Eurozone leaders face a new round of brinkmanship over Greece’s €174bn bailout after international lenders failed to bridge differences on how to reduce Athens’ burgeoning debt levels, pushing the country perilously close to defaulting on a €5bn debt payment due next week.
Officials had hoped to finalise the new programme, which extends Greece’s rescue two years to 2023, at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels on Monday. That would free up a long-delayed €31.3bn aid payment desperately sought by Athens.
But according to officials involved in negotiations, international lenders remain far apart on how much debt relief for Greece is needed and who will bear the losses from lower debt repayments.
“It is absolutely clear that we will need another round after next Monday, said one senior eurozone official involved in the talks. “There are a number of issues that still need to be wrapped up.
Although negotiators insisted they are narrowing the differences, time may be running out. One senior official said the European Central Bank, which holds the €5bn in debt due next Friday, is resisting rolling the payment over, putting pressure on all sides to reach a deal quickly.
Officials said the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, two of three members of the so-called “troika responsible for managing Greece’s bailout, are at odds over the size and the pace of Greece’s debt reduction.
官员们表示,负责管理希腊纾困的“三驾马车中的两个成员:国际货币基金组织(IMF)和欧盟委员会(European Commission)在希腊降低债务的规模和步伐方面存在分歧。
The IMF remains more pessimistic about Greece’s ability to return to economic growth, the amount it will collect in its €50bn privatisation programme, and how much money is needed to recapitalise the country’s teetering banking system.
As a result, Brussels and Washington are 5-10 percentage points apart on where Greece’s debt will stand by 2023, the target date in the rescue programme for returning Athens to sustainable debt levels.
Further complicating negotiations, officials said the IMF is insisting Greek debt levels are reduced to 120 per cent of gross domestic product by 2023, while the European Commission is urging an easing of the target to about 125 per cent by 2023.
Eurozone leaders face a new round of brinkmanship over Greece’s €174bn bailout after international lenders failed to bridge differences on how to reduce Athens’ burgeoning debt levels, pushing the country perilously close to defaulting on a €5bn debt payment due next week.
Officials had hoped to finalise the new programme, which extends Greece’s rescue two years to 2023, at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels on Monday. That would free up a long-delayed €31.3bn aid payment desperately sought by Athens.
But according to officials involved in negotiations, international lenders remain far apart on how much debt relief for Greece is needed and who will bear the losses from lower debt repayments.
“It is absolutely clear that we will need another round after next Monday, said one senior eurozone official involved in the talks. “There are a number of issues that still need to be wrapped up.
Although negotiators insisted they are narrowing the differences, time may be running out. One senior official said the European Central Bank, which holds the €5bn in debt due next Friday, is resisting rolling the payment over, putting pressure on all sides to reach a deal quickly.
Officials said the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, two of three members of the so-called “troika responsible for managing Greece’s bailout, are at odds over the size and the pace of Greece’s debt reduction.
官员们表示,负责管理希腊纾困的“三驾马车中的两个成员:国际货币基金组织(IMF)和欧盟委员会(European Commission)在希腊降低债务的规模和步伐方面存在分歧。
The IMF remains more pessimistic about Greece’s ability to return to economic growth, the amount it will collect in its €50bn privatisation programme, and how much money is needed to recapitalise the country’s teetering banking system.
As a result, Brussels and Washington are 5-10 percentage points apart on where Greece’s debt will stand by 2023, the target date in the rescue programme for returning Athens to sustainable debt levels.
Further complicating negotiations, officials said the IMF is insisting Greek debt levels are reduced to 120 per cent of gross domestic product by 2023, while the European Commission is urging an easing of the target to about 125 per cent by 2023.