to continue to shrink their balance sheets, potentially hurting business lending.


The real danger is that a weak banking system continues to undermine the recovery, creating exactly the kind of political pressures the bears have warned about for so long. The solution must lie partly in the creation of a new single euro-zone banking supervisor with real powers to intervene to force banks to strengthen their balance sheets and shut down failed institutions


Euro-zone finance ministers will discuss this proposal again in Brussels this week. This is one piece of integration they cannot afford to flunk. The euro's survival may yet depend on it.


The big story of 2023 has been the refusal of the euro zone to collapse, much to the frustration of those who bet heavily or staked their professional credibility on its demise.


It's amazing when one thinks back one year just how widely held was this belief in imminent eurogeddon. Many senior bankers, particularly in London and Frankfurt, privately believed Greece would be out of the euro in 2023; the chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland even said so publicly.

就在一年前,有关欧元区即将解体的看法还获得了普遍的支持,现在回过头去看未免会觉得不可思议。许多资深银行家,特别是那些在伦敦和法兰克福的银行家私下里都认为希腊将会在2023年退出欧元区。苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)的董事长甚至公开表达了这一观点。

At the Bank of England, some officials were convinced the euro would break up last Christmas and the BOE continued to assume a euro collapse for most of this year. Bearish economists such as Nouriel Roubini and Citigroup's Willem Buiter, who coined the term Grexit for a Greek euro exit, were feted like celebrities. Anyone who stood against this tide of conventional wisdom was assumed to be a starry-eyed europhile.

英国央行(Bank of England)的一些官员曾确信欧元区会在去年圣诞节解体,而英国央行今年大部分时间也都继续持欧元区会解体的观点。鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)和花旗集团(Citigroup)的布伊特(Willem Buiter)等看空欧元区的经济学家曾为希腊退出欧元区创造了“希腊退欧(Grexit)一词,他们获得了明星般的追捧。任何不认同这一普遍看法的人都被认为是过分乐观的“恋欧癖者。

These euro bears have since had to perform what journalists call a reverse ferret. Yields on Spanish and Italian bonds are back to their lowest levels since mid-2011, Ireland looks on track to regain full market access next year, Greece has received substantial debt relief and foreign investors are starting to dip their toes back into peripheral euro zone bond markets.


It's hard now to find a senior banker or official who thinks the euro zone will break up next year. The Bank of England's latest Financial Stability Review still sees risks but these are now in the medium term. True, Citigroup still expects Greece to eventually leave the euro zone, but it has reduced the probability to 60% and pushed out its forecast time until mid-2023, which was probably as far as it could go to reverse its extreme position without looking ridiculous.

现在认为欧元区明年将解体的高级银行家或官员寥寥无几。虽然英国央行最新一期《金融稳定评估报告》(Financial Stability Review)认为欧元区解体的风险依然存在,但它目前认为这只是中期风险。不错,花旗仍预计希腊最终将退出欧元区,但它已经将这种可能性降低到60%,并将自己预测的希腊退出欧元区时间推迟至2023年年中,花旗此举或许既能让它得以扭转以往的极端立场,又不显得荒唐可笑。

Of course, the euro crisis isn't over. Just because the bears got it wrong in 2023 doesn't mean they won't be right eventually. Some warn the current market calm is dangerous because it might lead to renewed complacency.


This is a valid concern. But in trying to assess where the risks lie, it is important to understand why the bears have been wrong so far. After all, the euro zone actually performed worse in 2023 than even the gloomiest forecaster predicted, and the Greek economy collapsed more completely than anyone believed possible.


Yet the bears underestimated the near-impossibility of unraveling the single currency, the determination of the European Central Bank to avoid catastrophe─with its offers of unlimited support to banks and governments─and the sheer political will, in the core and the periphery, to hold the bloc together.

然而,看空者低估了欧元区解体的不可实现性,低估了欧洲央行(European Central Bank)避免欧元区解体的决心(该行承诺会向银行业和政府提供无限支持),也低估了欧元区核心国家和外围国家避免欧元区解体的强大政治意愿。

Events have so far shown the central assumption underlying the doom scenario to be flawed. Many bears assumed the scale of internal devaluation─economic adjustment via reductions in domestic wages and prices─needed to make financially stressed euro-zone countries competitive would be too great for a modern democracy to bear.


As a result, they argued the only alternative to a euro breakup was a full-blown political and fiscal union based on a mutualization of debts and massive fiscal transfers that was probably impossible to achieve.


In fact, the most significant discovery of the year has been the extent to which financially stressed euro-zone countries have borne the cost of internal devaluation. The euro area navigated through every major 'do-or-die' political challenge it faced this year, not least the Greek elections, which delivered a coalition committed to fulfilling the bailout conditions even in the midst of a deep depression.


So does the euro zone really still need to create a full-blown political union that commands little public support? Probably not. The key question is whether the current policy mix of fiscal discipline and structural overhauls, aided by ECB support, will deliver the growth needed to bring debts under control and create the jobs required to ensure continued political support for the euro.


Where one stands on this question hinges partly on what one believes is driving the euro-zone economy.


The pessimistic view is that the euro zone is in the grip of an austerity-induced downward spiral from which there is no sign of escape. This view─encouraged by the International Monetary Fund's analysis of fiscal multipliers and shared by some typically skeptical of Keynesianism─suggests the periphery's debts will ultimately prove unsustainable.

悲观的看法是,欧元区已经陷入财政紧缩导致的下行螺旋之中,没有逃脱的迹象。这种看法受到国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)财政乘数分析的鼓舞,也是一些通常对凯恩斯主义持怀疑态度的人士的观点。依这种看法,事实将证明外围国家的债务终究是不可持续的。

The alternative view is that the euro zone is suffering a balance of payments crisis caused partly by a loss of competitiveness and fueled by doubts over the euro zone's survival. On this analysis, the removal of those doubts combined with steps to boost competitiveness will allow capital to return to the periphery and borrowing costs to come down.


The fact that foreign investors are returning, bond yields are falling and financially stressed euro-zone countries are regaining competitiveness─albeit at a terrible price in high unemployment─suggests the optimists may be vindicated again in 2023.


Particularly encouraging is the growth of Spanish exports, which have matched those of Germany and contributed to a balance of payments surplus. With a fair wind from the global economy, the hope is that the euro zone can pull out of recession in the second half of 2023 once the latest fiscal measures have worked through the system.


But there is one risk often ignored by both sides: while economists tend to pay little attention to banks, policy makers are increasingly realizing that the ability of the financial system to extend credit is crucial to recovery. The Bank of England last week demanded a major review of U.K. bank balance sheets amid concerns that an impaired banking system is causing the economy to turn Japanese, starving healthy businesses of credit.


Yet there is little sign of similar anxiety in the euro zone, despite a banking system heavily dependent on central-bank funding. Even after last week's restructuring plan, Spanish banks will still require 350 billion ($455 billion) of ECB funding, creating a powerful incentive for them to continue to shrink their balance sheets, potentially hurting business lending.


The real danger is that a weak banking system continues to undermine the recovery, creating exactly the kind of political pressures the bears have warned about for so long. The solution must lie partly in the creation of a new single euro-zone banking supervisor with real powers to intervene to force banks to strengthen their balance sheets and shut down failed institutions


Euro-zone finance ministers will discuss this proposal again in Brussels this week. This is one piece of integration they cannot afford to flunk. The euro's survival may yet depend on it.




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