1. 信件的开头:
We are writing to enquire about…
We are writing in connection with…
We are interested in … and we would like toknow…
You want to know the prices of some airconditioners.
We are interested in your air conditioner and wewould like to know the prices of some air conditioners.
You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further rmation.
We are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday.
You want to know if the pany you are writing to organizes holidays to Africa.
We are writing to inquire about the holidays to Africa that your pany organizes.
2. 回信的开头:
Thank you for your letter of date
We have received your letter of date
asking if …拍悉
enquiring about …
enclosing …
concerning …
A pany wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers.
Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.
A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your pany. He alsosent his curriculum vitae.
We have received your letter of 18 December, enclosing your curriculum vitae.
A pany sent you a fax on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to themarketing conference in London.
Thank you for your fax of 3 June, asking if I was going to the marketing conference inLondon.
A woman telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 hadarrived.
Thank you for your telephone call this morning concerning the order No. 599.
3. 信件的结尾:
I look forward to receiving your reply/order/products/ect.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I hope that this rmation will help you.
Please contact me if you need any further rmation.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Please let me know if you need any further rmation.
7. 说明原因:
This is owing to …
due to …
a result of …
because of …
注:owing to 通常用于不好的讯息。
一、比喻(the figures of speech) 比喻是语言艺术的升华。英语中常见的比喻方法有三种:明喻、隐喻和借喻。 1.明喻(the simile) 格式:本体 + 显著比喻词(like/as/as if---) + 喻体 常用介词like 、连词as,as if,as---so、动词seem等以及句型A---to B as C---to D等等表示“好像”意思的比喻说法就叫明喻。 例如: (1)Teacher, you are like the sun, but more magnificent, and more brillant. 老师,您像太阳,又比太阳更灿烂更辉煌。 (2)Your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as noble as pine trees! All praise to you, our beloved teacher. 您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您,敬爱的老师。 英语中除上述的用介词、连词或句型等的明喻表达方式外,还有许多常用的明喻习语。例如: (1)as clear as crystal清如水晶 (2)as weak as water软弱无力 这类利用类似汉语的押韵和叠声增加语言的美感。
列氏轮举法和举例歼拆信法(Listing and Exemplification)
因果法(Cause and Effect)
类比御档一对比法(Comparison and Contrast)
一、比喻(the figures of speech)
1.明喻(the simile)
格式:本体 + 显著比喻词(like/as/as if) + 喻体
常用介词like 、连词as,as if,asso、动词seem等以及句型ato b asctod等等表示“好像”意思的比喻说法就叫明喻。
(1)teacher, you are like the sun, but more magnificent, andmorebrillant. 老师,您像太阳,又比太阳更灿烂更辉煌。
(2)your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as nobleaspine trees! all praise to you, our belovedteacher.您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您,敬爱的老师。
一般英文败渣会用Writing skill(写作技巧)来表达写作手法。
或悄液者说the way of expressing(表达手法)来表达某人表达时启枯物所用的方法。
以上就是写作手法英语的全部内容,要使自己的英语作文显得有文采,考生就要在英语写作中尝试采用有效的修辞手法,下面就介绍几种修辞方法: 一、比喻(the figures of speech)比喻是语言艺术的升华。英语中常见的比喻方法有三种:明喻、隐喻和借喻。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。