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The presidential election is heading down to the wire. With three weeks to go, the polls show Mitt Romney and Barack Obama within a few points. The swing states are in play. Somewhere close to $2 billion will be spent in total on the final outcome.

再过两周,美国总统选举将迎来最后时刻。民调显示,罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和奥巴马(Barack Obama)目前的差距仅有数个百分点。几个摇摆州将备受关注。到最终结果出炉,这次总统大选总计将花费近20亿美元。

It's time to look ahead. What sort of agenda will the winner inherit? How will he deal with a bitterly divided and partisan political system, a weak recovery, and a raft of pressing crises at home and abroad?


Here's what the email from his chief economic adviser might look like on Nov. 7.


Dear Mr. President/President-Elect,


Congratulations on your victory. I'm sorry to butt in on your celebrations, but you asked for a summary of the economic problems ahead. I'm afraid you face five major ones.


1. The fiscal cliff


On Dec. 31 the U.S. federal government is going to hit a potentially disastrous so-called fiscal cliff. Under current law, taxes are set to jump and spending will be cut. This is partly due to the planned expiration of the Bush-era and other tax cuts and partly to spending cuts agreed to last year.


This must not be allowed to happen. The International Monetary Fund, the Congressional Budget Office and most economists agree that the net effect of this sharp budget tightening, at a time when the economy is weak, could tip the U.S. economy back into recession.

但你决不能允许这样的情况发生。国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund, 简称:IMF)、国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)和大部分经济学家都认为,在美国经济不景气的当口,严厉财政紧缩措施的净效应会使经济重陷衰退。

Middle-class taxpayers would see a big jump in tax bills. Andrew Smithers, a financial consultant in London who called the last two financial crises, suspects it could also tank the stock market.

中产阶级纳税人的纳税额将大幅上涨。曾预言过前两次金融危机的伦敦经济咨询师史密瑟斯(Andrew Smithers)估计,严厉的财政紧缩措施还会使股票市场受到重创。

Yet something must be done. Clearly, $1 trillion-plus budget deficits cannot go on indefinitely. And Congress is likely to demand some form of deal as the price for approving yet another increase to the debt ceiling early next year. We need that agreement, or you will be the first president in history to default on Treasury bonds.


2. Jobs


According to the Labor Department, about 15% of the workforce, or one worker in seven, is either unemployed or stuck working part-time because he or she can't get full-time work. And 23% of prime working-age men - about 14 million ages 25 to 54 - lack a full-time job. Think about the lost output in the economy - and lost taxes to the government.

据劳工部(Labor Department)称,约15%的劳动力因为找不到全职工作要么处于失业状态,要么就只能打零工,也就是说,每七个劳动力中就有一个这样的人。约23%处于最佳就业年龄段的男性──即约1,400万名年龄在25岁至54岁之间的男性──没有全职工作。想想吧,有多少经济产出和政府税收因此而丧失。

This has been a recession like no other since World War II. Yes, the U.S. has recovered faster than many of our overseas competitors. And, yes, the private sector has been hiring at a reasonable clip lately - about 145,000 new jobs a month so far this year.

这次的经济衰退 是二战以来最严重的。没错,我们比许多海外竞争者复苏得更快。没错,私营部门的就业率最近一直以可观的速度增长,年初迄今平均每月新增约145,000个岗位。

Over the last four years, the U.S. government has thrown billions and billions of borrowed money, and billions more of printed money, at the economy. Yet according to a recent study by the Associated Press, this has been the weakest recovery since the War.

过去四年中,美国政府将数十亿借来的钱和几十亿印出来的钱扔进经济体系当中,但据美联社(Associated Press)最近的一项研究显示,此次经济复苏是二战以来最乏力的。

The public has just elected you to sustain a jobs recovery in these circumstances. And the public is looking for you to bring the estimated five million long-term unemployed back into the economy.


3. Retirement


If you think the jobs crisis is bad, look at the looming retirement crisis.


Social Security and Medicare, most agree, are on unsustainable fiscal ground. Taxes will have to be raised, and spending reined in, to ensure the systems stay solvent. This is a major item on your to-do list.


But here's the problem. There's only so much you can cut, because 80 million baby boomers are starting to retire─and very few of them are prepared. According to the latest survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, an independent think tank, 'a sizable percentage of workers have virtually no money in savings and investments.'

但问题是,你能削减的支出也就那么多。因为8,000万婴儿潮时期出生的人即将进入退休年龄,而他们中做好了退休准备的人寥寥无几。据独立智库雇员福利研究中心(Employee Benefit Research Institute)最新的调查显示,有相当一部分的劳动者几乎没有任何存款或投资。

Sixty percent of all workers surveyed have less than $25,000 in savings and investments, and 30% have less than $1,000. The figures for boomers - those over 45 - are better, but not by a lot.


To put this in context, $25,000 will buy a retired couple an annuity of only about $118 a month. Add that to an average Social Security check of $1,230 a month, and you are potentially looking at mass poverty among the elderly.


