时光再次辗转,即将进入九月,我们的记忆也被染成金黄色。秋色,是滤过春的轻佻、夏的浮躁、冬的寂聊之后,一年中最温暖、最丰富、最成熟的美。1960年,词作者Tom Jones以诗人的细腻情怀,记录下了关于秋的咏叹——“Try to Remember(《常追忆》)。
“Try to Remember是Tom Jones为音乐剧The Fantasticks (《魔棒》)创作的歌曲。歌曲以严格和近乎完美的韵律格式,描绘了一幅浓郁芬芳的乡间秋日美景。作者在歌中反复咏叹“remember和“September,以九月之美景,表达对生命、对爱情的切切怀念、赞美和追忆之情。即使严冬将至,即使大雪将临,作者的心中仍然燃烧着九月的烈火。歌曲以无法阻挡的感染力穿透了无数听众挑剔的听觉神经,使它自上个世纪60年代起便被不断翻唱流传,并帮助The Fantasticks成为美国音乐剧坛的常青树。
在众多演绎“Try to Remember的版本里,“四兄弟演唱组(The Brothers Four)的演唱是最成功的。这个来自西雅图的民谣乐队,以简单清新的木吉他和流水潺潺般的小提琴为背景,配以悠扬婉转的和声,成功地复原了一幅温暖隽永的乡野秋色、生命之色。
Try to Remember 常追忆
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When life was slow and oh so mellow 生活悠游,芳香淳静
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When grass was green and grain was yellow 稻穗金黄,草色青青
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When you were a tender and a callow fellow 你温柔相依,羞涩恬静
Try to remember and if you remember 常追忆,若你仍时常追忆
Then follow-follow, oh-oh 请与我一起,随记忆前行
Try to remember when life was so tender 常追忆,其时生命如此恬静
That no one wept except the willow 无人泪流,唯有那柳儿唏嘘声声
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When love was an ember about to billow 当爱之余烬,焕发炽热恋情
Try to remember and if you remember 常追忆,若你仍时常追忆
Then follow-follow, oh-oh 请与我一起,随记忆前行
Deep in December it’s nice to remember 当十二月将尽,九月如芬芳回忆
Although you know the snow will follow 尽管已知,大雪将临
Deep in December it’s nice to remember 当十二月将尽,九月如芬芳回忆
The fire of September that made us mellow 九月的激情,让我们的爱醇厚丰盈
Deep in December our hearts should remember 十二月将尽,你我当两心铭记
And follow-follow, oh-oh 让我们一起,随记忆前行
时光再次辗转,即将进入九月,我们的记忆也被染成金黄色。秋色,是滤过春的轻佻、夏的浮躁、冬的寂聊之后,一年中最温暖、最丰富、最成熟的美。1960年,词作者Tom Jones以诗人的细腻情怀,记录下了关于秋的咏叹——“Try to Remember(《常追忆》)。
“Try to Remember是Tom Jones为音乐剧The Fantasticks (《魔棒》)创作的歌曲。歌曲以严格和近乎完美的韵律格式,描绘了一幅浓郁芬芳的乡间秋日美景。作者在歌中反复咏叹“remember和“September,以九月之美景,表达对生命、对爱情的切切怀念、赞美和追忆之情。即使严冬将至,即使大雪将临,作者的心中仍然燃烧着九月的烈火。歌曲以无法阻挡的感染力穿透了无数听众挑剔的听觉神经,使它自上个世纪60年代起便被不断翻唱流传,并帮助The Fantasticks成为美国音乐剧坛的常青树。
在众多演绎“Try to Remember的版本里,“四兄弟演唱组(The Brothers Four)的演唱是最成功的。这个来自西雅图的民谣乐队,以简单清新的木吉他和流水潺潺般的小提琴为背景,配以悠扬婉转的和声,成功地复原了一幅温暖隽永的乡野秋色、生命之色。
Try to Remember 常追忆
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When life was slow and oh so mellow 生活悠游,芳香淳静
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When grass was green and grain was yellow 稻穗金黄,草色青青
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When you were a tender and a callow fellow 你温柔相依,羞涩恬静
Try to remember and if you remember 常追忆,若你仍时常追忆
Then follow-follow, oh-oh 请与我一起,随记忆前行
Try to remember when life was so tender 常追忆,其时生命如此恬静
That no one wept except the willow 无人泪流,唯有那柳儿唏嘘声声
Try to remember the kind of September 常追忆,那醉人的九月
When love was an ember about to billow 当爱之余烬,焕发炽热恋情
Try to remember and if you remember 常追忆,若你仍时常追忆
Then follow-follow, oh-oh 请与我一起,随记忆前行
Deep in December it’s nice to remember 当十二月将尽,九月如芬芳回忆
Although you know the snow will follow 尽管已知,大雪将临
Deep in December it’s nice to remember 当十二月将尽,九月如芬芳回忆
The fire of September that made us mellow 九月的激情,让我们的爱醇厚丰盈
Deep in December our hearts should remember 十二月将尽,你我当两心铭记
And follow-follow, oh-oh 让我们一起,随记忆前行