中国舞英语?中国舞狮英语是Chinese lion dance。Chinese lion dance意思是中国舞狮,据说,中国的舞狮(lion dance)起源于南北朝(theSouthern and Northern Dynasties)时期,至今已有一千多年的历史了。狮子代表欢乐和幸福。在中国古代,那么,中国舞英语?一起来了解一下吧。
Chinese Folk Dance
It's a kind of Chinese folk dance, called the fan dance.
答唤铅:这个句子用英语可以颤败这么和洞好说:Our school will/ is going to start/have the Chinese national dance training course every weekend.
给我在纯亏中国的家发一封电子邮件,中式舞蹈,in the center of Peking,天安门广场,the West Lake,要想念中国,来自中国的明信稿者片做敬神
China dances has the glorious historical origin and the deep artisticaccumulation, before 5000, China already appeared the dance.
The dance was our country ancient times called "was happy" importantconstituent, but Le Ze was one kind of comprehensive artistic shape.The ancient thought that, "The so-called poem indicates the thoughtsand feelings, sings its sound, the dance displays its external image.Three all roots Yu Ren's innermost feelings, then musical instrumentalong with it performance." Happy is containing the poem dance happythese base elements. Beginning this ancient art is born in it,originally is the unified whole, the chaos cannot be divided. Thepeople of our time called the poetry, the music, the dance, only wereafter has experienced the quite long section of developing process,only then gradually evolved forms.
After this kind of primitive artistic shape produces, becomeshumanity's on long development path faithful travelling companions,accompanies the humanity from the childhood to the adult, fromignorantly enters the civilization. During, the different socialculture environment, the different time flow, either deeply orshallowly has left behind the trace in the dancing to music art.Therefore, not only is to the artistic history research, took to thehumanity productive labor, the life style, the religious belief, thepublic sentiment common social practice, ethics idea, the morals isstandard, the esthetic appeal... ... And even the political cultureinspection and the exploration, the ancient dance culture has providedthe broad domain and the field of vision without doubt.
In the dancing to music is containing the national spirit in-depthconsciousness. China vast in territory, the nationality ismultitudinous, the complex diverse ecological environment and thecultural tradition, not the balanced historical developmentadvancement, exaggerates a color variegated for our country dancing tomusic culture, the content numerous grand picture scroll. China dancesis Chinese nation all wisdom and the mind crystallization.
Our country ancient times danced in the primitive society crossed hasgerminated, forms the time, approximately reached in the Bronze Age tois mature, then further developed in the feudal society, undergoes theChinese to Tang, had achieved in the Tang Dynasty tripod with twohandles prime season, from Song after, entered the reforming timealong with the artistic domain whole change
China dances main content
The Chinese dance category is many, the extraordinary splendornumerously assumes, the different nationality, the different region,the different dance plants all has the each every differentdisposition and the tone. But is not difficult to discover that, Chinadances is a whole, has the common charm and the style, also did notsay between between national, the region frequent exchange, mutuallyblends together, is the amusement person and the self-entertainment,the specialty and extra-curricular, the religion and the commoncustom, the palace and the folk... ... Also presents in you to have inall me, me has you, crisscrossedly intertwines condition. During,regardless of is the sacrificial offering dances, the performancedances, or the social dancing, the education dance, the patriarchalclan dance, the profession dance... ... In dances in hundred gardensto hold the small space, is displaying the function and the functionwhich cannot be substituted, but the court music dance, the skillhappy dance, the folk custom dance, the religious dance is the Chinesedance culture tradition important composition aspect.
China dances the performance the content to induce has three kinds:
The first kind is reflects each kind of labor production and the lifeclass dance.
The second kind is and the folk custom related department's dance.
The third kind is the sacrificial offering dance.