4. Debt


You've probably heard that Americans have been paying down debts and shoring up their balance sheets. You've probably heard that corporations are meanwhile sitting on a ton of cash. It all sounds promising.


The trouble is that it's mostly a mirage.


According to the Federal Reserve, total household debts have fallen 6% from their peak at the top of the bubble. They are higher today than they were at the end of 2006.

美联储(Federal Reserve)称,家庭债务总额已从泡沫最严重时的顶点下降了6%。但目前这一额度依然高于2006年年末时的水平。

Meanwhile, 'cash-rich' U.S. corporations have borrowed an extra $1.1 trillion just since 2007, and their total debts now stand at a record $8.2 trillion.


Throw in U.S. government debts, and you have a system that in total owes $39 trillion - an unprecedented two and a half times gross domestic product. This poses serious risks, including weak growth and even another financial crisis.


5. China


In the short term, you face the risks of a 'hard landing' for the Chinese economy. For the last few years, it has been a major engine of the global economy. In the coming months, many on Wall Street worry, that may be interrupted as China switches from an economy dominated by infrastructure spending to one with more consumer spending.


In the longer term, every president since Ulysses S. Grant has presided over an America that had the biggest economy in the world. You will probably be the last.

长期来看,自格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)就任总统以来,美国一直是全球最大的经济体。不过你可能是最后一位看到这种情形的美国总统了。

Based on International Monetary Fund data, China's real output is set to hit $20.2 trillion by 2023, surpassing $19.7 trillion in the U.S. And China is still seeing faster long-term growth than the mature U.S. economy. The gap will widen year after year. Our share of global output, which was 24% in 2000, will by 2023 be down to 18% - and falling.


This poses enormous economic, political and strategic challenges. Yes, our military is still No. 1 - but you can't run a first-class empire with a second-class economy, as the British and the Soviets learned years ago.

这将在经济、政治和战略上带来巨大的挑战。是的,我们的军事力量仍然是世界第一,但是没有一流的经济就不会有一流的帝国。多年以前,英国和苏联的经验已经验证了这一点 。

Sorry about all this doom and gloom, Mr. President/President-Elect, especially on the morning after your big triumph.


But look on the bright side. The Electoral College doesn't meet till Dec. 17. Maybe they'll pick the other guy instead.

但我们也不妨看看光明的一面。选举人团(Electoral College)要12月17日才开会,到时候说不定他们会选择你的对手呢。

The presidential election is heading down to the wire. With three weeks to go, the polls show Mitt Romney and Barack Obama within a few points. The swing states are in play. Somewhere close to $2 billion will be spent in total on the final outcome.

再过两周,美国总统选举将迎来最后时刻。民调显示,罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和奥巴马(Barack Obama)目前的差距仅有数个百分点。几个摇摆州将备受关注。到最终结果出炉,这次总统大选总计将花费近20亿美元。

It's time to look ahead. What sort of agenda will the winner inherit? How will he deal with a bitterly divided and partisan political system, a weak recovery, and a raft of pressing crises at home and abroad?


Here's what the email from his chief economic adviser might look like on Nov. 7.


Dear Mr. President/President-Elect,


Congratulations on your victory. I'm sorry to butt in on your celebrations, but you asked for a summary of the economic problems ahead. I'm afraid you face five major ones.


1. The fiscal cliff


On Dec. 31 the U.S. federal government is going to hit a potentially disastrous so-called fiscal cliff. Under current law, taxes are set to jump and spending will be cut. This is partly due to the planned expiration of the Bush-era and other tax cuts and partly to spending cuts agreed to last year.


This must not be allowed to happen. The International Monetary Fund, the Congressional Budget Office and most economists agree that the net effect of this sharp budget tightening, at a time when the economy is weak, could tip the U.S. economy back into recession.

但你决不能允许这样的情况发生。国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund, 简称:IMF)、国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)和大部分经济学家都认为,在美国经济不景气的当口,严厉财政紧缩措施的净效应会使经济重陷衰退。

Middle-class taxpayers would see a big jump in tax bills. Andrew Smithers, a financial consultant in London who called the last two financial crises, suspects it could also tank the stock market.

中产阶级纳税人的纳税额将大幅上涨。曾预言过前两次金融危机的伦敦经济咨询师史密瑟斯(Andrew Smithers)估计,严厉的财政紧缩措施还会使股票市场受到重创。

Yet something must be done. Clearly, $1 trillion-plus budget deficits cannot go on indefinitely. And Congress is likely to demand some form of deal as the price for approving yet another increase to the debt ceiling early next year. We need that agreement, or you will be the first president in history to default on Treasury bonds.


2. Jobs


According to the Labor Department, about 15% of the workforce, or one worker in seven, is either unemployed or stuck working part-time because he or she can't get full-time work. And 23% of prime working-age men - about 14 million ages 25 to 54 - lack a full-time job. Think about the lost output in the economy - and lost taxes to the government.

