杜甫草堂英语?杜甫草堂英语导游词 杜甫是唐朝最有名的诗人之一,杜甫草堂曾是杜甫的居所。杜甫草堂位于成都西郊,屋外河流、古式建筑、亭台楼阁和古树是它的'标志。下面我为大家准备了杜甫草堂的英语导游词,欢迎阅读。那么,杜甫草堂英语?一起来了解一下吧。
Terracotta Warriors
Temple of Heaven
the Great Wall
Tian'anmen Square
the Summer Palace
the Forbidden City 回答顷举者: 热心网友 | 2011-2-17 23:20
从天坛开始:Temple of Heaven---the Great Wall---Tian'anmen Square---the Summer Palace---the Forbidden City秦始皇兵马俑 Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines
黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls
避暑山庄theImperial Mountain Summer Resort
龙门石窟 Longmen Stone Cave
苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens
庐山 Lushan Mountain
天池 Heaven Pool
西山雪the Sunny Western Hills after Snow
仙人洞 Fairy Cave
蓬莱水城 Penglai Water City
大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda
华山 Huashan Mountain
峨嵋山 Emei Mountain
天池 Heaven Poll
大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda
华山 Huashan Mountain
峨眉山 Emei Mountain
西湖 West Lake
布达拉宫 Potala Palace
滇池 Dianchi Lake
杜甫草堂厅此 Du Fu Cottage
都江堰 Dujiang Dam
鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet
岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower
黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower
紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation
黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls
龙门石窟 Longmen Cave
桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters
漓江 Lijiang River
九寨沟 Nine-village Valley
张家界 Zhang Jiajie
石林 Stone Forest
白马寺 White Horse Temple
白云山 White Cloud Mountain
大运河 Grand Canal
滇池 Dianchi Lake
杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage
都江堰 Dujiang Dam
鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet
观音阁Goddess of Mercy Pavilion
归元寺Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺 Sweet Dew Temple
黄花岗七十二烈士墓Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs
华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring
昭君墓 Zhaojun's Tomb
毛泽东故居Mao Zedong's former Residence
周恩来故居 Zhou Enlai's former Residence
越秀公园 Yuexiu Park
岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower
南湖公园 South Lake Park
中山公园 Zhongshan Park
武侯祠 Temple of Marquis
寒山寺 Hanshan Temple
静心斋 Heart-East Study
黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower
黄山 Huangshan Mountain
长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River
台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan 回答者雀伏碧: miumiu7155 | 二级 | 2011-2-19 20:24
My hometown -- - chengdu, now famous and well-known open economies. Her neat graceful, developed economy, abundant, make a person yearning. Her long history, culture, mahoganypanelled splendour, keep the culture is one sacred mecca. Hometown mount qingcheng, is reluctant to leave. It is a picturesque, smoke fluctuates, is not only the best place for full qingcheng mountain scenery, and it is a rich Chinese traditional culture connotation mountains. Standing in the peak, panoramic view of infinite scene. Home not only full of lakes and mountains, and be permeated with the natural beauty of the modern breath. Chengdu ground, high-tech development zone industrial city, commercial city ZhuangZhuang with villa. The east street, with both sides ZhiBi buildings arranged, the great and providence high fields momentum. Building wind to you, flage ostentatious display of the contemporary chengdu vigor. Walking in the street, like flies, pedestrian traffic flow, a wide range of commodities make you dazzling, the eyes are not only flaw answered. Listen! School work every day, somehow ShuSheng country produced much talent!
ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.
Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they dont cost much.Whatmore ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.
Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Dont hestitate.
武侯祠:Wuhou Temple
九敬明寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui
世界自然遗闹稿丛产:the World Natural Heritage
都江液樱堰:the Dujiangyan Dam
杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage
青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple
武侯祠:Temple of Marquis
杜甫草堂:Du Fu Cottage
都江堰:Doujiang Weir
蜀仔激南竹海:Bamboo Sea
泸沽湖:Lugu Lake
My hometown -- - chengdu, now famous and well-known open economies. Her neat graceful, developed economy, abundant, make a person yearning. Her long history, culture, mahoganypanelled splendour, keep the culture is one sacred mecca. Hometown mount qingcheng, is reluctant to leave. It is a picturesque, smoke fluctuates, is not only the best place for full qingcheng mountain scenery, and it is a rich Chinese traditional culture connotation mountains. Standing in the peak, panoramic view of infinite scene. Home not only full of lakes and mountains, and be permeated with the natural beauty of the modern breath. Chengdu ground, high-tech development zone industrial city, commercial city ZhuangZhuang with villa. The east street, with both sides ZhiBi buildings arranged, the great and providence high fields momentum. Building wind to you, flage ostentatious display of the contemporary chengdu vigor. Walking in the street, like flies, pedestrian traffic flow, a wide range of commodities make you dazzling, the eyes are not only flaw answered. Listen! School work every day, somehow ShuSheng country produced much talent!
·川剧 Sichuan Opera
·成都大熊猫生态公园 Chengdu Giant Panda Ecological Park
·成都和陵 Chengdu and Mausoleum
·成都昭觉寺 Chengdu Zhao Juesi
·成都永陵博物馆 Chengdu Yongling Museum
·成都凤凰山 Chengdu Phoenix Mountains
·成都文殊院 Chengdu Wenshu Yuan
·成都百花潭公园 Chengdu Baihua Tan Park
·成都文化公园Chengdu Cultural Park
·成都白水河国家级自然保护区 Chengdu Baishui He National Nature Reserve
·成都烟霞湖 Chengdu haze Lake
·成都朝搭辩阳湖Chengdu Chaoyang Lake
·成都野生世界Chengdu wild world
·成都青羊宫Chengdu Qingyang Gong
·成都云顶山知好缺 Chengdu Genting Hill
·成都杜甫草堂 Chengdu, Du Fu Thatched Cottage
·成都鸡冠山Chengdu Ji Guanshan
·成都袜岁九龙沟 Chengdu Jiulong Gou
·川西宝镜—白塔湖 Western Sichuan Baojing - Baita Lake
·成都天台山 Chengdu Tiantai Mountain
·白鹤山 Pak Hok Shan
·青城山 Qingcheng Mountain
·都江堰 Dujiangyan
·成都锦里古街Chengdu Jin, Heritage Streets
·成都武侯祠博物馆 Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum
·金沙遗址 Jinsha
·龙池国家森林公园 Longchi National Forest Park
·望江楼Wangjiang Floor
1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan cave):
以上就是杜甫草堂英语的全部内容,杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple武侯祠:Temple of Marquis都江堰:Doujiang Weir九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou蜀南竹海:Bamboo Sea三星堆遗址:Sanxingdui成都(Chengdu),简称蓉,四川省会,1993年被国务院确定为西南地区的科技、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。