据劳工部(Labor Department)称,约15%的劳动力因为找不到全职工作要么处于失业状态,要么就只能打零工,也就是说,每七个劳动力中就有一个这样的人。约23%处于最佳就业年龄段的男性──即约1,400万名年龄在25岁至54岁之间的男性──没有全职工作。想想吧,有多少经济产出和政府税收因此而丧失。

This has been a recession like no other since World War II. Yes, the U.S. has recovered faster than many of our overseas competitors. And, yes, the private sector has been hiring at a reasonable clip lately - about 145,000 new jobs a month so far this year.

这次的经济衰退 是二战以来最严重的。没错,我们比许多海外竞争者复苏得更快。没错,私营部门的就业率最近一直以可观的速度增长,年初迄今平均每月新增约145,000个岗位。

Over the last four years, the U.S. government has thrown billions and billions of borrowed money, and billions more of printed money, at the economy. Yet according to a recent study by the Associated Press, this has been the weakest recovery since the War.

过去四年中,美国政府将数十亿借来的钱和几十亿印出来的钱扔进经济体系当中,但据美联社(Associated Press)最近的一项研究显示,此次经济复苏是二战以来最乏力的。

The public has just elected you to sustain a jobs recovery in these circumstances. And the public is looking for you to bring the estimated five million long-term unemployed back into the economy.


3. Retirement


If you think the jobs crisis is bad, look at the looming retirement crisis.


Social Security and Medicare, most agree, are on unsustainable fiscal ground. Taxes will have to be raised, and spending reined in, to ensure the systems stay solvent. This is a major item on your to-do list.


But here's the problem. There's only so much you can cut, because 80 million baby boomers are starting to retire─and very few of them are prepared. According to the latest survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, an independent think tank, 'a sizable percentage of workers have virtually no money in savings and investments.'

但问题是,你能削减的支出也就那么多。因为8,000万婴儿潮时期出生的人即将进入退休年龄,而他们中做好了退休准备的人寥寥无几。据独立智库雇员福利研究中心(Employee Benefit Research Institute)最新的调查显示,有相当一部分的劳动者几乎没有任何存款或投资。

Sixty percent of all workers surveyed have less than $25,000 in savings and investments, and 30% have less than $1,000. The figures for boomers - those over 45 - are better, but not by a lot.


To put this in context, $25,000 will buy a retired couple an annuity of only about $118 a month. Add that to an average Social Security check of $1,230 a month, and you are potentially looking at mass poverty among the elderly.


4. Debt


You've probably heard that Americans have been paying down debts and shoring up their balance sheets. You've probably heard that corporations are meanwhile sitting on a ton of cash. It all sounds promising.


The trouble is that it's mostly a mirage.


According to the Federal Reserve, total household debts have fallen 6% from their peak at the top of the bubble. They are higher today than they were at the end of 2006.

美联储(Federal Reserve)称,家庭债务总额已从泡沫最严重时的顶点下降了6%。但目前这一额度依然高于2006年年末时的水平。

Meanwhile, 'cash-rich' U.S. corporations have borrowed an extra $1.1 trillion just since 2007, and their total debts now stand at a record $8.2 trillion.


Throw in U.S. government debts, and you have a system that in total owes $39 trillion - an unprecedented two and a half times gross domestic product. This poses serious risks, including weak growth and even another financial crisis.


5. China


In the short term, you face the risks of a 'hard landing' for the Chinese economy. For the last few years, it has been a major engine of the global economy. In the coming months, many on Wall Street worry, that may be interrupted as China switches from an economy dominated by infrastructure spending to one with more consumer spending.


In the longer term, every president since Ulysses S. Grant has presided over an America that had the biggest economy in the world. You will probably be the last.

长期来看,自格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)就任总统以来,美国一直是全球最大的经济体。不过你可能是最后一位看到这种情形的美国总统了。

Based on International Monetary Fund data, China's real output is set to hit $20.2 trillion by 2023, surpassing $19.7 trillion in the U.S. And China is still seeing faster long-term growth than the mature U.S. economy. The gap will widen year after year. Our share of global output, which was 24% in 2000, will by 2023 be down to 18% - and falling.


This poses enormous economic, political and strategic challenges. Yes, our military is still No. 1 - but you can't run a first-class empire with a second-class economy, as the British and the Soviets learned years ago.

这将在经济、政治和战略上带来巨大的挑战。是的,我们的军事力量仍然是世界第一,但是没有一流的经济就不会有一流的帝国。多年以前,英国和苏联的经验已经验证了这一点 。

Sorry about all this doom and gloom, Mr. President/President-Elect, especially on the morning after your big triumph.


But look on the bright side. The Electoral College doesn't meet till Dec. 17. Maybe they'll pick the other guy instead.

但我们也不妨看看光明的一面。选举人团(Electoral College)要12月17日才开会,到时候说不定他们会选择你的对手呢。



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